Star Wars NEW Republic Gunship- Bob's Build


Mar 27, 2008
Minneapolis, MN


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Wow, you have a great start. This is the first time I have seen this built. If it's anything like your Rodger Young, it will be awesome! )
You could make a simple vacuforming machine out of pegboard and a vacuum hose adapter. Then you just take a piece of clear styrene, mount it to a wooden frame, then heat it up, jam it over the plug, and turn the machine on. You can get good results without having to spend a lot of money.
i wanted to build this one, but it is now just another stack of paper on the ever-growing mountain of projects i forgot (and didnt want to do.)
Wow, the Holidays are busy....... I haven't got too much furthur, but I like whats forming.


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I showed my son and his Jaw dropped too. He has the big Lego version and the paper one is far more accurate. Considering the Lego one was well over $100 dollars, Oh well, he still has it and loves it. I get to play with it when he's in school! :)
I was at Michael's Craft Store this weekend and they have clear plastic Christmas ornament balls in different sizes. I thought about using one to make a Souix Helicopter bubble.

I showed my son and his Jaw dropped too. He has the big Lego version and the paper one is far more accurate. Considering the Lego one was well over $100 dollars, Oh well, he still has it and loves it. I get to play with it when he's in school! :)
I never understood why plastic bricks could be so expensive, but the SW toys are cool. :cool:
This model is great. I too built one myself recently.
Lets see some pictures. Feel free to add them to this thread.
I was at Michael's Craft Store this weekend and they have clear plastic Christmas ornament balls in different sizes. I thought about using one to make a Souix Helicopter bubble.

Hey, thats a great idea. I have plastic transperancy, but I am not looking forward to those gun mounts.....or the canopy. First time for everything.
I will do my typical edge painting when the model is almost half way done. I did use a black water proof marker for the cockpit edeges and it ran when I glued the parts together. Back to the stinky Sharpie.


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I'm really digging this model. In Photoshop, I started joining parts, so if you look at the Starboard side you can see where there cockpit section blends with the Trooper section. The overlap of parts is giving a nice layered effect.


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The lower, aft section is a bit of a pain to fold.....but sure fits nice. Beware to anyone building this model, without formers, I squashed the upper aft section when pushing too hard to combine with the lower aft section. The wing assembly should mask most of my opps.:cry:


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This is so cool! This is really coming along! I wish I had a little more salt in me to try this out!