Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Did you see Flyny Mc Cullah's pink T Bird at over 100K and that Jag sedan the otherday for 3o K? That was a bargin.

They had Alice Cooper,s 38 Packard too.
What a car.

I am about done with the floor thing, the dog wrecks my concists like Godzilla walking around Tokyo.
Gil Finn said:
Did you see Flyny Mc Cullah's pink T Bird at over 100K and that Jag sedan the otherday for 3o K? That was a bargin.

They had Alice Cooper,s 38 Packard too.
What a car.

I am about done with the floor thing, the dog wrecks my concists like Godzilla walking around Tokyo.
Saw Alice Cooper's car - that was nice :)

Yeah - I know about the dogs :( My cats won't stay off my layout :( They just add to the repair & upkeep problems :( :(
Monday Morn the 23rd. Off to Chicago. Gotta catch a plane. Wish I had the time to ride the rails. Talk to ya all when I return. Bye bye and remember to keep chugging.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio

where the temp 36 and headed to mid 40's.

Just thing that I used to own '69 RoadRunner with 383 and 4 speed. Long gone now.

Well on the other front, Ford workers are not the lonly ones looking for work. The company that I worked for for 10 years is having a very hard time and I was one of 18 people let go today. :( So now that that door has closed we are looking for the next open doorway :) .

Pick of the Day


Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 34 deg with snow in the forecast.

Thanks guys for the kind words. Rumor mill said that the company filed Ch 11 yesterday, so it is better to be one of the first look for work before 275 are all looking for work.

OTTS meeting this Friday.

Pick of the day

How is it the Mike's engines set of the fire alarm and my Lionel cant smoke in this county less they are at the dog track or a bar?
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 27 with high winds and lake effect snow. We almost forgot that it is still winter :eek:ops:

Gil - That almost wants you to move south.

OTTS meeting this Friday. Anyone in the NE Ohio area wishes to attend, drop me an email.

Pick of the Day


Tom - Sorry about the loss of your job. I didn't notice, or missed, any mention over on the CTT forum, only check in here every two of three days. That's the same way I ended up taking early retirement. I was 1 of 15 from our plant and of a couple hundred nationwide.

Are you old enough and vested to where you can draw a pension? When I figured taking it eary vs. waiting to 65 I'd have to live into my 90's to make up the difference waiting would make. Loosing that job, other than the $'s, was the best thing to happen, added years to my life.

Keep a positive attitude, things happen for a reason.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 27 deg and overcast.

Gil - very sorry to hear about your friend. His soul is in our prayers.

Roger - I don't think I posted it on the CTT. AT 57 I am way too young to cosider retirement. I believe that I will find something out there. The company that I worked for looks like they are headed to Ch 11. I was one of 14 salary. The total salary was 45 people before this. They cut the heart and future out of the bussines this week. I personly don't see how they can recover from this.

OTTS meeting tomorrow at my place.

Pick of the Day


Hey Tom, its never too early, I was 56 when it hit. I stayed home a year on severence then when I got bored I went to work at Target for pocket money. For me, unless I was willing to relocate and take a job at a lot less than I was making there wasn't much else to do. When i got hit the economy had crashed and was still sinking, you couldn't buy a project engineering job, nobody was doing capital improvements.
Thank you Tom.

I retired at age 40 or so with SSI and a little VA disability and I suggest you work as long as you can.

Were I working now, I now at 54 would save every dime I made and work as long as I could ,also I would change my eating and exercise routine to one of wellness.

Medical bills will eat up your retirement income at an alarming rate.

You would do well to down size every thing about your life style before it is to late.

With the rate of inflation and rising costs of fuel and medical care, just as an examples of things to come, the nest egg you have now cant possible permit you to retire to the life you expect.

I have down sized all my exceptions, possessions and plans for the future.

If you think you can at age sixty-five live the life you have now on $900 a month Social Security you are in for a rude awakening.

Your co pay and deductible from Medicare will bankrupt you if you or you wife have a stroke, cancer or a heart attack.

Had I the lay out that some of you do I would sell 75% and putit in mutual funds.

I expect all but the wealthy will fore see a life as a Walmart greeter until age 75.
Hey Tom,

Sorry to hear about the job. That stinks. Glad to hear you are already starting to interview. As my wife says, things usually turn out for the best. You will bounce back from this and things will be even better. Your good attitude will carry you far.

Best wishes,
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