SW1500 Project Update.


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Nov 8, 2001
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Many of you may recall I am super detailing a Athearn SW1500 for entry into a local contest..Here is a progress report.New side frames added and lightly weathered.


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brakie said:
Many of you may recall I am super detailing a Athearn SW1500 for entry into a local contest..Here is a progress report.New side frames added and lightly weathered.
brakie:wave:, WOW! i think you have done an OUTSTANDING job on that switcher!!!:thumb::D I WOULD BE PROUD to have that engine in MY collection:thumb::D. i wish you the best of luck in the contest:D. please let us know how it comes out. GREAT JOB!:thumb: THANKS!:D
I LOVE CRUDS! and that one is a beauty - although rather too clean - best of luck in the contest
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands
Great looking engine! This maybe too late for your contest, but I think Details West makes the appropreate fuel filler(s) for the fuel tank. Not posative but they may have a kit with several details, IIRC. Good luck in the contest!

2slim said:
Great looking engine! This maybe too late for your contest, but I think Details West makes the appropreate fuel filler(s) for the fuel tank. Not posative but they may have a kit with several details, IIRC. Good luck in the contest!


Yeah,I need to make another detail part order from Walthers and I will add the missing parts like fuel filter,radio antenna and other small goodies..Thankfully I have till August...
shortliner said:
I LOVE CRUDS! and that one is a beauty - although rather too clean - best of luck in the contest
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands

CDB Industries like many other short line railroads keeps their locomotives well maintain so you'll not see much crud on the locomotives..:thumb:

CDBI is the parent company of the C&HV and 6 other short lines plus 3 switching services.