Digital Navy Fuso

Hi Barry

A very nice start to a major battle fleet :D

Its got to be a carrier or some destroyers next to go with these fine ships :lol:

Moer when you can


Tonight it's winches and the odd hatch here and there the winches are about .3 inches long and very effective models. Tried to blow up the picture a bit. I wish the rain would stop for a couple of hours. The flash ones are a bit better after DeWaynes suggestions though. There are about 12 of these winches altogether.

I looked at the closeup and thought if Jim was building this the doors would have the top sills on as well (must do better next time).

In real life I should think the seaplanes would jump up and down a bit if you let fly with these cannons !!

Awesome stuff, mate! :D

The pictures look more than fine, but sure would like to see more...aren't we pests? :lol:

Yeah, I probably would have been crazy enough to add the sills...and the hinges...and the dogs... but we already know I'm crazy! :twisted: :lol:

Seriously, this is one heck of a build, Barry, lots of things to build, and you've been doing an outstanding job of it.

Keep at it mate!


Hi Barry

She looks great mate, the small detail will finish her off just nice and you do it so well :D

If Jim did them they would have working clamps and opening dead lights :lol: :lol:

It does look realy good, one to be proud off

More soon I hope :roll:

Deck bits


Added anchor winches and hatches. Hatches are top cover and two layers of card painted to match to give height.

Mike I was trying to keep that a secret

Wow, Barry, that last shot really shows how tall that pagoda tower is! :D

Some excellent detail work, mate!
I loved that hatch cover details on the bow.

Keep at it, my friend, it is getting down to the last stretch of this beautiful build, no?




Ignore for now

Anchor winches


Thanks Rick

I've been following your build. What a trek! Your shot of the "Pagoda" really brought home the height of the structure. Folks on the lower decks must have had to use umbrellas to keep the seasick lookout ejecta off them in even the lightest of sea conditions....,

Fuso pics

Hi All

The photographs are taken in dullish daylight so the flash does not go off twice which is a pigging nuisance with my camera, also they are off site so may be slightly larger files plus I have been hitting the sharpen button a couple of times. I think I must only take pics in daylight in future.


No problem I will do it in daylight tomorrow.


Got to agree with you on the roll characteristics of this ship it must have been a nightmare in fact it has odd bits all over the place DN has captuered the squashed up effect of the turrets only "A" and "Y" guns have anything like unrestricted fields of fire and freedom to train without nearly hitting something. Loading the seaplane on top of "C" gun must have been horrific.


I'm appalled!!!! It stopped raining long enough to get an outside picture! Great bow shot. It would be interesting to know how the Fuso came to have that towering pagoda. Must have been politics...,

Best regards, Gil
BANZAI !!!!!


This is exactly what I had in mind - beatiful view of the pagoda superstructure right behind those nice 14" guns...
Thank, Barry.

I will want one more like that after you put all the deck clutter on the deck 8)