Engine Pics & Train Stuff...

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Another picture from the interview in front of Police Dept.s new truck. An amoured car, a command center vehc. and a bomb squad will follow soon. The figures look much more shiny on the photos than do in reality.:cry:


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Steven, i like that 0-6-0 too! it is a neat little engine, even if it is a cheapo Bachmann:thumb:. **Tobias, GLAD your back!:D WOW!:eek: i didn't know Dennis Rodman joined the police force!(second to the last pic in the first post, and the pic in your last postsign1 ). GREAT set of pics!! tells the story in your news flash well!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: THANKS!!! :D -Deano
From New to Old in 20min.

Steven, i was a HUGE Bulls fan back in the day, i NEVER missed a game that was televised;). Dennis had green hair in a couple of the games. for awhile, Dennis would make his hair the color of the other teams jersey, that way in the heat of the moment it would confuse the other players:thumb:...ahh, those were the days:D. **Miles, that little engine DOES NOT come with a decoder. the engine SMOKES!, comes with the smoke fluid too, though i havent tried that yet. it runs OK, once you get the speed up, don't crawl, but what do you expect from a cheap Bachmanntooth1. like i said before, i just got it to practice weathering on steamers;). announce1 below are some pics of a gondola that was NEW at 3:00pm today, but after spending 20mins with me, it turned into one of the gons that run through here to LANZ scrap yard:thumb:. the gons i see in there are so wore out, you can read next to NOTHING on them, so i made this one in that bad a shape to simulate them. :D -Deano View attachment 31672 View attachment 31673 View attachment 31674 View attachment 31675 View attachment 31676


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I still need to get the India Ink myself.

That gondola looks great! I love the weathering on it.

I miss the days of the Bulls having a good team. I've never been a basketball fan myself, but the team of the 90s sure made me a fan of them. After the team fell apart, I lost interest again. Always been a huge fan of baseball, and a little bit of hockey too
Josh & Steven, THANKS GUYS!, for the kind words:D. i have been making progress on the diorama:thumb:, i have some ground cover drying now, plan on taking a couple SIMPLE test pics tonight;)...we'll see how it pans out. THANKS! :D -Deano
Test Pics

OK FOLKS, here are my VERY FIRST test pics of the diorama!:thumb: announce1 KEEP IN MIND, these are only TEST PICS, they are extremely SIMPLE. i plan on adding a MULTITUDE of things on this to make it more detailed;). i have a couple new backdrops on the way, i need to put brush, weeds, trees, perhaps cows or deer, the list is just about endless:D. announce1 this side is the "open Field" side, on the other side i plan on making TONS of interchangeable things to put on it. i am thinking roads, businesses, houses, etc., ALL interchangeable;):D. i have BIG plans for this, and am looking forward to trying some outside shots with it too:thumb:. i know the lighting could be better, but its 1:43AM right now, and i just didn't feel like pulling out my other two lamps:eek:ops:. ANYWAYS, to give you an idea of what i have been talking about, here are my FIRST, SIMPLE test pics.:D -Deano View attachment 31743 View attachment 31744 View attachment 31745 View attachment 31746


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A Couple More...

i know, cripes, i never sleep:rolleyes:. i was just thinking about several things that would be EASY and quick to do...how about a hill? NO PROBLEM!:thumb::D again, sorry for the poor lighting, just messing around with different ideas i could quickly try. i can do long shots too, to get three engines and a car in the pic, i am only using one light now so there is a glare on the backdrop, thats why i am only doing close range shots now;). details like brush, weeds etc, will come in the next SERIOUS set of pics i do:thumb:. its 2:47AM and i should be getting some sleep:rolleyes:. :D -Deano View attachment 31747 View attachment 31748 **EDIT: i live in an upstairs apt., took this as an outside test pic on my balcony this morning. View attachment 31752


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I came across this while looking for something else. I thought that it looked kinda FM-ish with those "fender skirts".


Please, somebody stop me before I strike again! :D
As far as diesels go, this is one of my favourites, a vest-pocket Century:


Okay, I promise to quit.

hobokid:wave:, GLAD to have you popped in!:thumb: THANKS!, for the complement!:D **Wayne, OUTSTANDING PICS!:thumb: THANKS for posting them:thumb:. the first one DOES look FMish, its NOT though, looks like an Alco. NICE FM!(second pic). i have NEVER seen one of those engines in the third pic, looks neat!:thumb: is that an Alco? THANKS AGAIN!, Wayne:D. :D -Deano
Dean, I think that the loco in the first picture is from GMD (the Canadian counterpart of EMD). Check out the end of the long hood (very geep-looking), the two exhaust stacks, along with the radiator air intakes and the roof-top fans. Those three-axle trucks also look very similar to three-axle Flexicoils. The loco, by the way, is from the Newfoundland Railway, and is narrow gauge.
The little loco in the third picture is from MLW, ALCO's Canadian licensee. I don't have the book at hand to check the exact history, but these locos had several different trucks over their lifetime, including A-1-A, two axle GMD Flexicoils, and possibly ALCO/MLW Tri-Mounts, with three traction motors. I believe that they were rated at 1400 HP, but, as with the other info, don't quote me on that.:D
I just flipped back to your post on the new diorama and saw the last shot that you edited in. Very effective:thumb: :thumb:, and you didn't even have to go downstairs :D .

Wayne, the top pic is a Canadian EMD (NF-210) Narrow Gauge switcher only used by the Newfoundland Ry. That railway became part of CN when NF became a province of Canada in 1949. Here's a Picture of one! http://www.northeast.railfan.net/images/cn931.jpg

The middle is a 5 axle FM C-liner, The C-liner was actually named after that orginal wheel arrangement, the "C" standing for Consolidation of all things, because the steam locomotive of the same type had 10 wheels (8 driving, two pilot) There ya go!

Any info on the wierd one on the bottom? :confused:

Post some more wayne! ;)
I don't check this thread for a couple of days and look what happens...
New locos, new weathered cars, new diorama pics, the S.W.A.T. Team gets called out, and even Dennis Rodman makes an appearance! This is better than TV!:D :D Although with the sorry state t.v. programming is in...that ain't sayin' much;)

Since you posted some steam....

I have one for you (weathered and re-lettered):

View attachment 31760
View attachment 31759

why am I posting this loco?
Because I had never weathered or used decals before, and Deano answered a million questions and walked me thru the entire process. He did everything short of painting and decaling it himself) Thank you Buddy:thumb: :thumb: I would have botched the whole job without ya!

By the way...I think the new diorama is going to really set off your sweet locos and rolling stock!:thumb: :thumb: keep up the great work and.......say hi to Dennis for me:D


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