Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

Any body ever have the train or race track on a full sheet of plywood on a hinge on the bottom edge- so you could flip it down for play, and then flip it up for roominess? I always thought that was cool.
Hi all, I have been very sick for the last few weeks, arthritic and the brain tumor making me dizzy.
I haven't been eating well because my blood sugar sky rocketed and now it's back down.
Cushing's disease is a bitch-even tho it's the same name as my favorite hammer horror star.

So I have been experimenting while I listen to lectures and stuff on youtube with oven bake scuplty.
Not too bad, it's been almost 50 years since I molded with clay.
Hopefully to get to where I can make my own wire-silicone foam stop motion puppets and make some garage king kong shorts for fun.

These are from the tv show in 1974 land of the lost.
I am sorry that you were not feeling well. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better now.

I have always thought that "STOP-MOTION" animation was interesting. I wish you the very best of luck with it! I look forward to seeing your work!
So sad to hear that you where sick, Hope that you soon keep feeling better. For nos take care.
Take care of yourself. Having fun with projects is an excellent thing to do. :)
Y'all got me beat by a mile, the closest to "sculpting" that I've gotten yet was the base for my Hydra.20200607_150335_resized.jpg
and I used Sculpy because I needed it to be hard as plastic. So once made and formed, I baked it and hardened it up. No where near y'alls abilities.

Great work sculpting a Dino monster.
King Kong styraci, aluminum foil, styrofoam filler, and floral wire, building up to a stop motion puppet soon, hot glued pieces onto the skull and mixed up green Scultpy waiting for some more on order to make it some kind of purple, so I can tribute Ray Harryhausen's Gwangi styraci. Bake at low for an hour guarantees no cracks or burns or bursts. A porous rock for scaly skin texture and air dry Sculpty knob I made for textures. those little plastic knives are great for lines, dimples, and tiny fins.

I might wash it with black or grey, the medium is Crayola air-dry clay. It dries out as a foam kind of thing that turns rock hard after weeks. mixing colors to produce a natural-looking skin tone is sketchy at best. So I settled with a purple Harryhausen Gwangi looking color, by mixing white and blue simply to make more clay of the same color.