The layout I made from The Box


Jan 18, 2002
Scotland UK
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Charlie, I was impressed with your step by step layout construction photos. I'm tempted to do the same thing, but with different techniques.
This is the only track plan that works in 2ft x 5ft (as far as I'm concerned :) )
Here's the overview so far as I've progressed.



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The other bit of wiring

This is the control panel for the layout. It gets connected to the layout via a VCR "SCART" connector.
Just for good measure I decided to fit the Chicago International deisel sound card on it which feeds a hi-fi speaker.
The other tiny circuit board is the Capacitor Discharge Unit for turnouts.
The red buttons on the storage tracks automatically selects the correct turnout direction via a diode matrix. This reduces the number of wires from the panel to the layout.

All in all, it is early days in the evolution of this layout and I hope it turns out as good as how I visualise it.



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Errol,I like it.I think I'll swipe your plan for the almost 2' by not quite 6' table I created from an old fold up HO layout.
I've been chewing over layout plans for heavens knows how long then decided to use what timber I had available and not buy anymore.
I decided on this for several reasons....
1) I enjoy seeing trains run.
2) I like more than one train on a layout.
3) I like switching ..... The switching puzzle in MR Feb '92 pp114 uses these spurs and a 4 car + caboose needs 35 moves!! to set out the 4 and pick up 4.
and finally...
4) I get an operational layout in such a tiny space.

Even with the 9 3/4" radious ends all my sd's and 2-8-0's are happy in both directions on all parts of the layout.
I made a mistake in my 1st thread... the dimensions are 2ft x 5' 6"
I use Atlas #6 turnouts (except for 2 #4's) and Peco flex track for the rest of it.
I've already started scenery but not enough to photograph (yet :) )

If you do decide to go with this one I can maybe help you with the diode matrix layout and CDU circuit.

Thanks for your comments guys, I felt I just had to stop thoerising and start "doing".

Ty, there simply isn't space for scenery at the rear. These tracks are really just for holding trainsso as to add variety to operations.

Steve, the backdrop is simply Walthers "Instant Horizons" #'s 949-702 and 949-701. (I'm partial to tall timber / mountain territory).

Matt, I will shortly be concealing the transition between front & rear areas of this layout. It will be similar to your tunnel/road suggestion in your thread but instead of a road I will have a railroad track just so I can use my old timber station I posted in the recent scratching/bashing contest.

Great Job!!

Wow, Errol!
I've been out of town for a few days, & I've been browsing through all the new posts (4 pages of 'em!), & all of a sudden, I see this new N scale layout you've started...& a very nice start it is! :cool: :cool: :cool:
The track plan looks interesting...I like the way the oval is kind of set at an angle...the backdrop looks really cool too! Can't wait to see some scenery in front of it!
Great job on the wiring! I wish I had the knack for that kind of thing, like you, & some of these other guys do!
Looking forward to watching your progress on this one!
Start of scenery

I made "The Hill" as a matrix of eggbox style profiles, stuffed the gaps with newspaper then put down the surface using Sculptamold. It will be covered with "Pollyfiller" plaster as plaster carves and takes colour better.
Most of the time taken was fitting the lighting and signal wiring.

I'm not looking forward to making heaps more trees though! :( :(



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Hi Errol!
It looks like everything is shaping up VERY nicely!
It looks like this is going to be a great home for all those wonderful structures you build!
I've got the "tree factory" up & running here, too... (Icould show you a picture, if I had a CAMERA that was up & running! :mad: )
I'm trying to get that Appalachian look, like Tyson has on his NM RR...
He's been giving me a few ideas & some moral support! :) :) :)
Added colour and texture

Well, I've managed to get a bit more done.
I didn't realise how many trees I had so progress has been faster than I thought. Out of the 9sq ft to have scenery only 2 1/5 sq feet have been done. I'm going for effect at present (detail comes later):)
All ground cover is Woodlands Scenics stuff. The crossbucks and signals are Model Power running off 9 volts. This 9 volts is reduced with a simple regulator chip to 6 volts for interior lighting.
Matt, your "We Fix Anything Mechanical" machine shop is now located in the Rockies!



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