The Atlas Forum is up and running again


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
Victoria BC
...for those interested, Atlas has got their Forum back online. You have to re-register, but it doesn't take that long, the new format is pretty straight forward and easy to understand, its the same format as that used on 'The Railroad Forum'.

Lorne Miller
If my wife kicked me out for a couple month I wouldn't go crawling back on my hands and knees. Have fun over there guys. Fred
Two who months without Atlas. Took me a week to get that acceptance email. Sounds like Atlas as usual. I'll take a look at the site, but I already figure that it'll be about same.
I read the Atlas forum "rules" and it states about four times in 14 rules that there will be no flaming. Hmm, I wonder if they really mean that... :eek:ops: :eek:ops: I also am wondering if they had those same rules before :confused: :confused: :confused:
Got back into the hobby just this year and first discovered the Atlas forum. A short time later they shut down, much to my good fortune. I discovered other forums including The Gauge with a focus on model railroading, not egos.

I don't think I need to go back.

If my wife kicked me out for a couple month I wouldn't go crawling back on my hands and knees. Have fun over there guys. Fred

aint that the truth.....

I've always posted to both, but still consider the Gauge to be "home". I've always liked the email subscription for replies to threads on the Gauge (something I still cannot find on Atlas despite the rules saying its there) and the layout of this forum (from a computer geek like me) is infinitely better!!!! Just my humble opinion!!!
I was an ATLAS Forum member before this forum existed.I am still a member of the ATLAS Forum and will remain so as long as I own a computer.

The real main difference between the Atlas Forum and this one is we don't allow the flame wars to go beyond a spark before we exstinguish them.

There are some really great modelers on this forum and ALL of the members are good people.For the most part you can say the same about the ATLAS Forum though I think there are a few prima donna's over there.
Well,I haven't register yet on the Atlas forum..I may do so to protect my moniker from some newbie using it.. :D
I would not judge all of the Atlas forum members by the few that may be prima donna's .You find those on most forums just as you will good members.. :thumb: :D
Getting heated up already ??!! Geese! Hasn't been a week yet. :(
Well you know how that guy is..He's always right while everybody else is wrong..
We been using the Channel Turner cleaner for the last 12 years at the club.
I had to log onto the Atlas forum again, in order to read any messages. WoW, What a lot of rules.
Found out that someone had already liberated my user name. I'll monitor it from time to time, but I think I've found my new home.

Glad to be a part of "The Guage"

Cheers, Smitty
Welcome aboard Smitty. I'm sure you will find your new home a great place to hang out. Theres a wonderful bunch of guys and gals here that are very helpful and will gladly help anyone out. Theres no flames down here so you won't need to have a bucket of water by your computer. Enjoy'

Ron :thumb: :thumb: :wave: :sleeping: