Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part II

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TomPM, I've always been partial to Baldwins.

I have a soft spot for Bladwins. My father worked at the plant and it was located across the street from my school. I passed the plant everyday on the way to school. By then it was Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton and they were not making locomotives any longer. As a matter of fact most of the plant was idle at that time.

Our plan when visiting Chicago is to buy gas in Bettendorf, IA (just before we hit the IL border) and try and make it back. Typically there's a .40 to .60 a gallon difference. Our new Governator wants to increase the gas tax .04 this year, just what we need. Gas in Des Moines is $2.84, what a bargain:cry:

Wow, busy morning all. Where did it go. Been at Town Hall. Now to get to upstairs. Wife had filled truck with limbs to haul to the woods. She has been out trimming and etc. Neighbor seems to be behaving himself. Hope all have a great and safe [espeically those traveling] Thanksgiving. Most offices are closed Thursday thru Monday here. Later

BTW:LAz, more eythnol less oil makes prices go down. Also, eythnol can be made from sweet potatoes.
CHIEF, I heard YUZ GIZ down south make ethynol from little GRITS and SWEET TEA? Oh pardon me that METHANE, wrong GAS.:confused::eek::twisted:sign1
The lowest price I have ever seen for gas, was in Georgia, in 1954. I was 12, and me and my family were traveling to Florida for a vacation. The only divided highways, from Ohio To Florida were the PA Turnpike. The rest were 2 lanes. Anyway, they were having a gas war and we stopped for gas at.... 16.9 cents a gallon. My Dad filled up.
Hi all:wave:
My mom took me to see the eye doctor today, and there I learned I'd need eye surgey. Again. Back in '99, I'd had one of my right eye mucules relaxed to straighten out the eye, but now that mucule is TOO relaxed, and now I have to have it moved back, essentialy undoing what was done 9 years ago. As you can guess, I wasn't too happy. On the modeling side, I'm working on weathering an old Accurail boxcar I'd had since my first NMRA meeting (yellow box) and working on my Gauge Party entry. Today is very rainy, and traffic isn't exactly going too fast, either. Tomorow is supposed to bring more rain AND drop the high tothe mid-40's! Hope everyone's day and Stuff-yourself-with-turkey-and-other-food-untill-your-belt-breaks day goes well!

The lowest price I have ever seen for gas, was in Georgia, in 1954. I was 12, and me and my family were traveling to Florida for a vacation. The only divided highways, from Ohio To Florida were the PA Turnpike. The rest were 2 lanes. Anyway, they were having a gas war and we stopped for gas at.... 16.9 cents a gallon. My Dad filled up.

I pumped gas for a few years when I was in high school. The price never changed - 25.9 centes per gallon.
19.9 in 1967 in Missouri on a college road trip WITH Gold Bond Stamps:thumb:

I'm surprised I'm still alive when I rethink those years.............aussie

CNWMAN - sorry about your eye, sir. I hope they get that fixed soon!

Great pics guys - love those tankers and the sharknose loco esp.

Traindude, if you're typing, you already did :)
Engine light came on in my checvy Pickup the other day read manual and it told me it could be due to using Gas with methonal in it (which I have) it also said change brands as your engine isn't designed to run that type gasoline. It could harm your engine.
Engine light came on in my checvy Pickup the other day read manual and it told me it could be due to using Gas with methonal in it (which I have) it also said change brands as your engine isn't designed to run that type gasoline. It could harm your engine.
RT, where did you find methonal????? Not easy to find. Takes special engine [even though some say not] and etc for that. Just like E85. Takes flexfuel vehicles for that amount of alcohol.
RT - they had a story about that on local news. I guess some stations sell the Willie Nelson brand gasahol and some trucks and cars can't take it. Better switch!
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