WINDOWS 10 The Right Way!!!


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
I have finally decided to Migrate to Windows 10.

I am using the Installation tool and have downloaded onto a thumb drive. That means I could install it from a year from now, as it officially registered. I would encourage members to do this!!

Use the Media Creation Tool!! Get a thumb drive first, they are cheap.

Link =

I'm trying to DL the complete *.iso file for a fresh re-install. First attempt failed three minutes before DL was complete... :(
I having downloaded to a thumb drive, can make an .ISO using IMGBurn, which is FREE.

Once you do this, for the computer you have made the .ISO, or Thumbnail drive, you could install Windows 10 a year from now, you are registered and that is all that matters. Someone else could use it but they would have to us their Product I.D. as we would if we mounted it on a new Hard Drive, so make sure you have you Windows Activation Key written down, or Printed out somewhere!! You could end up needing it.

I downloaded mine over night, it failed, then Firefox picked it up where it failed, and it completed. I know because the Windows Box came up saying transfer complete, or something like that. ;)
Of course I'm trying it again. ;) I have had the same trouble on various occasions getting installers / updates from MS directly. The bad thing is I have a restricted high speed volume. Once this is spent I'm limping through the web at 10 kbs. Several failed attempts at DLing that damn thing is really annoying and gets expensive. However, a good friend of mine is helping me. He's DLing the *.iso for me on his lappie. If the second try fails I will use another DL link from a trustworthy German computer site. :)
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I will be replacing all the DSL wiring from my Model to the outside box as the wire oxidizes, and can corrupt data transfer, thus slowing it down. :) I love you Krauts so much, I put Sauerkraut on every hot dog I eat, in your honor. One of my favorite expressions in this: "Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei." Suck on that Mrs. Braunschweiger! :)
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LOL! One of the biggest hits in Germany was a song called "Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei"! :)

Meanwhile I have found out what caused the abort... The stick I used to DL the *.iso was FAT32 formatted and the *.iso file was larger than 4 GB... We tried it again this morning using an NTFS formatted device - and it worked! Way to go now..! :)
Alright folks, the moment of truth has come. I have created two (!) backups of my Windows 8.1 using two different backup utilities (AOMEI backupper and Macrium Reflect free version). It is safer to have two images from different programs just in case one can't be restored or becomes corrupt. ;) I could have made a third one using EaseUS but I think (hope ;) ) that the two will do the job just fine. These three programs are said to be excellent (and free), so I have confidence in the technology.

I will begin updating shortly, meaning that I may be offline for a couple of hours today or tomorrow. If you don't see a new post from me till Sunday you may assume that my virtual life has ended and send an official complaint to Redmont. :D ;)

(Just kidding, folks - but you never know..! ;) .)

CU again later! And don't do anything I would not do, too! :)
The Bane of having one computer. i have three I have built and two tablets. The most powerful, Water cooled CPU, 8 core, 4.7 Ghz per core, 24G's of Ram, XFX R9380 4 Gigabyte, is running Win/10 flawlessly. Good luck!! ;)
Upgrade successful! It took 65 minutes on my Acer Aspire E15. The dreaded "92 % freeze" caused some excitement but when it marched on to 93 % I leaned back and waited for the things to come. So far it seems that all my progr... erh, APPS are working properly. Now I'll have to figure out how to change the colour of the window frames (that light grey is a bit boring, I wanna bring it back to light blue again). :)
You may have to download all the drivers from the computers website and reinstall them.
Yep. I'll do that later.

I have found the colour control panel and switched the window frames to blue again! :)
Aero is working, albeit an error message pops up on startup. Just click it away and enjoy! :)
Didn't succeed for me. It came up with an Error number that does not exist at Microsoft!! Figures. I like W7 anyways, and see nothing in W10 I feel is necessary. Being registered, I can try anytime I wish and the deadline does not apply to me. However, it you don't like it, you have a very short period to revert to your previous O.S.!!
Revell-Fan and all others with restricted internet. I also had this problem, not upgrading but getting the windows 10 update ( no real difference, but the fact that 10 was installed already) and of course Windows up-date 99.9% of the time FAILS!!! I have satellite so am allowed 350 mb per 24 hours, but with a free download period starting at 2 am. Point I am getting to is, hidden away under internet settings/ advanced there is a radio button that you can activate to set your internet as a METERED Connection there by stopping Windows update ! Actually it is the only way of stopping it I found. Since they will never change it to suit the end user so that failed down-loads will resume and in 10 you do not get an option to pick and choose which up-dates to is all or none! I am just getting used to mine..after learning how to turn off all microsoft's ideas of what I should have. I am not trying to start everyone ranting about Microsoft, but those new to Win10, we can share some of the workarounds that will help us in Paper Modeling!
Yep, I see this thread as a way to post a problem and give a solution or workaround of it now. :)

I know the problem of the update loop. If the DL is incomplete or aborted it will start again and again indefinitely. They really should invent a way or a software vehicle to allow a big update to be downloaded in small chunks depending on the user's connection. When they spread the huge 3 GB update at the beginning of the year (which took me completely by surprise) my high speed volume was obliterated in a few minutes - without actually benefitting from it. :(

After one day with Win10 I encountered some trouble regarding the safe removal of USB devices. Card reader was not affected but everything I connected via USB. This may have been m fault because right after the upgrade I uninstalled a bunch of programs which I would not need (including Nero BackItUp which was on my system taking up space). I may have removed some controllers by doing so, who knows. I'm eager to find out later. ;) Well then, I found several similar reports on various forums. The solutions ranged from simply rolling back and starting anew to completely wipe the system and make a clean install. I used the simplest way: System restoration. I went back to the point at which the "Intel drivers" were installed (the first restoration point my system offered). After running the restoration everyting was fine again. :)

Concerning Aero: In my enthusiasm I did not recognize that only the Windows programs' frames were transparent, not the frames of other apps. So I must assume that it does not work properly. I deinstalled it and am looking for a fix or an alternative (there are some). :)

A big problem occured with Firefox: Scrolling a website had some weird effects because about one cm of the top page was displayed on the bottom of the page. This lasts only for a millisecond but caused the page to jitter. Solution: I deactivated hardware acceleration in the Firefox properties. ;)

One of the main buggers I am experiencing is that I am unable to calibrate my monitor. I'm even unable to change the brightness of it using the keyboard shortcuts. I guess I need some new drivers; I skipped the "look for updates and new drivers" at the beginning of the upgrade because I'm surfing at 10 kbs at the moment again. (To my surprise my copy was activated without problems when I connected to the web again.) ;)

Being registered, I can try anytime I wish and the deadline does not apply to me.
Yep. You may skip back and forth as you wish and then stay with Win 10 when support for 7 is no longer available. That was my strategy, too. ;)

you have a very short period to revert to your previous O.S.!!
If you have made a backup of your previous OS you may extent that period "a little" longer. :)
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I have W10 on a Thumbdrive, so I am officially registered. I believe I will purchase a new Hard drive and install it there. Do a "Dual Boot"! I wonder if I can get away with that? ;)

The last day is July 29th, 2016.

(Chinese calenders may differ. :D:D:D)