Fantasy Football

Robin if Shockey is healthy by playoff time I'll be happy. It looks like Michael Vick will be ready then so it's probably to much to expect Shockey would be also! :D :D :D Oh well, I'd better worry about Rich first, the law of averages is really on his side BIG TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :rolleyes: :D :D :D
I'll start by admitting I know nothing about the rules of fantasy football. My question is how would Shockey being well by the playoffs help you when the Giants aren't going to be in the playoffs and he won't be playing?
Well Clark I'm rooting for you to end up in the gutter! :D :D :D Nothing personal you understand! :D :rolleyes: :p :D Your right about Wormy being a pain in the *ss, but like I said my problem this week is Rich. With a 3 way tie for third and one of those being eliminated from playing for the championship this week there is no way of knowing who's playing who when the playoffs start. The only thing for sure is you and I are in no matter what. :wave: :D :thumb:
Phew! that was close the Sprinboks won by a measly 3.33 points. Has there ever been such a close score before? Now Tyson, I knocked the Denmans off the perch, when is someone going to do that to you,:D :D :D
" Playoffs this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check the site - Good prospects for the Baldwins hehehehe "

What are you saying Mikey??? That I'm a no-contest opponent??? :D :D :D Robin thank you for helping me finish on top for the regular season! Much appreciated my friend :thumb: :) . That $20 is in the mail! :D :D :D To answer your 2 questions Robin
1- No, I don't remember a closer score
2- Not during the next 2 games I hope!!!!!! :D

Mikey are you ready to get your b*tt whipped!!!!:p :p :p You not know it's bad to give your opponents "bulletin board" material before the game? :D :D :D :D :D
Boy! Talk about a nailbiter. Well played Robyn. A lousey 3.33 points. I knew that it would be close, that it was in Bulger's range, but at the high end of it. And then My KC DEF let me down big time. Now that you know how to set your players Robin you could be a real powerhouse. Fair warning to everyone else,especially you Tyson!!! Enjoy your view from the top of the heap, you might not be there very long. :D :D :D :D
My God! I was just looking at the playoff berths and it turns out that I have to play Robin again for the second week in a row! :eek: :eek: :eek: You had better be ready Robin. I'm going to wring those :curse: :curse: :curse: 3.33 points out of my team somehow!