Don't laugh too hard...It's my first attempt!

Just look out for the men-in-black.
Seriously, watch out for them!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Because, only an alien can be so good at so many things!!!
:D :D :D
I'm out of praise and applause. Its time to just sit back and
watch your next masterpiece unfold!
:eek: :rolleyes: goldtoth1
And I'll never say keep up the good work again either!
Why, you just keep marching to your own drummer anyway!
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I do disagree with Miles and Mountain Man however.
You are not ready to publish.....Your ready to start your own
frigin' model railroad publication company for pete's sake.
:D :thumb: :D

That's enough, I'm sobing now. :cry:

Have a great Monday all!:wave: :wave: :wave:

Well Steve [nice name by the way :D] first off, Happy Anniversary.
Second, If you know someone near me with a camcorder I would be happy to borrow it and make those video tutorials. Because it does not look like I will be getting one for myself soon :( . Oh well.
Third, you said you were tired of scenery. I have found over the years that sometimes I need a break from the trains so I take one. I might not touch it for weeks. heck even John Allen once said he thought of chucking the whole thing and thinking it might have been a mistake. He later smartened up though LOL.

I have his book by the way. :D:D:D

So take a break if you need it. You have accomplished a lot in only a year. Heck more then seasoned people even. One of the nice things about being a newbie is that you don't know what it is you can't do. Like you are not supposed to be so talented and get so much done in such a short time frame :D LOL.

You are doing a great job Steve [oh did I mention I thought you had a nice name?] :D LOL
WOW everybody....
I'm flabbergasted by the response to the tutorial....sure beats the reaction to my "ear wax....sculptamold replacement" tutorial.....don't know why that didn't catch on.....
All kidding aside...thank you all so much for the kind remarks:thumb: .....I really appreciate it:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I don't know what else to say:eek:ops: ....first time for everything..........thanks guys
Big Thank You

Tonight, I start off with the post that became the foundation of everything that came after it. Everything this layout has become and is becoming was made possible by it.
I am, of course, talking about the post in which Galen unveils the final track plan. Besides being a brilliant realization of my then somewhat vague givens and druthers, it contains all of the important scenic and operational elements that give the layout/railroad its personality and its reason to exist. The coal mine, river, mountains, tunnels, bridges, yard…they are all there. The river has changed course a little and the two small bridges at the bottom of the left peninsula have become the curved viaduct, but nothing of significance has changed.
As great as all that is, put yourself, for a moment, in my place. Not only new to model railroading but to real railroading as well. I knew nothing about how a railroad works. If Galen had “handed” me the track plan and said “Here it is Steve…Go for it!”, it would have been more than anyone could have reasonably expected…it would have been more than I could have hoped for and I would have been truly grateful, and…I WOULD HAVE FAILED! I would have gotten the track laid, some scenery put in, but there is no doubt in my mind it would have quickly been abandoned due to lack of knowledge, and later…lack of interest. Luckily for me, that’s not what Galen did. As you look at the track plan, read how Galen vividly describes how this railroad could work. For an experienced railroader perhaps that would have been obvious, perhaps not. I only know, that for me, it crystallized in my mind, a conception of what THIS railroad could become.
This is Galen a.k.a. Ocalicreek’s post: (I edited it to show the picture itself and not the link)
nazgul2a small.jpg
Okay here 'tis 2
A couple notes:

1. Grades - I managed to keep them at 3%. Not ideal, but not bad and WS makes 'em. This gives you an elevation of 4" at B, starting at A. The grade from C to D is necessary to clear the track on grade beneath it. Then from D down to E is one long grade.

2. Operations. Here's where it can be really fun. A morning passenger train leaves the station in the yard and heads through the tunnel, up the grade to B then around the loop to C. An intermediate station up here somewhere would be nice. Then up and over the hill from C to D and down to the small station before ducking into the tunnel at E and laying over there.

Meanwhile, the freight has been pumping up the brakes in the yard and has headed out. Arriving at B the freight switches the industry on the short siding. Perhaps an additional track can be added somewhere here. Anyway, as the freight finishes its work the passenger comes out of hiding and heads up the hill. The freight heads downhill into hiding at the tunnel E.

While the passenger train takes the cutoff at B and reverses direction, your shay or climax has coupled onto a caboose from the hack track and is 'gearing up' to leave. Ha. As the passenger arrives back in town the little engine heads up the line to serve the mine at C. This can be an out and back job, right back down the way it came up. It may have to hole up in the siding at the mine, however, as the freight heads uphill to take the reverse loop and head home to the yard.

While someone works the mine the freight arrives and is broken down. The engine heads off to the turntable for servicing in the shop and the little shifter comes out to put the caboose away next to the yard office (at the end of the yard track closest to the aisle), and work the industries. The long warehouse has two or three doors that require specific spots.

The mine run heads home and arrives just as the passenger train is ready for the afternoon run. And so on, and so forth.

Of course, DCC would make all this much easier. Micro Mark has got a great deal on the prodigy express system and MRC makes a reversing unit as well.

3. Scenery - I sketched in a creek tumbling down the mountainside and flowing into a stream below. There are areas where other structures can be added. The mine could be a pair of smaller industries, or put the siding on the other side of the grade (C-D) and run it into a dummy tunnel then use it as an interchange track - that universal industry. An additional spur next to the warehouse could act as the other interchange track, or just another yard track.

I'd put an access hole beneath the mountain to access the track from E to A and the 'yard lead'. Also a hole in the fascia on the far left would work to access the hidden track there. Again, those Woodland Scenics risers look pretty neat and I've heard great things about them. Setting the whole thing on two inches of pink foam would give room for the stream and any other ditches, culverts, etc. I chose 3% to allow for 4" clearance since the tracks cross each other 4 times. A piece of 1/4" ply or masonite will work for a 'bridge track', just nock out the grade risers and fit it in place. See the MR articles on building the wild west layout they did a couple years back...I think this is covered there.

Some sort of forest or non-attention-getting feature between the upper loop and yard area would be good to keep the distance (or lack thereof) from being so apparant.

All curves are 18" radius except the curve at D which is 20", just for fun and because it's the first thing folks will see coming into the room, if memory serves me right from your pictures. Not much difference, but a little.

Okay...plenty to digest. I may not have internet access Tuesday thru Friday so I may not be able to comment until Friday night or Saturday, we'll see. Have fun - it was alot of fun to sketch and plan (and dream).

See what I mean? Describing ops and the other technical advice made a critical impact on my ability to proceed and succeed.
It did one other thing. After seeing the time, effort, and thought that went into the design of this track plan for me, by someone who obviously excelled at and loved the hobby, my resolve to see it though and give it my best effort was hardened and I can honestly say that when I work on the layout and do something that is "good"….My thought goes back to this post and I find that “good” ain’t “good enough”
This is just one post...there are countless other gems posted by Galen (and many others) that have educated, challenged, encouraged, and inspired me (and I hope others) to aim high and more importantly......HAVE FUN!!!!
Thank you, Galen (my friend and first modeling mentor)

Tomorrow Ill wrap up the anniversary with a few "brief" thank you's and show the plans for Year 2 and the middle peninsula:eek:ops:
Take care:wave:
I like how you re-capped this. Not a bad idea, but I've only recently gotten a start on my layout the way it is now.

BTW, have you checked my page lately?
Year 2 Begins...

There are a couple of people I have met here that I consider model railroading mentors. Their extraordinary skill and artistry speaks for itself. I look at their work and hold it up as a standard of excellence to try and emulate. What sets these people apart, in my mind, is not only their willingness to share their knowledge and passion but to do it in such a way that you feel on equal footing with them despite their incredible talent and experience. I look at the pictures of their work and can only marvel at it....and say to myself: "maybe someday"
Wayne...there is nothing I can say about your work that hasn't been said are simply THE BEST!:thumb: (your timely help with the curved viaduct saved me from completely ruining what I think is the best feature on the layout)

and my friends...
Kurt...What you can do with a piece of plastic and some glue, boggles my mind! Your precision, imagination and ability to pull it all together (including scenery) is truly awe inspiring:thumb: are known for your engines and your beautiful pictures of them (as well you should be) but that is not the half of it. You are a fount of railroad and modeling knowledge and no one will ever know how many countless people have been helped (anonymously) by you. On behalf of all of us: I thank you!:thumb:
(your timely translations are another unsung public service you perform);)

I have received a lot of help on this thread during this year. In fact, I could not even begin to properly thank everyone who gave practical advice, constructive criticism, or just a pat on the back when I needed it. That last thing, I want to do, is forget to mention someone, so, instead of mentioning names, I would just like to thank EVERYONE who has posted here (especially those of you who have been here since the beginning) and who have contributed to this project. I truly look at this a collaborative effort and I believe all of us should feel a sense of accomplishment at what has transpired over the last year.
Thank you all very, very much! (I said the thank you's would be brief....I lied!.....again!)...LOL!
Year 2 plan...or…What am I gonna do in the center?…..
Originally, a logging or mill scene was going to dominate the center peninsula (at least on top) and as the time came to really think about how I wanted to do it, I found that I just wasn’t excited about the prospect. However, images of a certain model railroad that I had seen online somewhere, kept popping up in my mind…after a lot of “googling”, I found it again and was totally blown away by the images and feelings that they evoked. The model railroad I am talking about is:
Gary Courtemanche's HO Scale Blood, Sweat & Tears Railway
Part of this masterpiece (that was sadly dismantled in 2005) is the town of “Fine”. It is described on the website this way: “ Fine is a quiet mining town, with several industries, and a quiet neighbourhood nestled amongst the trees of the mountainside. Far away for urban life, the town is served by some modest industries – a scrap dealer, warehouses and other assorted businesses.” That is a wonderful description of the town as modeled by Mr. Courtemanche. The following links are from the gallery and I think you will agree that it is not only beautiful and inspiring but totally believable and “real” as well.
I do not want to copy his work, but use it as a guide to capture the same feeling, and hopefully, realism….but in my own way.
The more I thought about this, the more hesitant I became to show the pictures of the BSTR (for obvious reasons). I am in no way capable of achieving this type of modeling excellence…to invite any type of comparison between my future work and his, would be ridiculous at best and terminally frustrating at worst.
At the end of the day, I decided to post the pictures so that everyone would know what I was trying to do….and “let the chips fall where they may”. I am truly a glutton for punishment!…LOL!
Well………what do you think?

One last thing....This is for you caboose lovers (my first blue-box kit):
Twin River RR 286 small.jpg
Steve, hope I have been of help, in one way or another. I know I don't have much to say that would help, but I do try to show support at least. I also hope that someday, someone newer to the hobby could look up to me like you do to Kurt, Deano, and Wayne. I guess in a way you inspire me in similar fashion too.
Second, I like that town too. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Whatever it is, judging by the progress thus far, it will look great.
Last, FINALLY a caboose! I always run one myself. And all my rolling stock, save for my RTR GP40-2, is Athearn BB kits. Love those kits
Naz, just keep goin'...!

Nazgul said:
(SNIP) At the end of the day, I decided to post the pictures so that everyone would know what I was trying to do….and “let the chips fall where they may”. I am truly a glutton for punishment!…LOL!
Well………what do you think?

Your doing fine... No matter what endevor you persue, there is always a mark to meet and aspire too. You just happen to stumble upon one such aspiration...

Yes, this is great work... but, keep polishing your stone, it is shiny already and will only improve with time... :wave:

Steve: Gary Courtemanche was a music teacher (can you guess from the layout?) I was into his layout on a tour once and I got to the town of Da Capo and said "Heck, now I've got to start over again". I think I got a laugh from him at that.
Gary has been at some of the smaller train shows lately with a portable layout, but just as neatly done.
Well Steve I hate to say I told you so [not really LOL] but I told you that you should do tutorials :D:D:D
Oh by the way. I am redoing my website. So any comments NOW would be nice. I have already redone four of the tutorials in the model rr section. I amhoping that putting the pictures on the site instead of having to go elsewhere will make things easier for everyone.

And once again Steve. Keep up the good work. :)
Steve, the pictures you choose of the BSTR are among the most beautiful MRR pictures I have seen so far, and a scene like that would be a good addition to your layout.

I am in no way capable of achieving this type of modeling excellence…

But you are too humble. Let’s talk about it, when you sum up what you achieved after year 2 :wave: .
Steve:wave:, i think your "THANK YOU" to Galen, and everyone else was a REAL NICE TOUCH!:thumb: VERY considerate of you;). the words you mentioned of me was TOO KIND:eek:ops:, i was Honored...THANK YOU STEVE!:D:eek:ops:.

Gee, i had NO IDEA you were going to take on such a MAJOR UNDERTAKING in year 2...:eek: ;). i have FULL CONFIDENCE that you will achieve your plans, and KNOW they will turn out to be nothing short of the FANTASTIC WORK that you have ALWAYS done:thumb:. Seeing you take on this project, and doing it "Steve style" will be a REAL TREAT, something NONE of us will want to miss:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :D. i CANT WAIT, and WILL BE RIGHT HERE to see this AWESOME project unfold!:D STUPENDOUS JOB STEVE!!!:thumb: THANKS!:D -Deano

EDIT: DOH!!!:eek:, i forgot to mention:)oops: ) how GLAD i am that you now have a caboose!!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: LOOKS GREAT TOO!!!:thumb: :D
Steve, hope I have been of help, in one way or another. I know I don't have much to say that would help, but I do try to show support at least.
I'm with you...I would reply to more threads if I had something constructive to add but usually I just say: "Good job!"...We need experience and years in this will come...I do appreciate all of the pats on the back that you and others have given me:thumb:
Yes, this is great work... but, keep polishing your stone, it is shiny already and will only improve with time...
Thank you Herb...that is probably the most eloquent complement I've ever received:)
You too, are a fount of knowledge:thumb: and have been of great help to me...thank you!...I wish I could see his work in person and talk to him.
Stephen, Lynn...
Thanks guys!!!:thumb:
Steve, the pictures you choose of the BSTR are among the most beautiful MRR pictures I have seen so far, and a scene like that would be a good addition to your layout.
The inspiration is certainly there...As long as I keep it fun...I believe good things will happen:) It will be neat to finally build structures for a change!
Thank you...I hope I live up to your faith in me:eek:ops: ...If Y2S is as enjoyable as Y1S...I can't go wrong no matter how things turnout:D

Enough with the Anniversary stuff....back to just doing the layout:) (bet you're all glad about that:D )
I will be skipping around doing ground cover and also starting the next phase. I still need to figure out where to put what and that may take awhile...

I've never done sizable areas of earth and greenery before and it is a challenge. I picked a few people's brains (thanks know who you are;) ) as to how to go about it and that really got me started.

This is what I got done's not finished yet. I will be adding trees and bushes here and there and eventually some (hopefully) eye-catching scenic element:

Twin River RR 250 small.jpg

Twin River RR 298 small.jpg

Twin River RR 304 small.jpg

Twin River RR 305 smaller.jpg

Twin River RR 303 small.jpg

Take care:wave:
Thank you, Galen (my friend and first modeling mentor)

I am indeed honored. And a bit touched. :) Thanks for the kind words...and the opportunity to create something fun that has blossomed into so much more!

But enough blithering (for now)...okay...I'm looking at the latest pics. First one, the ground cover looks fine, then a bit more looks alright, and then BLAMMO! Greenery!:thumb: That last shot...just waiting for something to come roaring around the bend! Excellent work!

Gary has been at some of the smaller train shows lately with a portable layout, but just as neatly done.

I too have been a great fan of Gary's artistry. Does anybody have any pictures of this new portable layout? (And I'm jealous that you got to see the former layout in person!)

Oh, and later tonight after the kiddo is in bed I'll be updating my thread...with pictures!
That greenery looks great. My one recomendation ( well what I've found anyway) is keep the vegetation un uniform and I did read some where if your making bushes try to do them in groups of threes. I've found that if you don't try to be too neat it comes out more natural looking :wave:
First one, the ground cover looks fine, then a bit more looks alright, and then BLAMMO! Greenery! That last shot...just waiting for something to come roaring around the bend! Excellent work!

I concur with Galen: excellent! You are on the right track, Steve. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
thanks Galen, Lynn, Kurt:thumb:
Lynn...I will try to keep that useful info in mind:thumb: ....I usually "try" to place things in odd numbers (learned that on HGTV:D )
I didn't do a lot tonite....I was trying some possible road placements in the center section...When I have a real plan I will post it.....

I did take a few pics so I'll leave you with them...have a great weekend!!!!!!!:wave:

Twin River RR 322 small.jpg

Twin River RR 325 small.jpg

Twin River RR 326 small.jpg

Twin River RR 331 small.jpg