Gauge Boxcar-World Tour '03


It was really nice to meet Spitfire in person....

Her layout is taking shape and I look forward to attending operating sessions...

This Gauge Boxcar - World Tour has been a great idea and an oportunity for us to get to know each other...

Hind-sight being 20/20.... I should have brought my diarama and had it set up against Val's beautiful sky backdrop...

It would have been better than the white cinderblock wall that I used...

I'm sure that we'll run into each other at Den of Trains and at other events....

Spitfire, Remember that it's not a very long stretch from a diarama to a module.... And an easy kitbash from HO to On30! :D :D :D Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! And modules are great because you don't have to commit all your resources towards them.... Keep the HO layout at home, but make an OCMOD for bringing out to meets. Hint, hint, hint...

And a large HO water tower makes a great kitbashed On30 watertower. Incase you weren't sure what to do with those extra water towers... :D :D :D
Three layouts in one night phew

Hi Folks, Thursday was a busy night in the East end of Toronto,
well Pickering Ajax and Whitby realy;)
Val wizzed over for a full night of photo shooting,
So here we go I will have to post at least 5 pics from each layout of the 71 shots I took and then Val will add a few that she took.:)

First check by my trusty employees Bert Cid and Fred give me the O K to Roll;)


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Now over to Duckman

And by now we were behind schedual :D but no one minded .
Brian had a endless pot of Tim Horton`s coffee on the go, NICE:D
Brian has done a lot of work since our last Duckman night and changes to.

Ready to roll;)


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And to finish off, a group shot at Brians then upstairs for our well deserved Timmy`s (coffee):p
It was a great night that only came about because of The-Gauge freight car Thanks!

Val, Glen, Andy, Ernie, Chris, and Brian.


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