Battlestar Galactica Raptor

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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2007
Fayetteville NC
I just started on the Raptor. Again thanks to JayBats. If I were to build it as designed, It would have been done already, but you know me, I have to experiment. The Raptor is coming along nicely, but I still have problems with the Bulge on the cockpit. Too much heat and it melted too much. Again, too much heat and it scorched the bubble. I am out of practice, it is one of those things that you have to practice.

The engines have to go, I will re-do those. And now for the build and for your perusal enjoy the build. .:wave::wave::wave::wave:


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Had a little time to check out you raptor. Looking good so far, how is the rest of the interior coming along? Also I can't wait to see what you did to the engines.

work in progress

Continue on with the Build. Scratch building the interior:wave::wave::wave::wave:


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Lookin' good! :thumb: If I may ask, how are you forming the clear canopy? Thermo-form or Vacu-form(sounds like Thermo-form)? This seems like a good time to use the Future canopy technique.

Those consoles look great as well. Are they made from stills from the show or from decals?
Raptor build

Lookin' good! :thumb: If I may ask, how are you forming the clear canopy? Thermo-form or Vacu-form(sounds like Thermo-form)? This seems like a good time to use the Future canopy technique.

Those consoles look great as well. Are they made from stills from the show or from decals?

The canopy will be thermal form. I have to practice a bit more because it has to be done at a set distance, that is why it bubbled and bent the wrong way on my first two tries. For the later, I would have to use the lady's Orlik and she will not appreciate me messing with the hoses.

The consoles are scratched built and the instruments came from photos of a Blackhawk. The blackhawk has a predominantly digital control panel, almost like on the BG fighters and ships. I broke the UH-60 console and move the components around to get what I thought might be correct, and reduced them to size.
Interior of Raptor

Silver, I'm searching the net on what ever I find for a reference on the inside of a raptor. Such a cool little ship to build. Can't wait to see it in the final stages. I hope mine will look that good:mrgreen:.
Raptor Velocitus

A few more items. I printed double copies, because I wanted to have that raised panel look. The more I work with this model, the more small details I come up with and I have not even got to the engines yet.

It is a shame that Dee committed suicide and what is up with Thrace? Who is she, another Starbuck from a parallel Universe?

Well here is a preliminary look at my color scheme. It is going well, but I am going to sweat over that Canopy at the end. It will give me time to practice and burn or melt more plastic.

The last two pics are reference on the interior lay-out. They are not complete, but enough to start off with.:wave::wave::wave::wave:


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Raptor build

Here is an update, I hope to finish soon but I may need to have a hiatus, due to an upcoming contract which may tie me up until 21 Feb.

That attack Raptor is awesome, but it will be done by a better modeler than me, it is too intricate. If I were to do it, it would be the easier version, with only rocket launchers.

I am working on the landing gears and done the schematics for the engines. It is almost there but not quite.:wave::wave::wave::wave:


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Reactions: lons fede
Hope this helps...





I'm really not sure where you got that last image... It's a little much.
I have already mounted.
But if you consider putting in your download file to open it, it is with pleasure that I will operate the mine

I am sorry mon ami, mais je ne compre pas. I do not understand your post.

I did look up your post on the raptor on "papier forum" and it is a very good and simple detail on the basic build. In spite of the language difference the pictures were very easy to follow for a finished build.:wave::wave::wave::wave:
well excuse me
i use a translator, but i think he has made something strange.
I ll try without :eek:ops: :
my raptor is really simple. (congratulation to find it onthe french site, really :thumb:) this model was interresting, but when i did it, i was disapointed to not make something as detailled as i like.
i would like to know if the "extened" file you are using to mount your raptor is downloadable somewhere.
(woups, really, i try to be better than google translator, but i m not sure :mrgreen:)


Any luck on that frakking canopy. wall1 I considering constructing a mold for this one occassion. That bubble in the front has to be done in a couple of pieces I'm sure of. The more complex the challenge the more we learn and pass to others. Wish me luck:twisted:

well excuse me
i use a translator, but i think he has made something strange.
I ll try without :eek:ops: :
my raptor is really simple. (congratulation to find it onthe french site, really :thumb:) this model was interresting, but when i did it, i was disapointed to not make something as detailled as i like.
i would like to know if the "extened" file you are using to mount your raptor is downloadable somewhere.
(woups, really, i try to be better than google translator, but i m not sure :mrgreen:)


No there are no extended files. The internal schematics and other details are all done by hand, Scratch built. I used photos and 3D graphics for reference.
Any luck on that frakking canopy. wall1 I considering constructing a mold for this one occassion. That bubble in the front has to be done in a couple of pieces I'm sure of. The more complex the challenge the more we learn and pass to others. Wish me luck:twisted:

Right now I am in the middle of a gov contract and stopped work on the Raptor. As for the Canopy, I have another Canopy concept. I may do a silicone mold from a clay mold. Then use castolite to make a clear canopy.

You can order the mold items from On the search box put in molds and it will give you that page. Great company for ordering small items.
This is a great site for those who like railroading.
just wondering, when you say laminate, do you mean sticking the paper textures on a thin card base?

looking good, i was so-so when i first saw the raptor on the tv show. but it eventually grew on me, and the battle-raptor is just amazing looking.

just wondering, when you say laminate, do you mean sticking the paper textures on a thin card base?

looking good, i was so-so when i first saw the raptor on the tv show. but it eventually grew on me, and the battle-raptor is just amazing looking.

I glue the paper illustration on posterboard and then I glue that cut piece on another piece of poster board, and so on until I get the desired thickness. On some pieces I do a 1X lamination and on other areas like the landing gear I may go as thick as 5X lamination for strength:wave::wave::wave::wave:
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