Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Evening all!

Been a couple of days. New look here. Not bad.

Still below freezing, but supposed to start warming up tomorrow (40's yippee).

Great photos Spanky.

Have a busy week coming up this week.

Happy Birthday to Buckeye. Hope he survived the ski lessons!

HAve a great evening all!
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 18 deg and headed to 31 with Blue Clear Skies :D

Buckeye - Sorry that I missed your birthday. So a Day Late bday1

Chief - we are only 10 minutes from the North Coast Beach. sign1

OTTS update – What a great turn out for the work day. 10 of use showed up and all helped out. The track is all laid and fitted. Most of the wire has been pulled. I even hooked up power to the track and ran a train ! ! ! ! ! This week I will finish the wireing and building a control panel. Then come the fun part of adding building and landscaping.




Morning all!

Still cold here but no ice or sleet in my area. Temps going up to 50 today (hopefully).

Spanky - great job with the OTTS museum progess. Glad you had a great turnout for the work day! Keep trains running, that's what keeps them coming back!

Have a great one all!
I had this coaling station to kitbash into a tipple but I decided to scratch build my tipple and make this kit as it is.

I like to spray a little paint on about anything I have and this is no exception.

I thought a coaling station should have some coal, seems logical so i went to the pet shop for charcoal and black aquarium gravel

Also I needed some white glue.

No if you old pros dont laugh at my methods, the several newbies might want to note this and maybe try it to. It is pretty simple.
)I havent an air brush, I just use regualr spay pint.)

You can do the same as well as me, not just on this but any build it yourself kit. Plasticville is perfect to customize or to weather.

This shows work on the base with the coal bunkers.

First I shot some flat black paint around to simulate coal dust. I did the base more so than the building. Dirt would not be prominent to high up.

I next laid down some white glue and elevated the whole thing so the coal would pile up in the bunker corners. I pored in a layer of coal then more glue and more coal until I had the banked up coal as I wanted it. This was messy and the glue was running all over. I just sprinkled coal on the seepage.


Once it seem to set up a little I mixed the white glue with water, pored it in to a spray bottle and sprayed it well. I added some very fine hobby shop coal that sort of soak it up on top.


When it is totally dry, I will shake off the lose stuff and give it several more couses of sprayed, diluetedwhite glue aand when fianly dry, a coat of Tester's Dull Coat.

Dont be afraid to experiment, you can always repaint your mistakes.


This will be drying a day or two but I will retuen here with more pics as I go along.
I have begun working on the second story but I have run out of paint.
I expect I will weather a section of Fast Tract like this so it will all match.
Mikey, coming from you that is a serious compliment.

Thank you.

I weather engines and cars and fellows have said they wished they had it to try and paint a new engine and so forth.
I have screwed up a few, ie., thta blue Berkshire shell was brand new.

But you guys jump in and try it.

Old plasticville from ebay is great to work on and try new things for a guy who has never known the thrill of totaly wrecking a new engine.

That is why they make laquer thinner I guess.
Gil Finn said:
Mikey, coming from you that is a serious compliment.

Thank you.

I weather engines and cars and fellows have said they wished they had it to try and paint a new engine and so forth.
I have screwed up a few, IE thta blue Berkshire shell was brand nmew.

But you guys jump in abd try it.

Old plasticville from ebay is great to work on and try new things for a guy who has never known the thrill of totaly wrecking a new engine.
The trick is not to show your mistakes :D

It took me years to learn patience in modeling - Now That I've learned from the people here - I'm nowhere near "that good" yet :)

I like your model - because I did the same thing in G with that tender and the hopper in this pic.. The tender is in the background.. It matches the Climax :)

But I packed them with aquarium ballast & Glue & water :) :) So I know what you went through for your model :)


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I didnt realize just how bad my typeing and spelling are untill I see it quoteed:eek:ops:

I see what your are saying on the coal box. I love logging engines..

I would love to get a G pike going in my back yard again.

That is awsome tressle work. You do fine work.

Today I got some old RR passes in the mail form is for the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Company.

I think Stonewall Jackson must have used it. sign1
:D Thanks :) I really took athe time to do that trestle :) It was really more difficult "scheduling" the time, than it was actually building it :D :D

Take a few pics of those passes & post them - that's neat stuff LOL

Don't worry about your spelling - we can still read it :)
If you have Internet explorer - remember there's a spell check that you can download :) :)
I started a new thread with Railroad Paper.

I will add pics of my scrip collection, Civil War bullets and shells ans shell frgments later this week.

Thanks for the idea.

Here is a sample.


Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 28 and headed to 40's with overcast skies.

Gil - great find on the RR paper and an outstanding price. Also great job on the coaling tower. I should do something like that to mine.

Ngauger - I love your trestle.:D

To night we will try to finish the wiring on the tin plate layout at the museum. :thumb:

Pick of the Day


Morning gang. Sunny and 45. Going into the 50's. Was not suppose to get above the high 40's yesterday and it was high 50's. Seems the weatherpersons can't get anything right. No snow and no cold temps. Got lots to do today as County Meeting this afternoon and Town Board tonight. Have a good one and God bless.
Good morning Chief, You seem to be dodging the bullet with this cols weather.

We had a little snow but is mostly gone now.

God bless you too Chief.
Enyoy that sunny weather.

Tom, as always you are to kind.

Steve Frame
Morning all!

Cloudy here again and maybe 50's today. Water was "dripping" from the fog last night. Not a heavy fog either.

Gil - Like the photos you posted of your paper collection.

Tom - nice photo today (as usual).

N Gauger - nice work on that trestle! Wish I had a place for one on my layout, but it is a flat table top thing.

Whoa - just went outside to clean the dog's feet before letting her back in and the temp has dropped to 39!

Have a great one all!
I added this to my post on modeling the Lionle coaling station b ut think it as some value on its own. Thusly I posted it here.
Thank you.
:) went to K Mart for some cheap spray paint to restock my craft box and re discovered this craft paint.I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the and slightly rolled down the car windows to make sure my dog, Katie had some air. Even though it was cool today, the sun was btight and it was cloudless.

She was stretched full-out on the back seat and I wanted to impress
that she must remain there. I walked to the curb backward, pointing my
finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear
"Stay! Stay!"

The driver of a nearby car, a pretty blonde young lady, gave me a
look and said,

"Why don't you just put it in park?"

Anyway, while in K Mart I found that Krylon makes wht they call the Stone series now in a metalic. Crafters use it in and out of doors to paint jars and planteres and so forth.

This is perfect for modeling roofing, painting ballist or plastic track like Fast Track if you want to add realism and for roads, parking lots, about any and every thing. Good for araes around inductrial facilties and to stucco walls.

It is about $6 for a 12 oz can.
This is a view of the product from there web site.

...and they have several more

.I am not an expert at this sort of stuff, I truley do it on a levele that for my own enjoyment. I am not trying to be a big shot, I just wanted to share what I am doing and bring a value back to the forums, back to modeling and layout building.
They also have these colors.
If are not familiar with them, they are like trunk paint, texture and sevral colors.

Sorry these wont show up.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 34 deg and headed to 44 with Very Clear Blue Skies.

Gil - we used that on roads and parking lots, it works great



Chief - don't eat to much at your mom's.

Last night we work on wiring the track on the museum layout.

OTTS meeting this Friday.

Pick of the Day

Oh yes, that does look good.

I used it on roof tops and once I dule coat it it will look great. It is a littel bright for an agragate roofing material. Did I spell agragate right?
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