layout progress & engine pics

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liven_letdie said:

I had never seen a FM done up in UP paint. Neither in real life, train magazines, or model form. Kind of unbelieavable but nice to see, thanks for posting it and the family tie:thumb:

Cory, THANK YOU!, VERY MUCH for YOUR nice comments!:thumb: :D :D . UP had 37 FM engines total!:thumb: all but 12 of them came from Beloit, the 12 that didn't were Erie builts. the Beloit built models they had were all hood units: H10-44's, H15-44's, H16-44's and H20-44's.:thumb: here are a couple pics of REAL Beloit built UP FM engines. THANKS!:D View attachment 26990 View attachment 26989 View attachment 26991 View attachment 26992


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DOH!! Russ is correct (and I wasn't): I mistook that FM to be a Baldwin. The Doctor may be "in", but doctorwayne was "out to lunch" on that one. Up here, the FMs were built by the Canadian Locomotive Company, under licence. Both CN and CP used them: various hood units and, of course, the C-Liners.

liven_letdie said:
Those engines have a face only a railroader could love sign1 Do you know if any were preserved and/or restored?

Thanks for the pics!

doctorwayne is correct, though the first sets of C liners were built in Beloit, most all of them were shopped out to the Canadian FM plant in Kingston:thumb: . VERY FEW hood units were made in Canada. **Cory, yes, there are 38 FM units that are preserved and/or restored. they are at places in Canada and the US, and some in Mexico. Hmm, i see you are from CA., there are 4 there, one in Campo, one in Perris, and two in Sacramento:thumb: :D . THANKS for asking!:D View attachment 26999


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MilesWestern said:
If you're in California...on The niles Canyon Ry, they have two fairbanks-morse H-12-44's one in Army black, and one in Tiger Stripe SP schemes!
WOW! THANKS MilesWestern!!:thumb: , i have NO records of that, but thanks to your info i will update:thumb: :thumb: :D . THANK YOU!:D


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UP SD40-2 said:
AHHH!!, THANKS Russ!!:thumb: i never thought about it, but i bet your right;) . the Baldwin AS-16, AS-416 and AS-616 all kinda look like the Fairbanks-Morse hood units. i can see it now, THANKS!:D **SIDE NOTE: i live here in Beloit, HOME OF Fairbanks-Morse engines!:thumb: my grandfather & great grandfather BOTH worked at Fairbanks-Morse at the time they were making engines. they made the parts that went in the prime movers of those awesome engines:thumb: :D :D !!! both of them have passed on years ago. neither of them were big train nuts, but were craftsman that loved their job and took GREAT PRIDE in their work. i have TONS of FM engines in N and HO. LONG LIVE FM!!!:thumb: :D :thumb: View attachment 26984 View attachment 26985 View attachment 26986 View attachment 26987

Is Fairbanks still in business? I know thay have long since been out of the locomotive business, but their original application was for use as marine engines, particularly in submarines in WW2. I worked on them in the Coast Guard on the 311 I was on, and they powered all of the Coast Guard's ice breakers. It seems to me that in the late 60's and early 70's when Fairbanks had been out of the locomotive business for 15-20 years, that the Coast Guard was just having the new at the time "Rush" class of cutters built, the 378 footers, that they were running Fairbanks-Morse in those.
On the subject of F-M locomotives, S.P. probably had the most famous of the Trainmasters running in commuter service between San Jose & San Francisco before the advent of BART. I think they had 4 or 6 units to cover that service, & I know they ran up into the 70's, perhaps into the early 80's. It seems to me that I read somewhere that they went to short lines or mining railroads after S.P. was through with them, but I may be mistaken. Do you know the disposition of those units? They may be the ones mentioned as on display in Campos, Perris and Sacramento, but I thought I read that they were still in service somewhere.

On a little different track, I haven't been to the "Trainspotter ID" forum yet this morning, but if you haven't posted anything there, yet. why not start a few threads on the spotting features of the different versions of Fairbanks-Morse locomotives?
Russ Bellinis said:
Is Fairbanks still in business? I know thay have long since been out of the locomotive business, but their original application was for use as marine engines, particularly in submarines in WW2. I worked on them in the Coast Guard on the 311 I was on, and they powered all of the Coast Guard's ice breakers. It seems to me that in the late 60's and early 70's when Fairbanks had been out of the locomotive business for 15-20 years, that the Coast Guard was just having the new at the time "Rush" class of cutters built, the 378 footers, that they were running Fairbanks-Morse in those.
Russ, YOU BET FM is still in business!:thumb: in fact, i work less then one block away from the FM plant!:D they are STILL making ship engines. UP pulls them out of the plant and takes alot of them out west on their "mega massive" flat cars, its quite a site to see:thumb: . FM made train engines from 1944-1963. the pic below is of the FIRST FM EVER made, its an H10-44 and was sold to the Milwaukee Road. it IS still running at the IRM!:thumb: THANKS for asking!:D View attachment 27038


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Russ Bellinis said:
On the subject of F-M locomotives, S.P. probably had the most famous of the Trainmasters running in commuter service between San Jose & San Francisco before the advent of BART. I think they had 4 or 6 units to cover that service, & I know they ran up into the 70's, perhaps into the early 80's. It seems to me that I read somewhere that they went to short lines or mining railroads after S.P. was through with them, but I may be mistaken. Do you know the disposition of those units? They may be the ones mentioned as on display in Campos, Perris and Sacramento, but I thought I read that they were still in service somewhere.
Sorry Russ, i am NOT to familiar with SP stuff. now ask me about UP, CNW or the Milwaukee Road, and thats a whole other ballgame!!:thumb: :D Here is what i do know, SP had 59 FM engines:D , 16 of them were Trainmasters. SP used 6 Trainmasters primarily for passenger service. TM-3 and TM-4 were meant for UP, but UP passed them on to SP...SP DID buy them. and lastly SP and Wabash were the ONLY TWO roads to order SOME of their Trainmasters with low pilot and pony walks(Very rare):D . **As far as whats on display in CA, the ONLY records i have are in Compo=UP H20-44 #DS-1369, in Sacramento=AT&SF H12-44's #543 & 608, and in Perris=AT&SF H12-44 #560. my records show THE ONLY FM made SP still around is an H12-44 #1581, it is in Dallas Texas. **Russ, sorry i couldn't answer ALL your questions, but i have passed on what i know to be true:D . THANK YOU!, so much for your interest!:thumb: :thumb: :D View attachment 27040


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Not only have you posted some really nice photographs of your models, but it appears that you also have a very nice collection of prototype photos. All very enjoyable to see, and I particularily like that NYC Shark. Keep 'em comin'.

MilesWestern said:
Here's the Niles Canyon Roster minus the new aquisitions from GGRM (home of the SP 2472 steamer)

In addition to what's listed on that page, there's another 44T, an SP FM H-12-44, and a pair of ex-SP F7's.
MilesWestern, THANK YOU!, for the info. sometime tonight i am going to their website and will update my records, THANK YOU!:thumb: To be honest with you, over the last couple years i haven't been as diligent as i used to be on keeping track of the where abouts of the surviving FM's:eek:ops: . I have really been into the whole UP thing over the last couple years, with their rich history, and the AWESOME engines they had, i have just been engulfed in it:thumb: :D . AGAIN, THANK YOU!!:thumb: :D
For doctorwayne...

doctorwayne said:
Not only have you posted some really nice photographs of your models, but it appears that you also have a very nice collection of prototype photos. All very enjoyable to see, and I particularily like that NYC Shark. Keep 'em comin'.

doctorwayne!!:D , THANKS! even though i ONLY model UP, CNW and the Milwaukee Road(currently UP:thumb: :D ), since I AM a BIG engine nut:D , i DO have a vast picture archive of engines from ALL roads;) . most of them are of unusual engines, its those i find the most beauty in:thumb: . the first pic i think YOU will find...interresting, its a Baldwin AS-416(NOT an FM.sign1 ). I hope you enjoy the rest!:D THANKS!!! :D View attachment 27042 View attachment 27043 View attachment 27044 View attachment 27045 View attachment 27046


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Actually, that "Baldwin" is more like a BalwEMD: looks like it's been remotored with a 567 and a Geep hood to keep it dry.:)
Is that Rock Island DL-109 also remotored with a 567? Very imaginative way to incorporate the air intakes.
The Kraus-Maffei units look to be on a test run and that last one always reminds me of a caricature of a locomotive, for use in a cartoon. That one ranks right up there with the Aerotrain for a "shoulda stayed on the drawing board", in my opinion.

doctorwayne said:
that last one always reminds me of a caricature of a locomotive, for use in a cartoon. That one ranks right up there with the Aerotrain for a "shoulda stayed on the drawing board", in my opinion.

doctorwayne, OUCH!!!, OK, OK, I GIVE!!!, i will NOT take ANY MORE shots at you on that FM thing. PLEASE believe me, it was ALL in funhamr tooth1. the last pic is of CNW's "Blue Goose", it was their poor attempt at turbine power;) ...As far as the Aerotrain goes, I AM A BIG FAN of the Aerotrain, AND am PROUD to say I am one of FEW that has a running one:D (see page 2 of this thread:thumb: ). now i think its time to go back and lick my wounds.tooth1 sign1
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