im stuck on my layout

WOW, that looks like a SWEET!!! Plan :thumb: :thumb: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

New River Mining Company, Western Coal Flood Loader, Roundhose, and best of all, STEEL MILL STUFF!!! Awesome plan Josh :thumb: :mrgreen: :thumb: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
thanks for the compliment josh,this took forever to complete but the guys here helped me out big time!

It is a very nice plan , sometimes its very difficult to add in a staging yard to a plan thats already completed. A double ended staging yard would be ideal, obviosly one end would be easy enough to add on its the other that would be the problem. To bad you couldn't decline to below the bench work like I did on my layout. 10 foot sides is really quite a bit to play with.

tell me about it!i had staging on the original plan but i took it since the benchwork past the steel mill section is 6 inches lower for more dramatic scenery,im running under the steel mill!so it worked out pretty well,IF i can get it to work :D .TIA--josh
OK guys,here how far i have isnt much but i still cant find a way to keep my 5ft minimum yard length wall1.this is a weird angle to work with also so any help is appreciated :mrgreen: .TIA.--josh
Josh, I Like the Staging Tracks.

I might suggest adding 2 lefts and 2 right hand switchs to connect the middle 2 tracks (3rd and 4th down).

This is what I would do:


  • staging-2.jpg
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thanks for helpin josh,but ill still need a way to turn the whole train or atleast the engine,cause steam rarely ran backwards on a mainline.i was thinking of building a turntable under it but it could be hard to check the alignment of the tracks under 8in of space.--josh
OHH, I got it now lol, i forgot you were doing Steam.

Okay so, You want a train to come from the main level down to staging and then have it leave the yard and return to the main level rite?

And that is why you have that "dead end" track for rite next to the one that is already going down to staging?

I think I might be able to help, just getting the facts straight lol
my minimum radius for hidden track like this is 20in but for my 2-6-6-2 id like to keep it around 22in.and this is hot it goes,that dead end track is seperate it is for the depot.the engine will leave the mainline to go to a "destination"then return heading the opposite direction,not backing out of the yard.i hope im not confusing anyone with my un-edumacated lingo :D --josh
i was foolin around with the mill i came up with this and thought it was neat,although i may change the servicing.commentsare welcome cause im seriously debating using this.--josh
looks good, 'cept one part. You have the tracks under the carshop and spurs, and that could be problematic. You see, if you have track emerging under that area, then you have to have your spurs at an angle, and that could probably let gravity rol the cars down off into the mainline...
Wow, that looks great. The line on the bottom that disappears left, does that go to a staging area? What is with the little area below the bridge on the middle left? Is that connected somehow or just a scene? The 4 tracks that come off the round house on the right side, are they long enough to accomodate your average engine? What kind of grades are you looking at?
looks good, 'cept one part. You have the tracks under the carshop and spurs, and that could be problematic. You see, if you have track emerging under that area, then you have to have your spurs at an angle, and that could probably let gravity rol the cars down off into the mainline...

i was thinking some of the spurs wouls be like that but i figured i could use the fishing line method on them to prevent cars from rolling and raise my yard tracks slightly.i measured it and it looked like it would just BARELY fit through.--josh
i was thinking some of the spurs wouls be like that but i figured i could use the fishing line method on them to prevent cars from rolling and raise my yard tracks slightly.i measured it and it looked like it would just BARELY fit through.--josh

Or maybe you could make buffers with a coupler in them and have cars there holding cars on, thus preventing runaways. of course, you'd have to have 'stacks of cars then... Just throwin out ideas:mrgreen:
Wow, that looks great. The line on the bottom that disappears left, does that go to a staging area? What is with the little area below the bridge on the middle left? Is that connected somehow or just a scene? The 4 tracks that come off the round house on the right side, are they long enough to accomodate your average engine? What kind of grades are you looking at?

i didnt even see ya there trainnut! i must've posted an not refreshed.thanks for commenting.yeah that disappearing line is the main which is connected with a a switch to the other side of the layout and makes the main and the branch for the mine.and the 4 other tracks wont be used except for occasional switcher space but other than that there just to dramatize a huge roundhouse in pictures.that way if you don't show the edge it will look like alot more tracks are there.thanks.-josh
Or maybe you could make buffers with a coupler in them and have cars there holding cars on, thus preventing runaways. of course, you'd have to have 'stacks of cars then... Just throwin out ideas:mrgreen:

i was tinkng of also using the buffers at ends of tracks like you said.and the strategically place fishing line which wont stop or hurt a loco but it will stop cars.--josh
i was tinkng of also using the buffers at ends of tracks like you said.and the strategically place fishing line which wont stop or hurt a loco but it will stop cars.--josh

Or maybe you could try to use something from prototypes. I think there's some kind of special track that inhibits cars from moving foward on their own but can let cars through sometimes. I'm personaly against the fishing line method, because how are you gonna switch in and out cars?
Or maybe you could try to use something from prototypes. I think there's some kind of special track that inhibits cars from moving foward on their own but can let cars through sometimes. I'm personaly against the fishing line method, because how are you gonna switch in and out cars?

i think that special track is a track with buffers or a derail which stops cars or derails them if the rolling down at excessive speed.but i don't think yo understand the fishing line.i can still move them because theres only 3/4" sticking up through the tracks.this allows a switcher to move over it since its heavier and apply slight resistance to cars to keep them from rolling freely once uncoupled .thanks.--josh