The UHU02 Colonial Viper appreciation thread

Erh, UHU's build pics are numbered sequentially but there is no step 8, so I guess part 8 is meant. Part 8 is a flat piece with a hole in the middle. Cut it out and cut out the red circle.
I'm so lost...

When you say part 8, you mean the piece or the step in the build?

Erh, UHU's build pics are numbered sequentially but there is no step 8, so I guess part 8 is meant. Part 8 is a flat piece with a hole in the middle. Cut it out and cut out the red circle.


What would I do without you, my friend? BTW, the furniture is being assembled, and the boxes are starting to give way to the floor and walls views inside my house.
I guess I'll be able to restart early next week! :cool: :cool: :thumb: :thumb:
Oh Thanks...i got it.

You are welcome.

With using threads like this one, you can (usually) find the answer that you are looking for.

I am looking forward to seeing your build and what you are going to do with it, once you are finished.

GOOD LUCK!!!:thumb:

What would I do without you, my friend? BTW, the furniture is being assembled, and the boxes are starting to give way to the floor and walls views inside my house.
I guess I'll be able to restart early next week! :cool: :cool: :thumb: :thumb:
Great to hear! :thumb: I'll be back on this one soon, too. The delay is mainly caused by the Farnsworth which I would like to release in time for Halloween. In addition, I'm preparing the parts for two dioramas (one being the part of the hangar bay, the other ... well, a SURPRISE! :mrgreen: ). I can assure all fans, everything will be worth the wait.

I'm so glad that silver is keeping the thread alive; carry on, please, I'll (re-)join you asap! :wave:

P.S.: I have attached a "SMALL" teaser of the things to come! :mrgreen:


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silveroxides Viper

the level of detail you are bringin to this is amazing Silver. Uhu02 did an amazing job with the model, and you are taking it to the finest level.

Thanks but UHU is to be blamed for that, he already made the parts, but not enhanced.

HOLY FRAK! This is breath-taking!!!!

I am waiting to see the maintenance bay before I make mine. I have the tool chest, desk chairs, jacks, tow bar and other stuff just waiting for that thread to start, not to mention some grease monkeys and crew.

@Silveroxide: The detail that you are putting into this model (which in its own right is a SPECTACULAR MODEL already) is taking it to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!!

As mentioned above, thanks to UHU who did the flat printed parts, I just embellished what he drew up. are taking this to whole new level....

Without UHU's plans it would not have been possible.

I am posting only two photos at this time but they took some time in putting them together. They are not exactly as designed by UHU but I am in the experimenting stage at the moment and planning on how to place the access panels and the semi skinning of the Viper. In these photos, the panels are temporary put into their proposed locations. The nose had the excess trimmed off and sanded smooth. Somehow, the red nose trim was too small, so I hand painted the red portion and the nose frontal edges were thick enough where I did not use the trim from the plans. Enjoy and see you all soon with more updates:thumb:


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@Silveroxide: The panels look AMAZING!!! You did a FANTASTIC JOB with making them look as if they were really designed that way in the first place.
Another Knuckle-Drager

Here is another knuckle-dragger to help out with the OVER-HAUL.

Here he is getting briefed on what all is going on.


He even brought over some tool for the project.

There will be a couple more joining in on the party.
For the grease monkeys, they have a yellow stripe on the sleeves and on the inside seam of their jumpsuits/overalls, and a black leather looking vest. The figures do give the model a different perspective.
For the grease monkeys, they have a yellow stripe on the sleeves and on the inside seam of their jumpsuits/overalls, and a black leather looking vest. The figures do give the model a different perspective.

Too right you are. I will see what I can do to add the yellow strip and the black "VEST" (with the vest, I will attempt to make extra parts for it to make it look like the "real thing").

Thank you for pointing that out to me.
silveroxides Viper

Going a bit slow for the moment. My grandsons have baseball tournaments and I have to jump around three schedules to give the boys moral support. I also am in the process of upgrading my house and other items as well. It is taking some time off my building process. Here is another photo installment on the process and I have the ideas down as to how I want the access panels opened. With the upscale, I do have some fit issues, but since it will be displayed int the semi nude, it will not hinder the build. enjoy and see you all with more updates as I get around to them.:thumb:


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Those access panels look SPECTACULAR!!!
The added detail really sets this model in a class all its own.
The way that you are integrating the scratch built greebles into the model to have them look as if they were designed to be that way in the first place is AMAZING!!!