Think Jays Galactica is lonely, need some help

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hr update

thatll be a beaut when its done. ive made a little more progress. getting the othe side to match symetricaly will be hard. i really like the size of this one.
hr 002.jpg
Looking great! I'd really like to build mine now. I'm a little nervous though as I messed my first attempt right up. I'll finish the shuttle first anyway.

Thanks for the compliment. :) I like the size of this one too. I've almost closed up the front end, going a tab at a time. Slow going but going all the same. I've also started the side engines, not much to see yet though.

God! It's 0507hrs here! I'm going to be one tired boy later on.
Busy day

looks good so far! whats next after defender? if ya get another clean mesh id like to give another go at it. there was something wrong with the 3ds file i got is why i couldnt get those textures on the defender.

Hey guys - bin a busy day for me - sorry I couldn't chime in earlier - it's 02:30 and I'm just getting in from an after-hours install job. Looks like you all had a busy day too.

Nothing, what would you like a mesh of? As Skupilkinson noted the Astral Queen is ready, I just have to put together some reference pics. It's going to be a tricky unfold. Some of the parts at the rear had lot's of intersections and I had to do lots of chopping. If you're interested I can send it to you in Pep 1 or Pep 2 - tell me which you prefer. If you prefer another ship let me know and I'll work on cleaning up the mesh as quickly as I can.
If you look back at my previous post where I listed the ships and rated the effort, anything marked easy is a fairly clean mesh, or the intersections are such that they can be dealt with fairly easily.

I'm revising my estimate of the Celestra from medium to difficult. Lot's of small parts that will need to be figured out. I like to include as much detail as possible.

As for the heavy raider here's the requested shots. You can see that the "arm" should sit right up against that open area. I checked the original mesh, and as you thought I did raise the arm - but it was entirely unintentional. I didn't even know I'd done it. While working on the mesh I rotated those side pieces so they were vertical, which makes it easier to work on them, then rotated them back after wards. I guess they didn't quite get back to where they started. Not sure if it's worth correcting.

Gotta get to bed now. Don't know when I'll get the Liners finished, but I'll get something together for the Astral Queen this weekend and send it to whoever wants to tackle it. I'm going to have less free time for the next week or two so progress may slow a bit.

And by the way - the build looks great! I wanna build it myself now. It really is rewarding seeing a build pic of a model I helped create. Thanks!

Later guys,



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oh by the way i comprimised on the open space, i cut a small strip to insert in the hole and lowered the skid a little.based on the front view i posted above it looks to be in about the right place.
The Mining ship would be nice. Nothing, you pick one. If you go for the Astral Queen,I'll just sit and wait for the next bus. LOL I'm easy, though I like Cloud 9. It's a big ship, almost as big as a Battlestar. I think the only one I don't like are the agrocultural ships. Though, they are BSG so it all rocks!!
Like I said, I'm easy enough. I have no preference as to what I do next. As SJ said, Astral Queen is tricky but if you want to go for it then crack on with it. I'll take what's up next, SJ, if you want to just go for the easier ones to get some done before you get too busy then that's cool. It's your call buddy, I'm just keen to get stuck into another one.

Here's the Defender model! The ship is a 9 page PDF, however, I included a 10th page that has one turret to give you guys an idea of the size. This hasn't been fully arranged for building but I don't think you'd want to even try it. Not at this size anyway. Also, I think Nothing is right. If it actually had that many turrets in the series, wouldn't we see more of it "defending" the fleet alongside Galactica??

I'm uploading 2 files, the model and the part number guide. For part 12, assemble part 12g first to give you the diameter of the canon barrel. Then draw and cut out the holes needed to slot the barrel through parts 12a through to 12f.

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Now, I'm off to try and finish the shuttle. Then I think I'll build the Defender. :)

Enjoy guys. Any problem then you know what to do. :)
Very cool! Once we get the file limit changed I will add it to the download area.
One Mining ship coming up

lets see what Sjsquirrel says about the mining ship, if thats not ready ill take astral queen.

Like I said, the Astral Queen is ready, except for some reference shots you'll need to help with the unfold. I'll send it to you as soon as I can put that together.

Since I've had to revise my estimate on the Celestra it's going to be later.

Skupilkinson, looks like the mine ship will be coming at ya next. It's that or the tube transport, but I'm keen to see the mine ship. I'll get the mesh cleaned up and off to you as time permits.

I've updated the reference sheets too. You may need to click Refresh to see the current image.
Model Sheet 1
Model Sheet 2
Model Sheet 3

Looks good buddy. Though the Heavy is done and out there. I'm happy to do the Mining ship, it's another fav of mine. I don't mind taking both the Tube ship and the Mining ship. Not trying to be greedy but if the Astral Queen is going to be a tricky one, then I can do those two while Nothing does the 'Queen.

I'd like to model a new Blackbird if it's Ok? I just keep thinking the one in the pics looks out of proprotion or something. Would that be cool?? I'm sure I have good plans of it here somewhere.
I also look forward to getting the Rising Star and Cloud 9 done too, whoever does it. They're nice ships.
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