Halinski 1:200 HMS Hood Build

Aren't you finished this thing yet? Jeez Louise, what have you been doing??

Heh. :)

You'll of course be starting a Bismarck, once the Hood is complete, n'est pas?

(and then a Prince of Wales, Rodney, Prinz Eugen, Sheffield....)
Aren't you finished this thing yet? Jeez Louise, what have you been doing??

Heh. :)

You'll of course be starting a Bismarck, once the Hood is complete, n'est pas?

(and then a Prince of Wales, Rodney, Prinz Eugen, Sheffield....)


You are hilarious!! I finished the UP projectors and the propellers and some more boats, so get off my case!! These things are hard you know! :p



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Good looking work Ski. The turrets turned out great.

Those are some very clean looking props too. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear they were milled from brass. :mrgreen:
Hey folks!

I kinda fell off the face of the Earth but I have been still working on the ship. I'm just about done with the rigging. I'm happy with it so far, but it is not up to the superb work seen elsewhere. I still have more railings and to finish up on some painting.

I used some rope for the rafts as I couldn't get used to the paper versions. Not too thrilled about the results, but hey, you can't win every time. Once I get the ship done, I'll find it a home somewhere in the house and I hope to start on another, maybe the Halinski Bismarck, or go back to some more 1:400 action.....



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Ski, you're rigging looks fine to me. What type material did you use? Thread, or something smaller?

Great details. I really like the boat booms/hoists. Were those included in the kit? or did you scratch build them?
Ski, you're rigging looks fine to me. What type material did you use? Thread, or something smaller?

Great details. I really like the boat booms/hoists. Were those included in the kit? or did you scratch build them?

Thanks! I simply used string and magic glue. The booms and hoists are strip styrene. The kit's drawings were way off so I just used some eye judgement. When I finish it, I will take some better photos of it....


I worked railings and finished up on painting bollards. I added some crew members to the ship. These were N-guage figures that I repainted and cut-down their legs and arms to get them closer to scale. They look "fat" but pretty close to scale. Did RN sailers wear black or white? If so, I can give them a quick swipe of the color. Any which way, they give the ship a bit of life and scale....



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All right, I am done. I finished up on the rails last night while watching the OSU-Kansas game.

I'm happy with how it turned out. It was my first 1:200 scale model. A couple things with the Halinski HMS Hood:

1. I recommend you take it to a copy place and get it copied first. The card stock used in the actual kit is too glossy/thin for my taste. It would look really flimsy if I had used what was included.

2. Dry fit all pieces. As mentioned elsewhere, this kit has quite a few misfitting pieces. I used stock from the barrels to fill in what was missing or gaping.

3. Make sure you add about a 1/16" width to the lower hull pieces. I have a couple small gaps bewteen these and the hull sides. I sure wish I did this myself. Once bitten, twice shy.....

4. You MUST get another reference to build this model. I just happened to have a copy of Anatomy of A Ship: HMS Hood, that I got while I was stationed in the UK. What a BIG help!! The instructions, needless to say, are about as bad as you can get!

Now I think I will start working on my 1:400 Norfolk for a change, hehehe....



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Wow - you certainly did the kit proud. It's one of those "Is that REALLY paper ?" models. Crackin job :)
Ski, that's an outstanding effort.

She came out really nice.

Thanks for your building tips too. Like a few folks here, I have this one in my stash for future construction.
