Callahan's - Calling all Punsters!

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If it wasn't for the flies, we could get hooked on that subject again.
Reel-ly, lets clutch at the spool and not get unraveled here.
We just cannot let things fall through the net...
But, I'm sure we will lure them all in at some point, hook, line and sinker....
But, a few will worm their way through the loop though.
As long as this is the right plaice, we shouldn't flounder. And, of course, ensuring the cod-piece is firmly positioned at all times, .....
Ironically, the Cod piece was to overcome the shortfalls, bigger Cod piece, bigger fish. Poor Maidens, fooled by such deceit, when a tight set of jeans would have achieved the same effect. As far as the (2nd) picture below, I can see any advantage to having your jeans pulled down half way down your butt. Of course, I am not of that persuasion, so maybe their thinking, "I'm half way there"?

As far as floundering Cod pieces, considering the time they were used, I wonder if someone ever asked, "Mind if I borrow your Cod piece tonight, I've got a hot date, and my I left mine in Flanders", where floundering Cod pieces always end up. Oh the humanity, or lack of it.

This pic ( 1st pic below) is from Wikipedia, so yes, I again have broken my own rule :sticktongue:, but really, who did these guys think they were kidding? That thing would have scared the bejesus out of any of the woman I ever knew. Bawdy Brits, and most other nobility of that era! :mooner: :blueface:


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I do not understand most of the references people make till it is explained to me, then I usually wonder how people remember all that stuff? :)
Our brains are connected to the Matrix. ;)

BTW, regarding our national heritage, we have already begun our secret invasion of the Dutch Kingdom by successfully introducing Prince Claus to the Royal family (he was a German diplomat). Following the rule that the children always get the nationality of their father The Netherlands are ruled by Germans now - and nobody has noticed!!! :cool:

Soon, soon....!!!

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