Some pictures of my scenery work


Aug 21, 2003
Allen, TX
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Hope I'm putting this in the right spot. I'm attaching some pictures of 2 of the 2' x 4' n scale layout that I've done the scenery on. All the credit for track laying, electronics, table building and so on go to my partner, Glen. I'm responsible for the artwork. This is the first time that I've tried to attach a picture or two so hope it goes well.

Some background on these photos coming up - we designed a very simple layout for display last Thanksgiving thru Christmas at the restaurant that I manage. I decided to do a small town or village in an autumn setting. The kids just loved it and their Mom's liked it even better.

If I did this correctly, you should see a picture of a restaurant called the Village Grill, named after the restaurant.

Guess the attachment didn't work, will try again.
This next one is the first building that I ever tried to build. It turned out pretty bad so I made it an abandonned building.


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I finally figured it out.

Thanks for letting me post some of my pictures. I have more but don't want to be 'hoggish'.

I really love this hobby and how it allows me to use talents I didn't realize that I had.
You have them, Judy, you have them! (Talents, I mean :D)

Both your scenery and the buildings look great. You managed to capture the atmosphere of a quiet little village in an excellent way. Wish I could live such a quiet spot - and then to have so much railroad action just nearby! WOW! :cool:

I'm looking forward to your next posts.


Don't be bashful about posting pictures. That's what makes this forum unique. We all look forward to pictures especially when they are the quality of your work. I learn ssomething new with every post here. Well, some of the things you learn here may not be something you want to pass on to your grandkids, :eek:but interesting nontheless. :D :D

Keep 'em coming...

D:cool: N
Ok - here are some more of another 2' x 4' n scale that has some coal mining on it.

In my original post, I didn't give my boyfriend, Glen, enough credit. If it weren't for his encouragement to give this a try, I might never have done it. The autumn themed layout was the first time I had ever tried doing scenery for MRR or scenery at all. He's quite a guy.


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one of the mountain. I didn't get a chance to actually build this mountain because of time constraints, but put the scenery work on it


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Great work Judy. You have a great sense of color and textures. You also seem to like to add those fine details that really bring the scenes together. Isn't N scale great? I have a 2' X 8' and it seems huge. Keep up the good work and keep those photos coming.
Welcome to the Gauge Judy. Absolutely beautiful scenery. The fall look is very timely now and is very realistic. Hope the Village Grill does a roaring trade. Tell Glen we are pleased to see the work he has done and the encouragement he provides