Warhammer Armor and things.

jet bikes

In actuality, during the beginning days of Warhammer, the Imperium did have jet bikes which were assigned to the Arbites. I obtained one a while back and I modified it into a Catachan scout biker with the Eldar jet bike jets.

Here is a picture of it even though it is a plastic model.:wave::wave::wave:


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Did you design the jet bike yourself (either one paper or plastic. HA! I sound like a grocery store!)? It looks really cool. Do you have Marines to sit on it?
jet bikes

Did you design the jet bike yourself (either one paper or plastic. HA! I sound like a grocery store!)? It looks really cool. Do you have Marines to sit on it?

The paper one is my design and the one in the action sequence is the early days GW Imperial jet bike but modified with the Eldar jet section with the bat wings cut off.:wave::wave::wave:
Thanks so much for the walk-throughs - I've been debating an IG Sentinel for a while, but I was intimidated. . . not any more! (And my brother-in-law is gonna flip when he sees the piranha!) Keep up the great work!
jet bikes

Thanks so much for the walk-throughs - I've been debating an IG Sentinel for a while, but I was intimidated. . . not any more! (And my brother-in-law is gonna flip when he sees the piranha!) Keep up the great work!

Thank you for the comments. If you build it for display purposes only, then Patoroch's design works well. If you intend to use it for gaming, then follow my thread, especially the leg portion. It is solid laminated and is more sturdy for use. Special not to the ball joints which will also give it more stability and strength. The Tau was a challenge in those curves but it worked out alright.

Here are the finished photos of the Jet Bike. The build thread is over at papermodelers for you to enjoy. Now to work on the next project.:wave::wave::wave:


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Marine Sentinel

While over at Dakka Dakka, Someone built a Sentinel for the Space Marines. I decided to copy his idea and come up with my own Marine Sentinel. Here is a teaser of my present project, The Wulf Hunter. It is not done but it is almost there. Sorry, there are no plans as of yet. This a beta Build and I am pleased as to the way the legs structure came out.


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I think this would look great with some kind of weapon or mount that is over the shoulder, maybe even a scout "jump pack". Amazing job SO. Are you doing this completely from scratch or are you kinda "kit bashing" from other paper model kits? I was toying with the idea of taking some bits from the dread I am doing and incorporating them on the landraider I am doing next.
Just curious...
That is pretty awesome looking, like a proto-Sentinel. Looks very true to the genre.

I think this would look great with some kind of weapon or mount that is over the shoulder, maybe even a scout "jump pack". Amazing job SO. Are you doing this completely from scratch or are you kinda "kit bashing" from other paper model kits? I was toying with the idea of taking some bits from the dread I am doing and incorporating them on the landraider I am doing next.
Just curious...

The only thing that I took liberty with, are the Sentinel legs which I deeply modified. The rest is is paper, card stock and bristol board.. The idea is for an auto cannon under the nose, But the shape of the cabin, leaves it open for two missile launcher pods on the top side.:wave::wave::wave:
Yes, it will be my favorite Wulf Color grey. I will post the photos in the beta state and then in the color state. My next project will be the Space Marine bike "AGAIN". but this time I will scratch build a side car enclosed like the German BMW style with a bolter mount.
On the bottom of the cart you could do it like a miniature version of the speeder. That would look pretty cool. Of all of the parts of my rather amateur first attempt at a speeder, I thought, that part is the one I want to replace the most using your guide in this thread. That was very well done. I can't wait to see how you work out the stand balance too.
Marine Sentinel

On the bottom of the cart you could do it like a miniature version of the speeder. That would look pretty cool. Of all of the parts of my rather amateur first attempt at a speeder, I thought, that part is the one I want to replace the most using your guide in this thread. That was very well done. I can't wait to see how you work out the stand balance too.

Thanks for the compliment Chrispy,

I opted for the Gatling look from the Land Speeder. That option for the side missile launcher sponsons is still there. The only non-paper parts, are the barrels of the Gatling which are made from toothpicks. I will update later with the color version. See you all around in the forums.:wave::wave::wave:


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This is a Beta Build, but it gave me some insight as to how to make it better. This Walker does not have the pivot point like in the Sentinel. I did not copy the templates as I built it but In the next version I will attempt to make the templates. I have these bunch of ideas to put into paper and my cup runneth over, but no promises as of yet. Enjoy and see you around the forums.
Marine Sentinel

Here are the final pics for the Marine Sentinel. I was going to make it a grey wolf but decided to re-train it and make it a Blood Raven. The overall color is from automotive red primer with a wash of burnt umber for weahering. The decals are from the space marine decal sheet and the numbers and name from the imperial guard decal sheet.

I will take a short break from builds. I still have to finish the Limber and Caisson over at papermodelers, the horses need tending.:wave::wave::wave:


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Marine Sentinel

Here are the last photos, We can only upload six at a time. I hope that you have enjoyed the models as much as I did building them. See you all around the forums.:wave::wave::wave:


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I just have to say...your miniatures look amazing! I think my favorite was the Piranha but it's hard to choose...