Politically Correct Statements- Here???

Originally posted by Ravensfan
I started a thread a couple of weeks ago about Wal-mart firing an employee - had nothing to do with railroading. A debate ensued and, finally, the thread was locked. Did I appreciate the moderator closing down the discussion? No. Could I have done anything about it? No. I accepted it and moved on.

Don't feel bad Rav, I'll bet he closed it due to the responses getting hot, not due to the original post. Either way, I'm sure the moderator still loves you :D :D :D You have a great outlook on life, if you can't do anything about it, FIDO: Forget It and Drive On.
Originally posted by jon-monon

Don't feel bad Rav, I'll bet he closed it due to the responses getting hot, not due to the original post.

I agree, but I do enjoy a spirited debate once in a while.

You have a great outlook on life, if you can't do anything about it, FIDO: Forget It and Drive On.

Not to belabor this idea, but, when I was getting my post-grad degree, an Egyptian friend of mine perceived my "FIDO" attitude and imparted a saying on me that sticks in my mind (I'm not sure if the saying is from his native Egypt): "Like water off a duck's back." More poetic than FIDO, don't you think? :)
My wife's from Roanoke, Va. and she taught me "LWOaDB". Don't think there are many Egyptians in SW Va. I imagine it's one of those universal observations made because a species has settled itself all over the world. Kinda like "A whale of a tale", Hey Jon, how would you say those things in Viking?

PC'd 2 deth,
Originally posted by TR-Flyer
My wife's from Roanoke, Va. and she taught me "LWOaDB". Don't think there are many Egyptians in SW Va. I imagine it's one of those universal observations made because a species has settled itself all over the world. Kinda like "A whale of a tale", Hey Jon, how would you say those things in Viking?

PC'd 2 deth,

Måske en stor bil smuk! Jeg har det fint.

Politically Correct

Hi guys;

Without offending anyone, the only reason smoking came up with most of the groups/clubs I was involved with, was that it became both a health issue for the non-smokers and the fact that it left a residue after awhile on everything around it. I operated once with a group where everyone smoked but me, but I tolerated it. When I left all I could smell was smoke, and would have to take a shower and put on clean clothes.

ALthough I prefer not to be around smoking, I would not tell anyone else they could not, and most times, a polite question if they could do it either outside or downwind was usually granted. We never found it positive to complain about it, but with usually a little tact and diplomacy we worked out most of our differences.

THe bottom line that I personally try to follow, is that I realize that not all people will be the same as me, and I try to respect each person I interact with and hope I will receive the same respect. We are all here to enjoy this hobby, and I learn constantly from the masters and from some of the most basic beginners.

Hope I didn't become too boring.
