On Track, with Deano

Jim, GLAD to hear about your progress and plans for the SD45's:thumb: , i gotta admit though, i am a little scared to ask about the DD40AX:eeki: .
It will be UP, no worries there:mrgreen: I just want to super detail it when I do it. It will take a while before I get the parts together. Plus I have to many other projects already started:eek:
Jim, SHEEW!, boy am i GLAD to hear your keeping your DD40AX a UP:thumb: , i was kinda scared for a minute:119: .

i know what you mean about having so many projects going, i have been wanting to detail my DD40AX for a couple years now, but theres just to many projects ahead of it:winki: .
She sure is pretty deano. :D
THANKS MATT!:mrgreen:

ON MY SIDE OF THE TRACKS...its pretty darn wet:eeki: (floods)
Well, it was real rainy today, so i decided to stay in my own back yard, ICE is just a couple miles away, i had to drive down a flooded street to get there:roller: , but i went to their "West Yard" in S.Beloit(was owned by Milwaukee Road.) i got some shots of two engines i haven't seen there before, #4201 is an EX-SP, the tail light gives it away:winki: .

I then headed to UP's S.Beloit yard, WOW, about half the tracks were flooded:eeki: . wasn't much out of the ordinary there today, in fact, there wasn't much at all there today:119: . they had the three usual GP40-2's there, numbers 1360,1362 & 9993, but i already have a ton of shots of those, so i didn't get any of them today. i did get a shot a kinda neat old car though:thumb: . i was searching for fallen flag cars, but like i said, just not much in the yard today:frowns: .

I am posting the pics below differently then i normally do, this way they show up small, but if you click on them they will come up bigger then i normally resize them to:twisted: . i need to know what you folks think is better, posting pics this way, or just go back to the way i normally post them, PLEASE give me some feedback, what you folks tell me DOES MATTER:thumb::smilie: . THANKS!


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DeanO, great pics as always:thumb: How do you post them that way? I noticed my new camera makes the pics bigger and I don't want them to be to big for the board:eek:ops:

Here is an ICE that I caught last year at my Dads in Mason City Iowa.

Jim, i ALWAYS crop & resize my pics first:winki: , then when you get to the "reply" box, see the paper clip icon, just click on that, and follow the instructions:winki: .

BTW, NICE ICE PIC!!!:thumb::thumb: you know, they say ICE is "the coolest RR in the world":toug::119: ...i know, corny, but thats their slogan:winki: .

I WILL NOT BE HERE TOMORROW:cry: , in fact, you couldn't pay me to be HERE tomorrow:eeki: . WHY?:confused: , you ask, well, i just got off the phone with Dad, and i we are going to be at the:




"But Deano, what does this mean for us folks?'':confused:

The bad thing is it will be Sunday night, so it might take a night or two to crop and resize them all, but i hope it will be worth the wait for you folks:winki::smilie: .

Stay tunned....
BTW, PLEASE answer my question in the FIRST POST of this page, i really want to know which way you folks like me to add pics:winki: .

OK, which is better for you folks to view, the top pic, or the bottom pic?:confused:

click on the bottom pic to view it larger:winki:



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Either way works for me. Have fun at IRM:thumb::thumb:

I never made it to the one in Dallas:cry:

Jim, THANK YOU for your choice, its important to get this info, for upcoming pics:thumb: .

Hey Jim, I will be brining the trip to ALL of you folks, so you guys wont be left out on it:winki::smilie: .
hi Deano---hope you and your Dad have a great day at the IRM---looking forward to the pictures---personally,I like the first shot (THE BIGGER ONE) best
Ditto the last three comments... I like choice number 1 without the click through as well.
OK, FIRST, THANK YOU!, to you guys that "voted" on the picture size:thumb: , by popular demand, i guess i will keep posting them the same as i always have:winki: .

Jim, your engine facility is looking GREAT!!!:thumb::thumb: , some weathering would dial it right in:winki: .(just my thoughts:smilie: )

i like the size you post your pics:thumb: , but i have a 21'' monitor, so i don't have to slide the scroll bar all over to see the whole pic:winki: . i would like to post pics that big, the bigger the pic, the less quality is lost, the greater the size reduction, the more picture quality is lost. my problem is, i kinda want to find a happy medium, so people with 15'' & 17'' monitors don't have to scroll all over to see the pic:winki: .

i was looking for a pic with Big Ed in it, I FOUND ONE:mrgreen: , funny how Big Ed and your Crazy Larry look so similar:eeki::119: .(pic below)

Well, dad and i DID go:thumb: , and i took 333 PICS!!!:eeki::eeki: , REALLY:eeki::mrgreen: ...not all of them turned out great:eek:ops: , but i have picked out about 50-80 i would like to share. PLEASE be patient folks, thats a LOT of cropping, and size reducing:roller: .

I didn't take pics of the engines i already had good shots of, so i am going to give you folks TWO CHOICES on how i set this up, THATS RIGHT, YOU FOLKS DECIDE:winki: .

OK, for this choice i just share the pics i took this last weekend. this would include a little of everything, but not many diesel shots:winki: .
THIS CHOICE would pretty much be a whole "tour" of the IRM, it would include a little of some things, and a lot of other things:mrgreen: . i already have tons of pics from previous years there resized, so that would not be a big deal, but some of you have seen them already:eek:ops: . going this route would give you folks a much more complete feel of the IRM:thumb: . like i said, in this choice i would combine ALL the best shots, NEW and old of the IRM, SIMPLY, the full blown package:eeki: .

THERE you have it, either way is fine by me:winki: , the choice IS YOURS, get your say in, and the most votes wins! i will check what got the most "votes" tomorrow after work, and begin putting it together then...though i am cropping and resizing pics tonight to get a jump on it:winki::smilie: .