The Uhu02 appreciation thread

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You've gotta understand that when an artist as great as UHU gets pirated, there should be a certain amount of secrecy to hide the access to his or her work, which he is offering for free. The sheer talent in art and engineering Uhu exhibits is...incredible.

As one who grew up wanting to design aircraft for the love of the mechanics of flight and the joy of modeling, Uhu is an inspiration to look up to. It's not a show of superiority, nor is it childish. It's purely appreciation of a master artist's work, and the preservation of his library is to prevent others from profiting from that work.

There are many artists in this forum who deserve appreciation for the work they do, too many to name in fact. The fact that one is willing to offer the fruits of their hard work for free is, to say the least, generous. I'd like to appreciate the generosity of every contributor, and I do try. Credit given where credit is due, and all that. I hope to offer contributions of my own some day, though I don't claim nearly the skill that Uhu or many others display.

Please forgive the rant, but if you can't appreciate the free works of fine art and engineering being offered, and the reason for the hidden access... don't involve yourself in the thread. This thread is dedicated to the "appreciation" of Uhu's work, after all. "If you cant say anything nice...."

I'm sorry if you've had a hard time gaining access to Uhu's library. I was impatient and excited and I looked right passed the obvious many times before it hit me. Most browsers have a translator function and Uhu GAVE us the log-in and password to his library. If you're patient and read the relevant thread posts, you'll figure it out.

Please, don't depreciate any contributors work or the reasons for their reluctance for open and complete access.
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?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

I feel like that guy in MALLRATS who can't see the schooner in the 4D picture at the mall.

I've been a paper modeler for a long time now and uhu's designs are among the best I've ever seen. I deeply respect the craftsmanship and understand what an artist Uhu is. I can only admire the skill and patience it took to create these models. The fact that they're based on popular cinema and classic and semi-modern sci-fi are what makes building such models all the more fun.

Thanks for the key and for the advice.
But still I'm having no luck...

Tried EVERY SINGLE COMBINATION I could come up with for the password and ID, still nothing.
Perhaps I'm not very tech savy or much into internet lingo and knowhow. Everyone keeps saying the password is obvious. What am I missing????
I feel like that guy in MALLRATS who can't see the schooner in the 4D picture at the mall.

Ohio Mike gave you a HUGE hint with the thread link he posted above It may be hard for some to picture, but the information is actually given two times (so far).

BTW- Never could get those "Magic Eye" thingies to work for me either. Thankfully you don't need to see into those kind of images to find the answer.

Glenn "What, me give oblique hints?" :mrgreen:
I feel like that guy in MALLRATS who can't see the schooner in the 4D picture at the mall.

I've been a paper modeler for a long time now and uhu's designs are among the best I've ever seen. I deeply respect the craftsmanship and understand what an artist Uhu is. I can only admire the skill and patience it took to create these models. The fact that they're based on popular cinema and classic and semi-modern sci-fi are what makes building such models all the more fun.

Thanks for the key and for the advice.
But still I'm having no luck...

Tried EVERY SINGLE COMBINATION I could come up with for the password and ID, still nothing.
Perhaps I'm not very tech savy or much into internet lingo and knowhow. Everyone keeps saying the password is obvious. What am I missing????

Ah - a fellow sufferer...

So I looked at the key, thank you...

tried typing words in various combinations,
different responses to what the key says,
translations of words from the key,
tried combinations from words in the thread,
responses to word combinations from the thread,
translating word combinations from the thread,

AHH! Finally!!!

Figured out! Now facepalming because I didn't see it earlier.

Thanks to all who helped and especially THANK YOU to UHU02 for these amazing models!

"Wow! It's a schooner!" "You dumb *******! That's not a schooner, it's a sailboat!" "A schooner is a sailboat, stupidhead!" "Well you know what? THERE IS NO EASTER BUNNY! OVER THERE, THAT'S JUST A GUY IN A SUIT!!

-Mallrats (1995)
I completely sympathize with Uhu's issues concerning piracy, though it took me a little time to understand his way of handling things. I used to have links to his models on my link site, but have taken them all off out of respect for his desires (sadly, for sure). His models are not for beginning card modelers (experienced modelers are used to instruction language barriers and such), but they're well worth the trouble. I've been surveying the card model scene on the web for quite a while now and consider Uhu about the greatest designer of free model downloads I've ever run across. His models are like card model epics that seem to get better with every new release.

I'm hoping there will be some future (or present) web technology will make it possible for him to make his wonderful models more widely accessible without such concerns. I make it around the the web marketing scene with some frequency and am on the lookout for new file protection methods. If I run across something that might help I'll try to make him aware of it.

UHU02's models are freely available from his website to anyone for a limited time on release the easiest way to get them is to keep a watch on his site and nab them on release.Of a more important note he has posted progress on the U-boat model which means that despite the terrible events in Japan he is safe and well.UHU02 has also made his Tinkerbell model available as a thank you to the support for Japan at this time.
Hi all ok stupid question. I am working on the Black Pearl and love uhu02 models...will post some pics. I have wanted to do others of his but never noticed the Library button. Ok here we go again another stupid person here. I am on my wk comp. so want to make sure that I have not doen anything wrong. When you click ont he Library button you get a pop up that states User name (would be uhu02 I presume) and bellow password? I just was wondering because. I am not looking for the password and hopefully will figure it out in time. I just want to make sure I was ont he right track. Thanks in advance and will post my Black Pearl progress a little later when I get home.
Ok I have to be the dumb dumb on the earth....figured it out and yes feel sooooooooooooo stupid. I am soooo thrilled with uhu02 paper models that my words cannot explain the gratitude. Truly works of art. From myself to Uhu02 a huge THANK YOU.
Thank you...I am so glad I found this fourm. I am having such a great time viewing everyones wonderful creations and builds and am at awwww over the beautiful work people put into there models. I also have met some very nice people on here and helpful. Thnak you agin to all for the warm welcomes I have received.

UHU's mastery of model building, subject matter, is yet to be rivaled, and it FREE!! Not only that, you can't get models of these ,as far as subject matter, anywhere else. It is really up to us to keep our end of the deal up.
A Living Treasure...

I have admired the work of Uhu02 for some time now. His models are incredibly detailed, rivaling/exceeding that of commercial plastic/resin kits.

They bring back great memories of movies I have seen through my life.

Uhu02, Thank you for blessing us with your work!

Uhu02's models are indeed quite nice. The fact that he makes them available for free with just a little digging around in admirable. It was kind of fun going on the hunt for the necessary information needed to get onto the site and download them.

People have become very protective of the wishes of Uhu02 in regards to the models. That is just one small way we can show our appreciation to him for offering such good models. Thank you, Uhu02, for the work. :thumb::mrgreen:
Thanks UHU02

Use KISS and you will find how smart you are. I was humbled when I finally got it. I will respect UHU02,s wishes. I wish I had his talents. Fantastic models he has given us and I enjoy everyone of them. :thumb:

Thank you for sharing UHU02. Now I get to see how good my talents are putting the Moonbus together. Maybe he would do a PamAm space Clipper?

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