Building the Walthers N scale Blast Furnace

Step 15

Added 2 of the Main Furnace Walls. I painted them an Aluminum color and I will weather the heck out of em so that they look more like if has been there for a while like the rest of the furnace.

That is Myth Busters on the TV in the backround, love that show


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Step 16

Was to start the Cast House. This is one of the 3 support walls. Again, the brick encasements have been sprayed grey instead of that nasty yellow!


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Can't wait to see the finished project. I was going to do that for my layout but there is no way I would have done that good of a job. Keep up the good work!!! :thumb:
Can't wait to see the finished project. I was going to do that for my layout but there is no way I would have done that good of a job. Keep up the good work!!! :thumb:

Thanks :D

This is the first time I have done this thurow of a step-by-step project. I might consider doing this with the rest of the steel mill buildings too (coke oven & quencher, rolling mill, and electric furnace) once I get them. :D :D
Step 18

Was to paint the Cast House 2nd level floor to the rust brown primer color. This was also the ugly yellow color that the brick encasements were molded in. This pic is of it still wet, it will dry the same color as the Furnace. You can see were the molten hot steel would run along the paths to waiting hot metal cars on the tracks below.


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Step 19

Here are some pics of the Cast House Top Level Floor in it's final postion over the Cast House and Main Furnace Room. I glued the floor down and added another wall to the Main Furnace Room wall. I also added Slag Runner Roof Supports.

In the next 2 or 3 steps, you will see the main building take shape with roofs and the rest of the walls being added on, that is for tomarrow though.


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Looks great. I have a question. Once you put the roof and such on will you be able to see the walls and such? :eek:ops:
Thanks, Nope, you shouldn't be able to see the blank on the inside of the rooms. The furnace comes out the top of the roof over the Furnace room. We will have to see just how much you can still see inside later on when I get some more glue tomarro (I completly ran out) :eek: :curse:
Step 21

Glued the 2nd level Cast House walls. I also added the 2nd level Cast House Roof Supports and the end Cast House wall.


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Step 23

Glued the remaining Cast House Roof sheets in place. The Cast House is now done. Next will be putting the Furnace on the foundation in the Main Furnace Room and the Furnace Room roof.


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Step 24

Glued the Furnace in place on the foundation of the 2nd floor Furnace room. And also one fo the Furnace Room Roof sheets was glued in place.


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