Valkyrie - New Model (WIP)


Oct 5, 2009
Ontario, CA
I will be the first to admit that I have a terrible track record with project stalls, but apparently my muse wants me to design one of these (for the moment anyway).

I looked over the kits available: Flarebaffled's is awesome, but without an interior or a UV map I don't want to build one. Patoroch's is good, but too boxy. I could try mucking with the models from one of the games, but it will come down to having to edit anyway, so why not just make my own?

So, here we go. I'm working off of drawings from the Imperial Armour book, as well as reference pics, so this may not be 100% to the model, but I personally don't care. I will be making it with high relief and raised details however. I have not decided if I will go the wlock route and make it UV friendly with actual maps and such, although I am horrible at hand-painting large models so I may, just for my own sanity.






It's pretty rough yet; it will have landing gear, gear bays and a full interior with positionable doors in addition to the aforementioned physical detailing.

Apparently I'm painting it...



The base color is a bit rough; I'm playing with how to get a nice city-camo. All of the detail (except the decals) is raised/laminated. I still need to add shading/roughing detail as well. I will be releasing a no-colour version as well, for those who don't want to use my schema.

For the curious Corvidia is the homeworld of my Imperial Guard army, as far as I know, it is not a canon world. The final 'release' will not include the world-specific markings (unless someone want them), but I need them for my eventual build.


PS ;) I won't say 'better', just more to my liking. Expect errors compared to the 'real' model.
I've got them linked in the post, rather than embedded silver, maybe that's the issue. If you can't resolve it, I can embed some in a post for you.

More progress: further texture detail on the nose and the rough-in of the cockpit elements. These will mostly be the 'base' parts. Lamination parts will make up the consoles proper (and the detail on the inside of the cockpit will also be laminated).




Hi, looks nice,
but I would find a red texture very nice. :twisted:
It would be a something different,
brown, gray and green, there is already a lot of designs.

The first texture I will admit is for me; I want one (who am I kidding, I want a squadron of these beauties) for my Cadian style army, which is painted in city camo. After that, I may play with other textures, yes, although I intend to release the UV map so that anyone can make/share their own patterns.

Thank you all for the interest!

Your store is awesome. What's really amazing is how almost everything is FREE! Awesome generosity on your part! :)
While I still have some work on the textures to do (the lights, optic elements, and shading particularly), the hardpoints on either side of the cockpit and the sensor suite on the nose are now modeled and mapped:



You should be able to see some of the lamination layers, although I am designing the textures so that you can just build the one layer if required. The 'blue' is meant to be metal, hard to say if it works or not.

Looks great! I think the textures are great too! The detailing just adds to everything! :)
I'm sorry if the pics are not showing significant progress, I find the diary of development helpful.

I have some interference problems with the wings and the side doors with the current design, which I will have to adjust to accommodate. I'll likely need to shift the wing root up, which will hopefully not cause problems with the fit of the engines.





The exterior 'box' is complete, leaving only the UV map and textures to be generated. As with the nose, there is a lot of lamination detail here. The wing root will be modified to house the upper track for the door, which seems the only way to leave the general dimensions of the model intact.

All three doors will be moveable. I've not yet figured out how to keep the rear door closed however. I will be modeling interior detail as well, including benches along the center and side guns for those who wish them.





Having to worry about keeping the rear doors closed, addresses the reality that we, as adults, do play with these models, not toys, we make. :)