Nautilus - Disney Version

Thank you for the offer. I greatly appreciate it!. However, shipping from the UK to the US is rather expensive. I do not want to put you out.
Here in the US, AMAZON sells them fairly inexpensive.
Once again, I greatly appreciate the offer.
Not only that, but my fiancé recently purchase 4,000 #11 X-acto blades for me. I need to get through all of those, before I purchase any more.
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Once again ousted from the workbench, my alternate workstation was in the lounge.

No bells or whistles here and a cutting mat too tiny for big stuff, albeit the view is better than the main bench.

As big parts were out of the question today, I sourced and cut parts for the wheelhouse.

Numbers and Idents transferred to the back of parts, although these were slightly easier to I.D than the hull plates.

Once again, I cut all the tabs off and set them behind the part.
Ignoring the instructions, I started with part 7H or the rear window.


Moving next to parts 7E 7D 7C - Rigorous dry fitting culminated in adding glue just to the bottom, indicated by the red lines.

Panels 7I and 7G were added to the rear of the cabin. 2-fold lines on the roof panel 7A are to be moved into the vertical position, these will become the back plates to the upper smaller 'eyes'

More dry fitting the parts followed, and I decided to tack the front roof section.

7B 7F had their tabs reinstated shorter than they were... the side hull plates of the wheelhouse run down to infinity - no tab would do there for me!

The upper tab was also returned short, but not the whole tab - I just glued the edge onto the side, much like a floating shelf.
Part 7J which has the 'breathers and the staircase' was nibbled a little to make a snug fit under part 7H.

The side panels fitted into the gap between the front and back without a hitch - the roof followed, which too was trouble free.
Note the sloping breathers are not yet attached.


Wheelhouse completed - the ears which formed the backs on the upper eyes fitted perfectly, as did all the other panels...
Won't need much paint on these joints!


Anyway, apologies for the differing light in the pics and hopefully you could see what was going on.

"We'll dive again soon..."
Here's a place you might pick up a few tips or ideas to use on your build.
Different Nautilus model but you still might use some of the tips.

Thank you for that...interesting link and lots of good ideas there.

Jon looks as if his Nautilus model is far superior to this one. and at £50 it really ought to be!

Have you built his kit by any chance?
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I have the kit, but I haven't tackled it yet.
I have just had a response from Jon and to get the 36" version would be $79 to the UK, around £69 (the pound against the dollar is not good at the moment!)

I'd be very interested in hearing what you think of his kit, how many pieces, quality of the print etc...

Maybe you could do an overview of it in the kit review section...but I would really like to hear what you have to say on it 'please'
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More Nautilus action...well more Nautilus in paper form...

Parts 1I 1J 1A & 1B were next up - these form the lower half of the hull-sides.

Front face of Parts 1I 1J 1A & 1B

"...and thar she blows!"

As I had encountered that miss-alignment earlier in the build, all further panels will be taken and attached at the propulsion end 'FIRTST'
If i doubt, peg you part in place temporarily and check before gluing.


Just as well I didn't start in the middle, as another off-centre alignment showed itself.

The front tips are all in line, and the ends at the screw section (will glue bow tips when all the hull plates are in place) So that answers the question of not starting to glue your side panels in the middle first, rather starting at the stern and working towards the bow.

From a junk, I now have a canoe!

internal panels numbers for ref.

This completes the lower half of the hull, stay tuned when we submerge into the upper hull...
My last communique suggested we move onto the upper hull... and without further ado - we do!

Enter the coming of Autum, or Fall to our colonials, merry Ol England the nights have started to draw in - so Hudson spends more time indoors.
Always eager to help keeping those parts flat, I let the old furball have his limelight.

Parts 2J 2I 2H 2G 2A 2D 2C make the upper side hull, and the topside.

Parts 2J 2I 2H 2G 2A 2D 2C - the pretty side

Tabs adapted and the hull parts aligned without any problems

Uppers seen from the colourful side - as stated earlier in the build, they were all glued from the propulsion or screw end.

A quick read of the instructions now asks for the upper and lower hulls to have the side rakes and dive planes added 'BEFORE' you mate the two together, an interesting idea - I had initially thought these were to be added on later.

Parts 3A 3B 3C 3D 4A 4B 4C 4D selected.

Rakes and dive planes with tabs removed and re-set. Back in the lounge, due to partner stealing the workspace!

Parts numbered for my own sanity.

Housekeeping was in order on the nose before the sides were added, so over-spill of card was ready for trimming.

Rear of hulls needed a haircut too!

Dive plane sides were added as usual from the rear and glued onwards to the midships.

Front side sections/rakes, note there's a side for the rear and a separate piece for the bow (dive planes) - Dry fitting and a cursory glance at the pictures and the photo of the finished model suggests a start from the bow was in order, working backward towards midships.

Stern - internal

Bow - internal.

Lower hull with sides 'lower' fitted - noter the gap in the centre, which will be filled with the observation window.

Bottoms up! Main lower hull.

Bad light stopped play today - hopefully the uppers will be finished tomorrow.

I will also be taking a look at a part from the Nemonautilus' card kit.
This is a really neat subject that you don't see built much these days. Great job! :)
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Great work so far, I just hope the furbaby dosen't damage any of the assembled parts :cool:
"Ha-ha!" I keep a strict eye on him...the only thing to watch out for is the 'yawn-stretch' very similar to those arcade coin machines where the coin pushes another one of the ledges - his legs tend to shove everything around on the bench and off it too! :rolllaughing::laughrolling:
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Taking a break here from the build - Fellow member 'the mole' gave me the heads-up on a Nautilus kit by Jonathan Leslie at - he offers three sizes of Nautilus at 9" 18" and 36"

Not available as a download, but you can taste his wares by downloading one part to see what you think.

I've had a few emails back and forth over the last week from Jon, who is more than happy to answer any question regarding the model.

The download-part in question comes in two pieces - I asked him why and he replied

JL: it was too big to fit on US Letter paper that I print on. I wanted to make the model as big as possible. With the overlap it's easy enough to make a flap and glue together.

The 'taster' as shown by Jon goes here

Seen here next to the current build and aided by my superlative drawing skills - the part compares to the wheelhouse deck.

With having to add or graft the 'nose section' onto the otherwise singular piece was a bit of a faff, with tabs and flaps all intermingling, but doable.
FIG 1 shows how I de-laminated the thicker stock to make the join less of a pain to build.
FIG 2 just left the stock 'as-is'

Close-up of the 11ft Filming miniature.

In summing up - the model Jonthan has created is a lot more three dimensional than the current build. Studying the parts on his website, he looks to have captured 'the look' of the Disney version very well indeed.

My only gripe is the rivet detail...
Pouring over the pictures of the 11ft version – I think the problem with Jon’s version is the rivets are too close and too many, plus his are 'square'...the model and full-size prop are fairly sparse in comparison to Jon’s overly populated and dense sections.
Even the smaller version I'm currently building has a better depiction of the rivets.
His vision is more akin to an aircraft rather than a ship or boat construction.

“My God! I’ve become a rivet counter!!!”

The model at 36" retails at $49 dollars, about £45 at today's crazy slump in Sterling's value! Personally, I think that's a bit much, especially when you or in Jon's case he adds another $30 on for shipping to the UK.

It's a good stab at Harper Goff's wonderful design...but those rivets...make it less 'riveting'

I have a friend who runs a model shop, and his wife collects all sorts of obscure paper kits, I'll see if she has any for sale - and a look to ebay may yield a secondhand kit they are willing to sell on.