
The Stingray is actually quite straight forward if you build it the way Gary intended our problems are caused by mucking about with what his Cardshipness has created. It would be possible I think to omit the longitudinal former but there might be issues in keeping her straight. I have made the formers quite thick in the hope I will be able to lay the skins on them to make the joints with out using to many tabs. The holes for the torpedo tubes I have slotted to allow some wiggle room to line up the tubes to the skin.I found it easier to build the Ratemaster( spinning thing on the back) and the housing as a separate unit then add it to the main hull.Skin from the middle out as Gary has said.Mainly don't worry its a paper model so you can reprint anything that goes wrong, have fun with it and see what happens.
Of course with a big budget like they had they can make a video like that,but how would they do with a smaller budget like Blake's 7 had!:mrgreen:
Not sure if its already been mentioned but for anyone having trouble with downloading Gary's Anderson models they can be found here.. There are the TB5,Stingray and Terror Fish plus his earlier Anderson models including the amazing Sky Diver submarine as built by Pete on this thread. Download,enjoy and don't forget to drop a note of thanks to our hero Sir Gary Pilsworth.:thumb:
Meanwhile back to the start - again !

Well........ After looking and looking and re-looking at my build of Gary's Stingray, i have decided to re-start yet again :eek: Why ? well the idea of useing gloss paper wasn't one of my best :cry: it looks awfull so i will re-print and start her again {good job i like this otherwise i'd have gone loopy by now.... what do you mean "you have already ?" ah ah} So stay tuned i may get her complete by Christmas - JOKE.... February sign1
Well........ After looking and looking and re-looking at my build of Gary's Stingray, i have decided to re-start yet again :eek: Why ? well the idea of useing gloss paper wasn't one of my best :cry: it looks awfull so i will re-print and start her again {good job i like this otherwise i'd have gone loopy by now.... what do you mean "you have already ?" ah ah} So stay tuned i may get her complete by Christmas - JOKE.... February sign1
Yep been there I've had loads of brilliant ideas and all have crashed and burned so I think I shall just follow the teachings of Pilsworth and just build the thing without any mucking about:thumb:
Ah good old Pete and Dud, and talking of Pete heres one for him..
If only i could watch this ! I have a slight problem with JAVA at the moment :curse: first it's there then it's not... i put IE8 on and PRESTO everthings gone belly up, meanwhile back to IE6 and now have to sort the rot that 8 left behind wall1 Cheers in advance of viewing my mate :thumb:
If only i could watch this ! I have a slight problem with JAVA at the moment :curse: first it's there then it's not... i put IE8 on and PRESTO everthings gone belly up, meanwhile back to IE6 and now have to sort the rot that 8 left behind wall1 Cheers in advance of viewing my mate :thumb:

Yo..... problem fixed :mrgreen: IE8 had totally locked up JAVA i have now UNLOCKED it and watched the video... very good :thumb: Thanks matey :wave:
Tip for glossy results: just use your usual matte paper, then apply acrylic varnish - high gloss or semi gloss. For sale in aerosol in shops which cater for (hobby) painters and artists. I prefer semi gloss myself - high gloss is too shiny. Added advantage: dust can be removed more easily!
Yep thanks for the tip nice to have an idea confirmed.The biggest problem with this build is she is such a childhood icon that I'm trying to build her to appear as she did to the idealistic eyes of a child rather than the more realistic eyes of a hmmhmmpphh year old.Pete glad your PC woes are sorted there some nice Anderson clips on You Tube worth a look.:wave:
Wowee 8000 + and still rising

Phil... happy days :mrgreen: your thread has broken through the
8000 barrier :thumb:
Pete I think thats more thanks to Gary and yourself I doubt that anyone tunes in for my ramblings.Mick helps to keep the pot bubbling as well.:thumb:
Then they smash them all to bits!

OK so not Anderson but definitely a part of my childhood I present the unique,the bizarre and the mildly alarming..SMASH Martians..It took about 40 years for the ads to get me to eat the potato but hey better that late than never and I really did love these little fellows. Any chance of giving them a go if you ever get time Gary?.


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OK so not Anderson but definitely a part of my childhood I present the unique,the bizarre and the mildly alarming..SMASH Martians..It took about 40 years for the ads to get me to eat the potato but hey better that late than never and I really did love these little fellows. Any chance of giving them a go if you ever get time Gary?.

I think these guys were brilliant and as you say a big part of our growing up into Paperhood. Most of the items {including the voices} were stummbled on by accident but were left in because of the humour - certainly sold alot of MASH through them. Re-start has commenced and this Stingray will be a butt jointed version with a few extras :twisted: So some pictures should be here very soon. i know time isn't one thing you have a great deal of my friend, but; could you have a go at starting Seaview to give her a test run for us all ? that would be a welcomed change from Stingray for a while anyway PLEASE and PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on :mrgreen:
Hi Pete you will have to send me the files via Email as I can't download them properly:curse: but otherwise I will be able to peel them with my metal knives,boil them for 20 of my minutes then smash them all to bits. Rough how to do it builds are not such a problem slow accurate builds are almost impossible.
Hi Pete you will have to send me the files via Email as I can't download them properly:curse: but otherwise I will be able to peel them with my metal knives,boil them for 20 of my minutes then smash them all to bits. Rough how to do it builds are not such a problem slow accurate builds are almost impossible.

I like it.. sign1 check your email matey the file for the Seaview is there for your pleasure :mrgreen: I will be doing some more to Stingray this evening "the butt joint version" and hopefully end up with a good finish this time round... wish me luck :eek:
Hi guys, the Mobile is coming along slowly, I had a brain-fart on monday and tried to take a job out of my oven at work by hand:cry:, it was 360 degrees:eek:ops:. I soon dropped it but my hand is a bit sore at the moment so the build is going slower than my normal snail pace:p. Phil, I love your ramblings, you only have to look at the amount of views on this thread to see how many memories you have bought back to loads of people:thumb::thumb:
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Best wishes