Digitals Yamato

Hi Jim

I have been looking at the drawings for these two it looks as if they made changes to both ships every time they hit a port with a work shop. :roll:
What I have done is picked a set of drawings for the same year 1944.

The reason for this date is I want Yamato in her 1944 shape and the drawings I have don't show much of a dif between the ships. Have fun with yours pick a date and go for it, this is after Conny yes :wink:


Hi all

Almost finished the kit side of things!

The white on the bows, I was not happy with the way I had fitted it so I shaved it down to give the right look :roll:

A few more bits on the bows and bridge island and loads of paint work :lol:

Hope to do the rigging and rails next:lol:

Should be fun


Hi all

I could not resist having a go at the railings while waiting for the glue on Big Mo to dry :lol:

I tried cotton and paper but at this scale they did not look very good when finished so I went back to wire.

This is how I did them!!

Most models have the positions of the rails marked on the deck, all I did was to measure between the two points. This will give you how far apart the posts are. Next note on the construction notes an object of known hight and were the rails come to in relation to the object selected. This will give the hight of the rails. The next step is to work out the spacing for the number of rails the model (Yamato has only two bar rails all round). Then use this information to draw a pattern, pin this to a board. If you have a good set of construction drawings all you do is scale it off and don't bother with the above :lol:

Next take a wire of the right size and pin one end, pulling the wire tight across the pattern pin the other end

Solder a few posts in, then lay a steel rule across the work done and this will stop the heat from undoing the work you have done by melting the solder. After this cut the cross bars and solder them in same way.
Carry on like this until you have a length of rail for the job you are doing.

Hope this helps



Looks better than my 3rd rail to stick to the deck but then I would probably balls up pushing pins through the deck. Looks great and certainly adds to the finish of the model.

Great stuff, Rob! :D

Come on, Barry, your rails and other wire soldering details came out great, Mate! I'd be lucky to avoid setting my work bench on fire if I tried this stuff. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing more rails!! :lol:

Hi all

This will be the last post for Yamato for a while as making the rails and other bits to add on will take some time :roll:

The first picture is of Yamato's un finished sister ship INJ Shinano decked out as a carrier (a good project for someone to have a crack at as most of the hull work has already been designed)

I just liked these photos so what the heck I posted them :lol:


Hi all

While panning back through this thread looking for some of the links posted
I noticed Tims post with regard to the number of views this thread had.
I have just looked now and its almost 11,000 views :shock:

Well all I can say is thanks for your enthusiast support with the building of this beast for the tips, links and encouragement along the way.

Iam gob smaked :shock:

I will post some more photos when she is nearly done with her add ons.

Thanks again

Build it, photo it and post it and they will come (to see some great paper modeling)! :lol:

Okay, for the language challenged amongst us (well, okay, for me!), what does "Gob Smacked" mean? :?

You do such great work, Rob, it isn't surprising at all to me that you had so many people looking at this thread. Wait until you see the totals on Missouri and Arizona! :D

And 6,000 + on SAVAGE is nothing to sneeze at either, Barry!


Mike, Mike, Mike.... :D

I expect far less than that for my Connie, being a little tyke in comparison (yes, I hope to post an update soon). Barry's Savage, on the other hand (amazing detail work, that), like Rob's Yamato (and now Arizona and Missouri), Scorpio's Bismark and Rodney, and some of the other great builds that are going on, are gems! I just can't seem to get enough photos of those beauts (hint,hint). :lol:

I've just got to pick a bigger build for the next project so I can enjoy trying some of the detailed work others have entertained us with, maybe one of those Shipyard kits or something not yet done on this forum...I have a few little ideas I've been considering. :wink:

hit counts


Just for laughs Savage is a well travelled lady and racked up a few hits elsewhere Kartonbau 1209 and modelarstwo 1605 therefore we shall cheat and call it 8935 and thats a lot for a little ship but really as long as people look at all the models it does not matter. And she hasn't even got a full set of rigging yet.


Savage world tour coordinator