UHU02's Valley Forge

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Well, I didn't find any shots of the underside but I did find this:

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I'll have to either post it elsewhere or upload it as a file; the darn thing is huge.
You tackled a tough one, no doubt. Your progress pics are great though. :thumb:
Again, Konishiwa gosaimazu Sensei Uhu,

it is a pleasure and an honor to see you work, and on such a mythic space vessel as "Valley Forge", after the famous 2001: Discovery...:wave:

I got glued at this thread I alas just dicover. Many thanks and congrats again!!!!

Domo aligato gosaimazu Uhu-San:thumb:
Watching...and waiting...and drooling...oh...sorry. Got carried away there. Your excellent work continues to be an inspiration to all.
Nice work uhu.

I am very impressed by the fact that you always tackle to most challenging subjects in paper, regardless of how curvy the shapes are, or how intricate the structures are, nothing deters you, and the results are always spectacular.

Its a pleasure to watch you work, sir!
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