You Know Your A Train-a-holic When


May 16, 2003
Pittsburgh, Pa
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head down in shame

I spent 12 hours on a train from Newcastle Pa to Cleveland, I spent another 12 hours the next day coming home. I cursed the fact that I was "stuck" on this crappy train. I went home and thought about modeling it.

What the heck is wrong with me?

I am a train-a-holic:eek:ops:


My name is philip and I'm a Cross addicted train-a-holic.
I'm also addicted to the Gauge. Thanks!

I got it bad. :thumb:

seems i heard that many years ago..........

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
............... I heard a train whistle at a local crossong..... I was on one side of a parking lot. I drove "not to slowly" :) over to the other side of the lot, where the tracks are... Waited for the engines to go by (2 CSX) and then watched a bit of the train go by. I turned the car around & started to leave that section of the lot, when I saw 2 store employees "That know me by sight" looking at me with huge smiles. :D :D :D :D

None of us said a thing... it was a mutual understanding LOL I Waived - They Nodded..... btw - they are Home Depot Employees.... They seem to know I have a layout "That took a bunch of wood to build" :D :D :D

Somebody must have told them :confused: :eek:ops: :confused: :eek:ops: :confused:

YES!!! For those of you that know me! I was chasing Night Trains in the Mustang convertible again..... I'm Soooo Hooooked ROFL!!!!


Dec 11, 2003
belle river , Ontario
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My name is Neil and I'm a train-a-holic
My name is Neil and I'm a shay-a-holic
My name is Neil and I'm a cpr-a-holic
My name is Neil and I'm a steam-a-holic
My name is Neil and I'm a far do I go ?:D ;)



Apr 23, 2001
The middle of nowhere Oregon
Visit site
Hi, my name is Clark and I'm a trainaholic.
I didn't know it until I read this thread, but the unmistakable symptoms are all there.
The Gauge is the first site I visit every day.
All of my eBay favorite searches involve trains.
I used Front Page to create a link page for my desktop with nothing but train shops and train related site links on it.
The other 90% of my computer time is spent designing and redesigning layouts.
I was originally hooked when I was 5 and we would take the train to visit relatives back east every year. I thought Union Station WAS Chicago and was shocked when we went outside one time and I realized there was more to it. :eek: :eek:
And now the worst parts, I have gone seriously in debt buying model RR equipment, :rolleyes: :rolleyes: and I still don't have enough!! :cry: :cry: :cry: