"Once upon a Train"

A Scarecrow .... A scarecrow in an Engineer's uniform, complete with Bib & hat... He simply walked up to them & First off noticed that Paul was slightly taller than he.... Said:

Your singing woke me up!" ..... Then he quickly said.. "Where are you going - Can I Join you"????? Peter, or was it Mary Replied.....
...and a one, and a two, and a..."I'm leaving on a jet plane". the three sang in harmony. "No, no" said the Scarecrow and he motioned to the big guy in the tin suit to join the group. "This is all about trains, not planes." So now with their priorities set, since Peter, Paul and Mary were looking for a record deal, the Scarecrow and Tinman now made it their duty to see that they all got...
..regroup and hold a meeting in hopes that they had a solution to their problem, well, as soon as they were able to define the problem that is. Yes folks, they were all confused by now, with all this talk of Paul Bunyonseed, tinmen, small trains, record contracts and Val's BBQ. That was enough for them to decided...
..."but wait", yelled Paul, "what's my falling pants got to do with anything?"

"No, I said expander, not suspender you dodohead".

Uh, somehow, calling a 200 foot tall lumberjack a dodohead just ain't the most sensible thing to do on such a rainy, cold day, or a hot one either, that's for sure.

Paul grabbed this little-bitty train with one hand and the protoype-sized propriator in the other and begain to...
fit one into the other, and I'm not saying which went where. "Enough!" cried the propriator. "I sincerly appologize. Now, if you will kindly put me down we can begin to start commencing the procedure." He went to a machine that was covered with dials, knobs, levers, switches and assundry other various devices and began turning knobs, moving levers, flipping switches and doing assundry other things. "Now, all we need to do is.....
...out popped four dozen Krispy Kream donuts, all shaped like railroad passenger cars. "Uh-oh, I think I put too much statenwortz in that leaberjam thingy" says the propriator, as he proceded to dip them in the glazing.

"Hey" says Paul, "your suppose to glaze the donuts, not us."

Things were indeed getting out of hand here as the embarrased LHS propriator reached for the phone to call...
..Santa Claus. The LHS obviously had him on their speed dial, and although he was vacationing in Barbados, the call was forwarded. The propriator in his haste had once again screwed up and punched the wrong button. Ah, the plight of the LHS, sometimes they can't get anything right (uh, sorry Pete, nothing personal :)). Santa listened to this guy's problem and said it was easy to fix, but not to tell anyone as he whispered "Look, simply ....
...walla, you are in Oz, the land of enchantment where anything can happen. "But we just got back from there," several of the now unruely crowd chanted. "OK everybody", came a voice from the back. "There's a train leaving for River City in a few minutes" said this slick looking salesman wearing a band leader's hat. "We can all be on it and on our way in no time flat. My name is Harold Hill, and I'm here to tell you that...
...We're in Trouble.. Lots Of Trouble!! And that starts with "T" and that rymes with G & "G" stangs for Gauge.. as in The Gauge..... They all starting chanting Trouble Trouble trouble... as they followed the snappily dressed Hill down to the beach, where...... to his "Well Hidden suprise" and their Genuine suprise ..... just out of the water's reach.........was resting....
The passenger car in the sand. The car had derailed and slid down to the beach. Mr. Hill said if we are to be on our way we are going to have to get this back where it belongs, and where it belongs is not an easy place to reach. He pulled out his watch and said we haven't much time, in order to set things right we are going to need a...
..sand rail, yep, we need maybe two. "Hey, you idjit, sand rails are for driving, not for riding on," said Harold. "We need a different kind of rail." As the snappily dressed con man swaggered about.

"River City, River City, and that means trouble and that begins with T and rhymes with G" they chanted as they all reached over and....