Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 49 deg and falling to 36 today.
From Wednesday thru week end temp will be highs in the 50's bounce7

Yesterday we got some sunshine in the afternoon :) and we took down our outside lights.

Gil - I will let you know next week on the car, but don't hold just for me. :thumb:

Pick of the Day

Morning gang. Now Tom, that is a great photo [you always have good ones]. Looks just like it could have been years ago. Glad you are having some warming because it should turn cold later this week for you. I plan on working upstairs. announce1 Love these smilies. Off to plant some tree at oldest's housse [promised to do that several months ago] and visit with Frankie [he lives right up the street from her].

Have a good one and God bless all.
NO Hurry, I am not sure what I will do, maybe trade it for two post war hoppers or sell it on ebay.

I think I will advertise it on the ogr site first.:wave: I have $30 or so in it.

My CTT came today along with a seed catalog, spring is on the way.:thumb:

I used that pic above for a web screen.

The ones you posted at my place are generating comments.

I will tell you what on this scale C&O hopper.

I will sell it for a donation to the Miner's Fund that the Wva Council Of Churches has on line.

Send them $30 and me postage and it is yours.

Check with me first as the first donation gets it.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 34 deg and headed to 43 with Sunshine on the way:cool:

Gil - that's a deal. I will make the donation and pay your postage. aussie Let me konw if someone bet me to this.

Chief - we may hit 60 by the weekend :p

OTTS Meeting this Friday

Pick of the Day

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 53 deg and falling to mid 40's with rain showers today. This sounds more like spring. Yesterday I saw sparrows making a nest :rolleyes:

Chief - it's starting to sound like you are going to start paying taxes again peasoup

Pick of the Day.


Morning all. Been busy this AM. Tom, been paying taxes. Only taxes I do not have to pay is state income tax on my retirement [and SS on that]. Been paying taxes and SS on all other income. Capital Gains on tobacco allotment buy out. :curse: Got switcher repainted and decaled. :) Have a good one.
Good Morning All from NE OHio
where the temp is 43 deg and headed to 57 with lots of SunShine bounce7

Last night when we left work, there was a very large rainbow to the east of us. :p

Chief - are you sure it's not an old mare now hamr

OTTS meeting tomorrow night. :)

Pick of the Day


Goggled pic of the day.

When I was awaiting my first transplant in 1999, I was in the hospital in Charlottesville, VA., and the Express made a stop at the depot there, right under my windows.

The nurses knowing I liked trais, moved my bed to the window so I caould see it as it set there some 20 minutes. I could see the folks inside the cars, it was wonderful.

The whole staff then came to watch it pull out. Had only it be pulled by steam, I could have gone on to my reward then and there a happy Finnmiester.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 53 degs and headed to 55 then falling back into the low 30's and snow for the weekend :(


OTTS meeting tonight. :thumb:

Gil - great pic :thumb: :D

Chief - are you going to be out of town so much that you won't be able to be Mayor also ?

Pick of the Day


Morning. County meeting most of the day. Wife home sick again but has not taken the phone out of her ear since whe woke up. :eek:ops: :confused: jawdrop

Going to be gone 7 days, Tom. Then should be spread out better than it has been or was going to be [if I take it].

Have a good one.
At 9:30 AM it is snowing over last nights rain.

There was a weather bulletin that a county in Ky., between Chief and me was to get six inches with thunderstorms and hi winds. WE must be getting the residue of that.

I paint the trim on the Berk today.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 32 deg and headed to 36 with snow falling and 2" on the ground.

Chief and Gil, sorry for the snow down south, NOT peasoup fence1

Great OTTS meeting last night. WE were ask to join forces with the Western Reserve Model RR Museum to build a very large O gauge layout. IT will be 50’ x 24’ E shape layout. Best part is the Museum supplies all the materials and we supply the know how and the labor. Then we get to use the layout.

Pick of the Day

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