Train Room Progress


Active Member
Jul 28, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Now that I have finalized my trackplan, I can really start the layout in earnest.
Step one was to complete the strapping around the walls and then it's backdrop and benchwork.

I was lucky enough to get help from my mom's handyman. I did the sawing and he did the drilling. I had done the first of the strapping myself, but what it takes me a day to do, he can do in 1/2 an hour!!!

Tomorrow, he's going to lend me his nail gun, and I will put up the masonite backdrop. The photos are numbered and basically continue in a 360° panorama.



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What did you use for your background [sky/clouds]? I am ready to buy masonite for my N scale. I think I will need approx. 21'. I am wondering how tall to have the masonite [24" or full size 48". I'm not sure if I want to try painting or buying ready made. I'm not sure how I will secure it either [probably just screw into wallboard]
Looking good Val. :) :thumb:

But a word of advice. See that doorway? Don't get too over exuberant with the wall panelling and mistake the doorway for where wall is supposed to go. You won't be able to find your way out, and you might get stuck in there forever!! hehehehehe :eek:
Pleased to see you are getting help Val. I know some of said we would come and help too.
As long as you don't ask us to find space for all the stuff that is stored and has to be moved somewhere else. Good progress so far.

Looks like you are a lot further along than I am. It is good to see things progress.

Great space
to have and it looks like you are doing it up in fine fashion

Maybe after the holidays I'll get to the hammer, saw, and nails end of things.
Sure! Here it is. The blue track is elevated 2.5". From staging on the lower right, a train can take the left turnout into the yard, or it can continue up the grade to join the upper track. The trolley track on the city module is separately wired and powered. The main layout will be DCC, the trolley will be DC.

The layout is based on Toronto in 1954 - 56 and features heavy industries such as Massey Fergusson and Inglis on the left, and oil shipping, scrap yards and possibly a cement plant on the lower right.

Now I can just see you guys picturing all the track I could add to the peninsula :D :D but, sorry, there ain't gonna be any street trackage - and that's final!!! As cool as that is, Toronto never had any in the downtown area I'm modelling.

For those who know the city, left is the west end, and bottom right is the east end (if you straighted everything out). Of course that would put the city in the lake (!), so it would actually be behind the yard.

I might do a little minor tweaking here and there but basically this is it!



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Charles, I used latex paint. First a coat of primer and then a coat of Pratt & Lambert "Alaskan Blue", both applied with a roller for a smooth finish. Finally I spray-painted the clouds as per Gavin Miller's stencil method.

More progress over the weekend. I got the backdrop up and it has a coat of primer. I wanted to have curved corners, but since I am using full width masonite I found that I cannot get the curves I want. The radius would have to be so big as to seriously cut into the layout, so unfortunately no curves.
Now I am off to get some 1x4's, and when I get back I can paint the backdrop sky blue. Hope to start on the benchwork this evening.


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You asked for it Doc! I've painted all the backdrop blue now. Here's a shot from the same corner as the previous one. You can see I am going to have to do some blending of the clouds that I did much earlier. If it doesn't work I can always paint the whole thing blue and start over.



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