Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 37 deg and headed to 45 with Blue Clear Skies! ! :cool:

Roy - We should be OK. I just may take a little while to find what I want. With how the skilled trades and Tool and Die is hard to fill jobs, I just have to find a place that I like and has the right pay. :thumb:

Still much rather find the right 6 numbers then I could be like Chief and not have to work. sign1

Pick of the Day


Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 46 deg and heading into the mid 50's with Blue Clear Skies and lots of Sunshine :D

We had a great OTTS meeting lastnight with about 16 members showing up. I am going to need a larger house. sign1

Pic of the Day


Tom, I'm sorry to hear about the job. I had it happen to me twice last year. The second time I wasn't exactly let go--I was a contractor, so they just let my contract expire. I seem to have landed on my feet now though. Similar story. First time I was working for a not-for-profit, they've been laying off people every year since 2002, and I figured I'd be one of them next year. Whoops, I was off by a year. I landed at a company that probably will be bankrupt in a few years--contract work. I didn't know about the problems but probably would have taken the job anyway. New CEO comes in, institutes a hiring freeze, my contract is up, and they don't exercise the right-to-hire option. They gave me three weeks' notice. I actually hung on another three weeks after what was supposed to be my last day because things kept coming up and they needed me. I interviewed at another company, knocked their socks off, and the next day when I was expecting to get an offer from them, they did a massive reorganization/layoff. Needless to say I didn't get that offer. But the timing could have been worse--better to lose a job that I never had in the first place than to lose one I just got.

Several weeks lapsed without so much as an interview. Then I got an interview, did well, and then heard nothing. A few weeks later--just a couple days before Christmas--I got a phone call asking if I was still available. Of course I said yes. I started on December 27 and so far it's a great place to work with great people. I'm only four weeks into it but it's the best first four weeks I've ever had at any job.

You definitely have the right attitude--a better attitude than I had during my lapses in work. I'm sure you'll land on your feet somewhere, and hopefully sooner than I did.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 43 deg and falling with rain. Yesterday had a high of 57 deg.

Dave - Glad that you are back on your feet. We have several irons in the fire and an interview tomorrow. :thumb:

OTTS business to day, so we will be on the road most of the day :D

Pick of the Day


Bubbetes is away today and I can enjoy make favorite food, pickled eggs, saltines with Hot Sauce and Sweet gerkins.

Afternoon delight

Great late breaking news....

Here was a surprise for me today.

I dug out more stuff from my flooded storage locker and found a number of good or repairable items.

4 standard gauge cars survived. (pictured are two I brought home)

These two are some of 4 cars I bought several years ago at a show, out of a junk box, and repaired and repainted.

Also my cattle loader is OK and a Marx signal bridge. Those will need stripped and repainted.

That loader survived is ironic as those darn things never work right as it is.

A loss was a pair of old F3 Santa Fe Chiefs that I added an Otts sound board to. The paint was eaten off of those.

I found a radar detector caked with dried mud and it still worked...there may be hope for the dozen or so engines yet to be found.

Best of all, aside from my standard Ga. cars is a telegraph set from the Civil War era, A lamp I added a red globe and electrified and an old candle stick phone also is/are intact and unharmed.

On my last layout I had these set up with my controls.


Dew Drop Inn

Good to see some good stuff survived! You do good work!

Tom- good luck on the interview tomorrow.

I agree with Dave - when I have been thrown out - things ended up better than before. Everything happens for a reason. A good attitude is the key. I let a bad attitude influence me once and it showed up when I was interviewing. I realized what I was doing and I picked myself up and moved on.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 40 deg and headed to 45 with Blue Clear Skies that will be giving way to overcast and snow tonight.

Thanks guys. I think one of the things that keeps me on track is that I was one of 20 people that was released. Before this they only had 45 salaryed employes. So they cut that in half. How long do you think they will be around?

Yesterday we went and look at an estate sale of Lionel trains. We will be posting pics of it on the Musuem web page. Mostly post war engines. Many were stored in a damp basement and shows signs of mold stains on the finish.

Well we have to go find my suit and tie.

Pic of the Day


Chessie6459 said:
It is 39 Degrees here right now. Supposed to get close to 50 today. I got no work today as the homeowner is sick and doesn't want to take the chance of getting us sick. So no work for a couple of days.:D :D
Good timing - - you got them sick just when you needed a sanity break! :)
Oh - Sorry - I wasn't supposed to say that in public - I forgot.. sign1 sign1 sign1

Hope they feel better soon - no one should be sick when the weather is this nice... That groundhog better not see his shadow Thursday!!
one other thing :) has anyone noticed that this thread has had over 11,000 views! :eek: :cool: :eek:

If you click on the "number" under "posts" for this or any thread, a pop-up will open with a list of members that posted to that thread and the number of posts :) :)

Too Cool you guys!!!!
Do you have flood insurance on you lay out or fire insurance, insurance on you layout at any rate...pardon the pun

Will your home owners cover the lose of you trains? Brobabaly not.

I have posted about the flood that damaged my collection of classic and operating train stuff to the point that you are tired of reading about it.

From time to time I dig further back into the pile to see what I can find.

Here are some pics of a K Line Santa Fe set, some of it and some old Lionel repainted to C&O cars, I bought them that way. Some old guy had made them, I got a set of 6 at a show and the same weekend on the way home got an F# and 4 more cars like wise painted and decaled. I kept the six best car as they were. I digress ( love to use that term :D )

From this trip to the new storage lockee, one above the flood plain, I rescued a cattle loaded, haven't seen the car yet, and a Marx signal bridge.

If the loader still works, it and the bridge will need repainted.

I cleaned up some pieces but have no idea if the engines will run. The cars seem OK mostly. That is suds on one roof, not blistering however the paint did blister on some areas but not bad.




I could not put an estimate on the loss as I didnt even know what all I had but I can tell you it was 15 years worth of layout building and collecting.

Many items were one of a kind, others rare prewar and standard gauge, lots of Marx lito cars and building, all of those are gone.

I had 10 times more buildings, car & engines and accessories than i could run on my largerst layout and I had two at once, one being 6x11 feet.

I looked into insuring the collection but it seemd to much trouble to inventory it. What a fool.

announce1 Think about a loss to your trains. What would you lose?
Oh Mannn :( I feel your pain :(

I have Collector's insurance - I collect other things besides trains... But it's all insured.... It's not too expensive - but the peace of mind is worth it... :D

Just one other thing you hope you never have to use!!
Thanks... but a large part of it was remade/restored or repainted as I didnt had the money to put into new or hi grade items. I will have fun re-restoring it :D

A lot of the prewar stuff is junk or poor in condition and it lends itself well to parts cleaning and new paint.

I look on the up side.
That happend 3 years ago and I never know now what I will find but sometimes I wake up in the wee hours of the night and suddenly think abaout a milk car or a standard gauge semafor, ect and wonder where it is in the pile. My exstensive palsticville collection will clean up OK but tin litho building shouild be rust by now.

I didnt have the health that year to clean it up and afterwards, it was to late.

I want to get it out and reboxed and the trash tossed before hot weather.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
Where the temp is 34 deg with overcast skies and it's trying to snow.

Gil - will a little of cleaning and replacing the trucks looks like they can be back on the rails.

Interview went very well yesterday. I have to call and make an appointment for round two. :thumb:

N Gauger - looks like folks like looking over here. That's great. They ought to stop in and say HI. :wave:

Pick of the Day


I need severl small sizes of brass brushes for that and small files for the tool box as well as a supply of Lionel screws. I can get those at Main Tt. Trains.
Finally able to log on to THE GAUGE. Misplaced my password.

Tom, it sounds like everything is going to work out. train97 I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Had a little fire on the layout last night, but the Basement Saving Fire Department took good care of it.
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