SAAR 2 Missile Boat

Hi all,

This update - missile launchers. The SAAR 2 missile boat is armed with 5 Gabrieal missiles, 3 on a rotatable launcher, and 2 fixed. At the early 70's it was the first sea skimming missiles in the west, and the first responce to the russian Styx missile.




Missile canister and the launcher were screachbuild, and the launcher model can be rotated. As seen from the pictures, sume paint touch-up need to be done.






Shalom Mor
Hi all, thanks for stopping by and the very encouraging comments.

Working on two models in parallel, the seconed is an an aircraft, keep me very busy. Base for the missiles directore is done, and the missile launcher is on the deck (more as a test assembly).





Building the mast from wood sticks, based on two diameters. Locating it on the bridge give me the feeling that the thicker stick is not to the right proportion.


Shalom Mor
Hi all,

A small update, and one seat back.

Screatch building the aft gun - a 40mm gun build by breda, with a magazine for around 40 shells, that is not a standard with other 40mm bofors guns. Aft gun is with a square shape, and the front one was a round one.



A seat back in the model, stick thickness used for the mast are wrong, shouls be thiner. Starting to build it again.

Shalom Mor
You may think you are taking a step back - I say it was just a test build. :mrgreen:

Your build is most impressive and I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future. :thumb:
Most impressive build. I too like fast attack boats of this type. I just received a copy of GPM's Gornik, laser formers and PE. Unlike you my ability to build from scratch is nill. I agree, the mast assembly was a test build. Here is a tip. you are building in 1/100 scale, this means ship fittings for 1/96 will work as well, ie:brass sancions for railing and a large assortment of fittings are available in this scale, try Also check out JBmodels.EU, has a perfect turned brass Bofors barrel, 4 ea to a package, 1/100 scale. Anyhow, I am enjoying this thread and look forward to more.:wave:
Hi all,

Elliott and papastumpy, thanks for the interest and the encoureging comments.

Regarding the tip for fittings, looks as a good idea, especially for the reailling, going to check it.

Did some feet check for the gun and missile launcher. Whant both of them to rotate.




Shalom Mor
Hi all,

Thanks for the interest and comments. This time its mor progres with the mast and guns.

As the stick thickness used for the mast were wrong, the mast was rebuild using thiner sticks. This time I think it is right.


As a referance I am using pictures taken by me, of a SAAR 3 missile boat located at the Israeli Navy Museum in Haifa. From the pictures it is clear that I still have a long way to go ....




Next, was the forward 40mm gun with the round shape. For this it was a trail and error progres, ending with a base shape were the side walls were rounded while bonding (with the inner painted side), and another colored layer was bonded on the outside.


Results and comparising between both guns are seen in the next pictures.




Looking at the pictures, it is clear that some painting retouch should be done.

Railing were ordered from Blujacet, so thanks for the tip and help Rick !!

Shalom Mor
Hi all,

It was quite a time from last update. The two guns and the rotating launcher are assembeled, all there can rotate 360 deg.




To make the guns rotate, I used two rings, first one (A in the picture) was bonded at the base, and located in the deck opening. Ring B was bonded to the deck only at the circumference edge. This way the lower ring is locked between the deck and uper ring.




Next is the mast "never ending story", doing it the 3rd time ...

Shalom Mor
It looks great with those turrets turning and all... and yes, I agree that the mast is a "never-ending story" hehe
Thanks Barry and Harris for interest and comments.

The mast was done in the 3rd dray. Didn't have detail drawings of the mast, so I used rear and profile pictures, and scaled them to the required scale.
Mast is build from wood sticks shaped to different diameters and card board.






Locking at the pictures, some painting stil need to be done.

Shalom Mor
Hi all,

Mast structure is done and assembeled. Last 2 picture were taken by one of my colligs Gadi in a model meeting.





Next steps are the director and fittings on bridge and mast.

Shalom Mor
Hi all,

Update includes the two single missile launchers located infront of the bridge, and the chafe launchers - made of wood sticks. Base of the missile launchers is made of a flexible wire bended to the right shape.




Hoop that next update will be sooner than this one ...

Shalom Mor
Hi crag,

Welcome to this forum, and thanks for the interest. At the moment I am trying to finish a 1-33 scale super myster model, hoping in two weeks to go back to this model and to finish it.

Shalom Mor