building my own snowspeeder

my talents are great when the sun shines...:)
but time...that is the enemie.

the sides are all the same...12cm on top and 12cm on the side.

And the problems with flipping the engines over..(see pic)
1. this is the side is different than the other side (part 2)
i have put the engine more to the back so i had to open the box at this side.
2. this side is as how it should be
3. de breaking flap is on top different then of the side..
when i would flip the engines i have to complete recontruct them...
i think i go with the Imcold solution


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This might not help much but if one of those sides was 12 cms, then, the rest of the dimensions should be as indicated in the drawings below. Using parametric scaling, I was able to juxtapose the two images and , well, is how it comes out. If you gave me two main dimensions, the width, or wingspan, and the length, overall I could tell you the dimensions of the gun mounts. There are 4 pictures as I wanted to show you how I obtained the dimensions. I used 12 cm as the size of one panel to show how things can go off. Obviously, these dimensions won't add up to what your models dimensions are, the dimensions are to show the relative nature to the model. Personally, I would just eyeball it to completion, you've come so far, just make the guns fit what you have. :)


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I watched if i could fix that engine problem..
but when i change a side..all the sides change and i have problems with the inner engine parts...
so i decided that it stays...
Only you guys here and the real snowspeeder fans will see that there is something wrong :)

so i started with finishing the...exhaust-ports.



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Yesterdag i completed the exhaust ports..
just a little weathering..and then i can glue them on.

yes again a little step :)



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thanks Rogerio..i try to make it as close as i can make at the moment..
but there are many little mistakes and differences..But for me it looks great until now.

today a installed the exhaust ports

And i started to figure out how to do the armoured plating on the speeder



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I bought a airbrush set and started to read the howto...
the next thing i did was sell the set :)
It's very difficult...and time consuming.
Rhose exhaust ports look real,. I mean like "real"!! Very nice. I would love to see this in person. :)
I bought a airbrush set and started to read the howto...
the next thing i did was sell the set :)
It's very difficult...and time consuming.

That's a shame you got discouraged so early :) Using it is quite easy and a lot of fun after a while. Cleaning not so much, but that's a necessity; it's a precision tool and thus fragile.
i only bought it for the Ywings...
now my backup plan is a spraycan dull light grey..
and make somehow the dirt...
but i think that is something for in the winter