On Track, with Deano

Hi Deano---Great shots of your prized possessions---I honestly know how you feel as I also own a large number of Doctor Wayne's treasures ---I would have to start a new thread to post them all,but here's a shot of some of my latest acquisitions---Nutbar

Great pics Deano & CN....You guys musta' been born with a four-leaf clover in each hand..!!! Those are some great engines & rolling stock..!!! :thumb:
Can you offer any additional information as to the complexity of the exhaust pipes and other equipment mounted on the hood of this engine?

I only ask because the following engine is how I'm used to seeing them...
Looks like a flashing beacon light on the cab - some roads, like BN, standardized on these. Spark arrestors like on CN switchers. Note that the number boards on the roof don't show the loco's number. These must be showing the train number, as SP and UP number boards did at one time.
Triplex is correct: standard CN-type exhausts:

I added the number boards mainly 'cause I like the look of them - the number displayed is mainly for loco identification, as the "parent" road also had a #53:

There's also a bell between the number boards, and the radiator vents on the top of the hood are covered with mesh. The class lights on the front were mainly an identifying feature of this particular loco, used in transfer service between the EG&E's Shuman Yard and the Grand Valley's West Dunn Yard. (Green flags or green class lights normally denote that a second section of the same train is following, certainly unlikely as this was the road's only loco.) ;)
Here's another view:

This is the loco that she replaced, which will eventually be put into service on my '30s-era layout:


So THAT's what happened to numbers 43 and 44, I always liked them and I'm glad to see that they've gone to a good home:thumb:

RRR #1116, my little Hustler, take part of its paint scheme from those two. The diagonal line on the cab seperating the gray and orange was inspired by the split number on numbers 43 and 44:

#1116 still needs some improvements, however, as she still lacks lenses for her headlight and rear cab light.:eek:ops::rolleyes:

Oh yeah, doctorwayne, whatever happened to #53? I seem to have an affinity for any Alco engines, especially the FA and RS units, like my CNW RS-32.
The 53 is still around:

along with the 54:

and another, similar set, 51 and 52. All are slated to go, as my road is going "all steam". ;):-D
The 45 and 46 are still around, too:

Wayne, THANKS for posting the shots of your FANTASTIC engines:thumb: , of coarse you know what engine i am most excited to see finished:mrgreen: .

in the prototype pic you posted, the engine #7104 next to the switcher in front of the UP box:mrgreen: , what is that?:confused: i gotta tell you, a lot of those CN engines i have seen are really neat:thumb: .

nutbar, GLAD to see #43 & #44 on your layout:thumb::mrgreen: .

Gus, i guess i do have a four leaf clover in my hand:119: , i AM very lucky:mrgreen: .

CNWman, NICE SHOT of your Hustler:thumb: .

Jim, the two shots below are for you:winki: , as per your request in another thread.


Not much happened this weekend, it was dads birthday Saturday, we didn't get to do anything great, he wasn't doing to hot, but i am thinking we can do something neat before this summer ends:winki::smilie: . we DID work on his layout though, and then ran trains for about an hour and a half.

I have been considering adding on to my current layout with another 8'x30'' module, i would like to make this section the "Museum" section, doing this conflicts with my original plans, but would work as part of the "big picture" since it would butt up to my current layout. i have been racking my brains trying to come up with a good plan though:eek:ops: . i think doing this would be what it takes to get me motivated again:winki: .

not much else going on, no rail fanning this weekend, perhaps next weekend, we'll see what happens:smilie: .

Till next time...stay on track!:smilie:


Always nice to see tunnel motors, Dean, although I think that I prefer the "snoot" version. ;)

That CN loco, the 1364, is an SW1200RS, the "RS" standing for "Road Switcher". Basically, they're an SW1200 with Flexicoil road trucks, an extended range fuel tank and an external light package, front and rear, that includes class lights and larger number boards. My Grand Valley 43, 44, 45, and 46 are also meant to be SW1200RSs, but I skipped the CN-specific details, which are available from Juneco and Miniatures By Eric. I did change out the trucks, though, and all have been remotored with can motors.
The loco with the 1364 is a "Sweep", which is basically a SW1200RS with the long hood (and internal stuff, too, I think) replaced with that from a Geep. The cab looks like a bit of a kitbash:

Both photos, by the way, are courtesy of Mister Nutbar. :-D:-D

Thought you'd get a kick outta this....
I had the day off and the kids start back to school in a few days, so I thought that we would go and have lunch with my wife downtown where she was working. I knew of a nice park on the river that I always wanted to take a few pics at but never had my camera. It has a nice fountain and a view of five sweet bridges in a row:



Anyway, we're getting ready to leave (I was off looking elsewhere), when my son says "There's a train!" I get my camera out and take a few quick and lousy pics of the too short train..........

and what do you think is on the end of it?


I said, "That one's for Deano!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::winker:
Dean, I know you've been pretty busy lately, but I thought that you might like to know that U.P. cars still make it up to Canada on a regular basis. ;):-D

I added sill steps and some grabirons, and some re-weigh/re-pack data, plus some really basic brake rigging (only visible in a major derailment) sign1 to an otherwise stock MDC car.

Jim, THANKS!:mrgreen: , and i DID see your Rio Grande's in the "other" thread, NICE!:thumb::thumb:

Wayne, THANK YOU for posting the info on that switcher, its really an AWESOME engine:thumb: . REAL GLAD to see UP freight on the EG&E:thumb::mrgreen: , you did a STUPENDOUS job on that box:worship: .

Gus, THANKS for the link!:thumb::mrgreen:

Matt, THANKS!:mrgreen:

Steve!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen: , THANKS for posting those pics, very nice looking park:winki::smilie: .
just goes to show you, UP is EVERYWHERE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: .

...ahh...i haven't been to the tracks for awhile:eeki::toug: .

"Deano, you have been out for awhile, surely you must have done a big train project, or done a lot of rail fanning"...Honestly, you would think so, but reality is, that couldn't be further from the truth:eeki: . real life has had me tied up, and then i have been spending LOTS of time on my "other" two hobbies:toug: , despite all the hectic that has come in my "absence", it has really been nice to get away a bit:winki: . i HAVE checked in often, but just haven't took the time to post much:eek:ops: .

Puzzling bad news...
some how i have managed to loose my camera:eeki: , I'll be darned if i can figure out where it is:confused: . if i was in a drunken stupor, or did drugs, it would be easy to blame loosing it on that, but i haven't drank a drop in over 15yrs, and i DON'T do drugs:cry: , sure i drink to much coffee, and smoke to many cigarettes:eek:ops: , but those habits wouldn't make me forget where i put the camera:roller: . i have tore my place apart, no luck, makes me think one of two things happened, 1- i could have had it in the car, stopped to get smokes, and had it stolen while i was in the store:eeki: , could have happened, heck i could see me forgetting i brought it with me:eek:ops: , or 2- perhaps one of my sons "friends" stole it:eeki: , i would like to think this didn't happen, but it is a possibility.

ANYWAYS, i bought a NEW camera yesterday, another SONY, but this one cost less then my last one, and frankly, after seeing the pics i took today, i couldn't be more unhappy:frowns: , well, i cant say i am surprised, thats just been my luck lately:roller: .

i got up off my computer chair and went out to try my camera out. I went to the WSOR round house, not much there...then headed to the UP yard. At the north end of the UP yard it was empty, so i headed to the south end of the yard, there was a Dash-9, two Geeps and an MP15DC:thumb: , problem is NONE of the pics i took of them turned out:frowns: . i was lucky enough to catch a freight coming in from Proviso yard, it had three Dash-9's pulling it up to the yard, then dropped the train, and the 3 Dash-9's rolled into the yard alone. next thing i know, two MP15DC's came up to put the freight into the yard. Folks, NEVER, NEVER, EVER, underestimate the power of an MP15DC:worship: , i watched those two engines pull that freight of at least a hundred cars into the yard:eeki: , it was amazing:thumb: .

I DID get about 20 pics of "fallen flag" freight cars today:thumb: , though the pic quality isn't great:frowns: . I'll post them in the "Fallen flag freight" thread this week.

Three VERY CLOSE friends of mine have things going on to cheer me up:thumb: , Steve(Nazgul) IS BACK:mrgreen: , and has an AWESOME mine project going on, he has updated it regularly too:mrgreen: , WAY TO GO STEVE!!!:thumb::thumb:

Seeing that UP box of Wayne's on his layout just made my day:mrgreen: , AND, i have a SLAP FANTASTIC package coming from Wayne:mrgreen::worship: , it couldn't have been at a better time, i think this will be just the shot in my arm i needed to get me back into things:thumb::mrgreen: . more on this later:winki: .

Nutbar sent me a PM today with pics of two GREAT looking UP boxcars he has on his layout:thumb: , it really made my day to see them:mrgreen: . nutbar, could you PLEASE post those pics on here:winki: , they are GREAT SHOTS of two AWESOME boxcars:thumb::mrgreen: .

I took today. please forgive my ignorance, but what is TFM, MET, and CNA?:confused: I seen these today and at a loss as to what roads these are:confused::eek:ops: . In the last pic, notice the "pink lady" ballast that the CNW was famous for:winki: .

Till next time...Stay on track







Hey Deano...Good to see ya' back in harness...Nice pics..(as always)...

TFM is Transportes Ferroviarios Mexicanos....It is the name of the company that bought out part of the railroad network when Mexico privatized the RR industry.
Deano, CNA 13700 is a Canadian National car, built in the U.S. for international service. CN also uses the reporting marks CNIS, which is for Canadian-built cars used in international service.

Deano!! I'm glad that you're back!:thumb::thumb::thumb::winker:

"i bought a NEW camera yesterday, another SONY, but this one cost less then my last one, and frankly, after seeing the pics i took today, i couldn't be more unhappy"

Don't know what you are talking about......Those pics look pretty good to me!:thumb::thumb:

MET.....Modesto & Empire Traction......It's a Class III shortline operating in California's SanJoaquin Valley....the same family has owned it since its begining in 1911 (that's cool!)