Launch when ready!

I'm suffering from the NASA syndrom... "Launch has been delayed..!" ;) :D
I say, take whatever time you need, do not rush it, because that way we will get model with all love it need and deserve. And this will be great models:Bravo:
Guys, that 1:1 model gets a "A" for effort but my lord, if he had read a book on riveting, overlapping the riveting, etc, he would have had such a tighter model. The rivets are all over the place and do not follow the NACA standard for riveting, as far as spacing and rives in the corners. If that could fly, it would be dangerous as all Hell. It would be neat if he made the fuselage, and put floats on the wings tips, and either a pusher props, or props in the floats, either way, that's the highest I'd even want to go. With the money he spent on this, and this was not cheap to build, he would be well on his way building a Zenith Zodiac. Really neat though, and paint will cover much. The one below was built in a hot environment, and flown in a cold one, causing the skin the warp. This is actually normal, but also why most aircraft are build in 69 degrees Fahrenheit rooms. These planes, built (homebuillt) to spec are rated plus +/- 9G's !! ;)

Zenith Zodiac.jpg Zenith Zodiac.jpg
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Just a bump.

Nothing more.

Really, nothing to get excited about. ;)

OK, I'm slowly getting back on track again. I'm trying to figure out a way to create a stable inner framework. This is a bit fiddly because of the size of the nose which might sag due to its weight. So I'm thinking of using various tubes going from the tip of the nose through the main body into the engine section. ;)
If I may suggest, how about a framework similar to what NinjaToe used for his Viper MK-II. It would be strong enough to hold up the front end.
Consider using boxes, though this relies on the ability of the builder to make a square box or rectangle, which is not as easy as it may seem, and not very forgiving.. Goodduck used it on his model and I used it one of the ESKA model I made for my son, durable all all heck, but the initial box structures must be perfect, the you just glue the bulkheads to the end surfaces, aligning the in proper order.