Riverside packing house … kind of …

Regardless of the prototype roof vent, that looks very good to me. Definitely post more photos of your progress.
Andrew, you are right, but the closed vents on the prototype still look like vents and not like a solid wall :wave:.

either way it would look good :thumb:,although the open vents do make more sense,all that citrus smell built up in one space! that couldn't be good :mrgreen:.--josh
A short update. I built two more roof vents and glued them to the roof. Next step is to finish the brick wall at the right end of the structure.



Everything looks beautiful:thumb:, and those roof vents add even more visual interest. They give an already great looking structure that "something extra" that really sets it apart:thumb::thumb::thumb:.

I don't know where you find the time to do all of this, what with work and all of your "baby sitting" chores;-)

Looking good, Kurt. I haven't had time to get on the comuter as often as I'd like. I open a forum that I thought I just recently visited and find new threads that are already 2 pages long and growing! That is one gorgeous packing house.
Once again, guys, thank you for your kind comments. I am glad you like it :wave:.

I don't know where you find the time to do all of this, what with work and all of your "baby sitting" chores
Steve, it’s end of November, evenings are loooong, weather is miserable, German TV is lousy and it’s a nice "baby", does not need much looking after ...:mrgreen::mrgreen:
great work kurt :thumb:,im not lying when i say this:your work inspire me and everyone else on here :mrgreen:.its amazing.cant wait to see it finished.--josh
Josh, Shane, Bernhard, thank you for your kind words :wave:. Bernhard, I can’t take any credits for this method to build a structure, but it is a very good and easy way to achieve very nice results. You should give it a try.

Just a short update. Works on the structure were delayed due to bad weather ... yes, really. I wanted to spray paint it with a white primer. I can’t do that in our house and the weather did not allow to do it in the garden, so I had to wait till it stopped raining and the wind died down. And then I had to decide on the roofing material – took some time. I decided to cut my own "asphalt shingles" from sanding paper. I started last night to glue them down and I will paint them after all is finished.

looking really nice kurt, no wait really really really nice. Hey kurt what part of germany are you in if you dont mind? thanks
The shingles look beautiful!:thumb::thumb::thumb: I know that's a lot of work there.
The upclose shot shows how the paint and weathering really makes the individual boards "pop" :thumb::thumb:. It is all very very inspiring....

Good-looking shingles, Kurt, and they look pretty good in that colour, too. Together with the faded paint, the building looks weatherbeaten but not dilapidated. "Just right!" :thumb:;)

Steve, Wayne, Bernhard, you are too kind, thank you! :wave::wave:
Wayne, you are right, the shingles look good in that color, but I want to paint them because the shingles on the prototype are light gray. And besides that, I already have some houses on my layout with dark tar paper roofs and I don’t want them all to look the same. Maybe I should paint the roof of one of the other houses :confused:. I have to think about it once again …
Bernhard, I will post some pictures of the packing house on my layout when it is finished.

I did not feel like going on with roofing today, so I decided to do these tubes that are coming out of the roof of the real packing house. I don’t know what these tubes are for, but they make a nice detail. It took me two hours to solder these square .080" tubes together and I enjoyed every single minute (we modelers are all crazy, aren’t we? :mrgreen::mrgreen:). I still have to close the ends of the tubes and paint them. And I saw some nice water pipes in the proto pics, where is my soldering iron ........


I did not feel like going on with roofing today, so I decided to do these tubes that are coming out of the roof of the real packing house. I don’t know what these tubes are for, but they make a nice detail. It took me two hours to solder these square .080" tubes together and I enjoyed every single minute (we are all crazy, aren’t we? :mrgreen::mrgreen:). I still have to close the ends of the tubes and paint them. And I saw some nice water pipes in the proto pics, where is my soldering iron ........

I know how you feel about the roof. I meant to wire up my t.o.'s yesterday but stood there for an hour looking at the spots where the ground throws are supposed to go and where I needed to drill. So instead I just played with my locos which, BTW, is becoming a HUGE distraction.

It's all about the details isn't it. They are what makes our models look like the real world instead of toy. Well done as usual.

Quick question. How did you to solder the tubes in place like that?
An absolutely superb job..!! Now I know how I'll make that roundhouse that's going to be coming up in the next few months. If it comes out half as good as yours, I'll be a happy camper..!! :thumb: