On Track, with Deano

Great Photo Deano.

I sure seen a sight today after dropping my fiance off at her house. Seen a mixed freight working it's way up the mountain and what did I see, 2 Dash 9-44CW's, 1 SD40-2, & 1 GP38-2 lashed up together. Some nice power I must say.


Where was your camera!!!!?????


Hmmm...Matt, NO NEED to worry about the camera, i think i caught some pics of that train as it went through the RVS:thumb: , only between where you are, and the RVS, the Dash-9 on the point was changed to an AC4400:winki::119: , pics below.

NO prototype pics this weekend folks:frowns: , but i have a few pics from dads layout I'll post this weekend, don't get to exicited...not great pics, NO AREA on dads layout is even close to being finished, but they will make for some progress shots:winki: .

i ALSO am going to TRY and get some shots of some NEW engines that were rolling through the RVS headed to the NEW Museum, and some freight cars that were picked up in Canada and are destined for areas here on the RVS:thumb::mrgreen: .

Thats a tall order for pics, and i am short on time this weekend, but hopefully i can make it happen:thumb: .

Till next time...Stay on track!



I have taken hundreds of shots of dads layout, though there is plenty enough light to run trains on it, its horrible for taking pictures of it:frowns: . i have posted shots of a couple areas on dads layout before, but here are a few areas i don't post much of, sorry only a couple actually came out, here they are. MUCH work is needed in these areas, but take them as progress shots, if you will:winki: .





MUCH work is needed in these areas, but take them as progress shots, if you will.
As is the case in most model railroads! With that said, those are the cleanest streets I've ever seen! I also think you need some traffic bollards around those signal lights 'cause they will probably suffer the wrath of the first drunk driver to pass this way! Nice scenes.
Jim, TrainNut & Dave, THANKS GUYS!:mrgreen:

Dads layout is pretty big, the problem is we start an area, but get to a certain point and then move on, we should just finish each area off instead i guess:eek:ops: .

like i mentioned, i have taken hundreds of pics of dads layout, the problem is very few turn out because about 75% of it doesn't have good lighting:frowns: .

a few more shots off dads layout, all the engines pictured are mine, except for the Milwaukee Road F7, thats one of dads current favorite engines:winki: .

:upsd: -Deano






Dean, all of the pictures which you post look well-lit, so your camera must be compensating somewhat for the low light levels. Mister Nutbar and I ran into a similar problem when he finally figured out how to stop-down the aperture on his camera: while it gave us better depth-of-field, in many areas on my layout it was too dark for the camera to take a useable picture. We solved the problem, to some degree, by using a "trouble light" to illuminate the scene being photographed, with one taking the picture while the other acted as Mister Sun, holding the light over the area.

Dean, all of the pictures which you post look well-lit, so your camera must be compensating somewhat for the low light levels. Mister Nutbar and I ran into a similar problem when he finally figured out how to stop-down the aperture on his camera: while it gave us better depth-of-field, in many areas on my layout it was too dark for the camera to take a useable picture. We solved the problem, to some degree, by using a "trouble light" to illuminate the scene being photographed, with one taking the picture while the other acted as Mister Sun, holding the light over the area.

THANKS Wayne, the pics you see are all from "kinda" well lit areas, i think I'll try the "trouble light" idea you mentioned:winki: . I'm just using a Sony Cybershot 7.2 :eek:ops: .

i hate to keep posting pics from the same locations on dads layout, on my layout, i don't have much choice because its so small:eek:ops: , but dads has much more to offer as far as real estate goes. honestly i have taken well over 100 pics of my Y3 in different areas on his layout, but you folks haven't seen any because they just didn't turn out.

:upsd: -Deano

That's awesome! I didn't think there were any bandits left around at all! Have always been a fan of the Milwaukee Road and of course MP15's because of their uniqueness. Same with the GP30's. Sounds like you did make some amazing finds. Guess I should get into Janesville more often.

Love those pics...!!! That Zephyr rolling through town is really AWESOME..!! :thumb:

Bandits...?? I don't see no stinkin' bandits....Just good Janesville folks waiting for their train....:mrgreen:
Matt & Gus, THANKS GUYS!!!:mrgreen:

Nick, THANKS!, looks like you have went through this thread:winki: , yea, i was lucky to catch those engines in Janesville, we wont count the 1000 times i have been there and not seen such great finds though:119: .

**Really, one thing i like to stress is, you have to make things happen, what i mean is, every train experience is a good one, even if you don't get a great engine shot:winki: . some people see a string of cars, and get discouraged because theres no engine, or its not "unique", i see a string of cars and see a gold mine:thumb: , lots of weathering examples, or if i see a freight car from a fallen flag still in service, NOW THATS A FIND!:mrgreen: , the same as if i find cars that have the ever popular "bar codes" on them from the 70's, GOOD STUFF.

like i said, you have to "make things happen", pick your spots, get off the couch and frequent those places regularly, sooner or later something really neat will show up:thumb: .

**On a different note, have you folks checked out Atlas's NEW Alco HH660/600's? SLAP AWESOME first generation diesels:thumb::mrgreen: . they came out in 1931, so anyone modeling from the 30's-60's, these would be right at home on your layout:winki: . check out Atlas's website, they did an AWESOME job on them. i have a pic of a real one, i took this pic at the IRM:thumb: .

Till next time...Stay on track!
:upsd: -Deano
Deano, great pics from your Dad’s layout :thumb:. BTW, how big is your Dad’s layout? Could you please tell us a bit more about it? After seeing so many pics of it, I am quite curious now.

I saw some pre-production photos of the new Atlas HH660 some weeks ago and have been eagerly waiting since then to see the roadnames of their first run. Unfortunately they don’t have the right roads for me – ATSF (zebra) or BM – and I would prefer to have an engine with sound. So I have to wait for one of the next runs. This HH660 would be a very nice addition to my small collection of old switchers.

Oh man, is there anything the IRM does not have??????? I definitely have to come over some day and see it myself.
Kurt:wav: , to be honest, i really don't remember the exact measurements to dads layout:eek:ops: , but I'll try and get an over all shot of it this weekend, and get the dimensions from dad:thumb: .

**As for the Atlas HH660/600's, the first run is due out in October, and the roads in that run are:
New Haven
Main Central
Milwaukee Road

the Milwaukee Road H660 has MY name on it:winki: .

:upsd: -Deano
Your Thoughts...

I am really at a point to where i have mixed feelings about the future of the Rock Valley Sub(RVS) :eeki: .

I am planning on moving at the end of next month, thus, i have stopped all projects on the RVS till the move. at this point, i have just about enough engines & freight to model any era from the 50's-today, thats my problem:eeki: , i am really up in the air on my plans.

currently, the RVS is set at 1969-79, but i have been toying with the idea of bringing it "back to the future", to 80-90's. doing this, gives me a few options, like realistically doing leasing companies, or doing a large RR museum, OR, perhaps BOTH. this would enable me to run the full gambit of everything i have:winki: .

I REALLY LIKE the Museum idea, i think it would be really neat to model, and bringing the RVS back up to the 90's would really help that project make more sense then leaving the RVS as it is now, in the 70's...thats MY thoughts.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, the RVS is really about the UP in Wisconsin, so that being the main theme is going to stay the same, thats a given:thumb: , the rest is just a"side line" to enable me to be able to run the stuff i have that you just don't see on the rails today.

i am really missing running my patched units, AC6000, oh heck, ALL my AC's, and my SD90/43, SD70M, SD60M, etc. bringing the RVS back to the future would enable me to run this stuff again, and having it make sense doing it:winki: , on the other hand, i do enjoy running my older engines too.

leave the RVS in the 69-79 era, OR bring it back to the future?:confused:

There is NO RIGHT ANSWER, and there is NO WRONG ANSWER:thumb: , i am really just looking for thoughts, opinions, and perhaps some ideas.
ULTIMATELY, the outcome will be determined BY ME, but i am kinda at a crossroads right now and i would like to hear what YOU FOLKS, that are kind enough to follow this thread think:winki::smilie: .

A THANK YOU! to ANYONE thats throws their two cents in:thumb: .

:upsd: -Deano


