Tyson! They're Here! They're Here!

Just had another thought, If you don't want to use your wife's name we could use a child's name and the child's age for the car # (if we use your wife's name we can use #10 because I'm sure you think she's a perfect 10:D :D :D). Or if not let me know what you want to name it. Decide this, decide that, life's tough when you have a R.R. to run. :D :p :D
I think I'll go with Kristi and 10. I was thinking of using my son's name, Bryan, for the mine.

Kristi is the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the R&K, and will probably have the same title on the CRRy. I could say that the president of the company acquired an old combine from a friend who ran another railroad, and as a birthday present to his wife, he named it "Kristi." (Actually, her birthday is in June, but that's close enough!)

I got a little more work done on the layout today. I was going to put some pictures online, but went to bed early instead. I'm feeling "under the weather" again this weekend. Why can't I feel lousy on weekdays when it doesn't count? :) I'm making a brief online appearance before I head back for bed. Hopefully I can get the foam and track in place today. I'm hoping I can get that done so I can go ahead and put away all of that foam and other materials that are cluttering up the underside of the table. Our landlord is coming early Tuesday morning to install hardwood floors in our bedroom, so I'll have to move the layout. That process will be much easier if can get rid of all the construction mess!

Bad news

I have bad new for you guys discussing the Hiwasse Loop on the L&N's "Old Line" between Etowah and Copperhill. The Surface Transportation Board approved the abandonment of this line effective April 23, 2002, in AB 55, Sub. 588x. There has been no traffic on the line for over a year.
Gregg it's no big deal as far as our layouts go, we are not modeling today but at least 30 years ago. As far as going over to railfan on it I don't know of any way to get to it that doesn't involve a considerable hike (and some illegal tresspassing). However it is always sad to see more track being abandoned, especially something as unique as the "Hook & Eye".:(