On Track, with Deano

Steve!, GLAD you enjoyed the WSOR railfan trip:thumb: . you can look forward to MANY more Field trips on here:winki: . when spring & summer come along, railfanning & the other Field trips i have planned will be more frequent:thumb: . seeing that GP30 & those Milwaukee road switchers was just purely 100% luck, i NEVER expected it:smilie: .

Joe, GLAD you enjoyed it!:mrgreen: in your other post you mentioned you bought a UP F3A, if your a UP fan, i can assure you there WILL BE TONS of UP railfan trips & UP modeling on here:thumb: , as UP is my 100% FAVORITE RR:mrgreen: .(I don't have an F3, but pic #1 below is my F9A:mrgreen: )

Kevin, my other 2 threads were just practice threads for this one:winki::119: . with the plans i have for this one, it will slap blow the doors off the other two:winki::mrgreen: . i don't know how far it is from my area to yours:confused: , but i live right on the WI/ILL state line. that UP engine your talking about is at the IRM in Union Ill. the IRM is bar none the best place...ever, to see old engines:thumb: . much of the stuff down there runs too:thumb: . the best time to visit the IRM is on "Diesel Days":winki: . dad and i go every year, its FANTASTIC!:thumb::mrgreen::mrgreen: I WILL be doing a couple "write ups" on the IRM, i have TONS of GREAT shots of the engines there:thumb: . (pic#2 below is just a small taste of what they have:mrgreen: )

Wayne & Kurt, just because you guys are good friends of mine:mrgreen: , doesn't mean I'm gonna let you knock those poor old BEAUTIFUL BL2's:toug::119: .
i happen to think they are AWESOME engines:mrgreen: . i have an undecorated one that hasn't made my roster yet because none of the roads i like had them:frowns: . (i have a Baldwin shark that i have the same problem with) pic#3 shows my BL2:toug::mrgreen: .
......"Big Ed" has just informed me he might have the paint shop on the Rock Valley Sub paint 'em up as UP units and use them on local runs:winki::toug::119::mrgreen: .

Zack, REAL GLAD you liked the Milwaukee Road MP15AC pics!:thumb::mrgreen: like i said, they were on a train headed to WSOR's paint shop in Horicon, we'll NEVER see those units in their original colors again:frowns: .

THOUGH I'm a UP FANATIC:mrgreen: , the last big post just goes to show you folks i DO like a few other roads, and I'm gonna try and not bore you with just UP stuff:winki: ....just mostly UP stuff:eeki::winki::119::mrgreen: .

:deano: -Deano


Deano, I had no idea you were such a UP fan:mrgreen::twisted:
Kidding aside your posts, enthusiasm and great modeling is what got me looking at the UP stuff:mrgreen: Thanks.

And all the other folks here on the gauge has kept my interest peaked until I was able to do something with it. Thank you all.:wave:

Wayne & Kurt, just because you guys are good friends of mine:mrgreen: , doesn't mean I'm gonna let you knock those poor old BEAUTIFUL BL2's:toug::119: .

......"Big Ed" has just informed me he might have the paint shop on the Rock Valley Sub paint 'em up as UP units and use them on local runs:winki::toug::119::mrgreen: .

Dean, the first time that I saw a BL2, I thought that the BL stood for either "Bad Lines" or "Butt-ugly Locomotive". I later learned that it is a short-form for BLechhh! peasoup :p :p:-D

I think that Big Ed (Cliff says "Hi!") has the right idea, though. Get that poor thing into the paint shop and spiff 'er up with some Armor Yellow. Most old girls look better with a bit of make-up. ;):p:-D:-D

Joe, GLAD i got you looking at UP:thumb: . besides the rich history the UP has, they ARE the oldest operating class 1 RR today:winki::thumb: . you gotta admit, they had some of the most AWESOME engines too:mrgreen: .
i also agree with you, the folks here on The Gauge are -BAR NONE- the BEST around:bravo: .

Ralph, THANK YOU!:mrgreen: your right, that IT GP7 is SLAP AWESOME!:mrgreen: , it runs real good too:winki: .

....I think that Big Ed (Cliff says "Hi!") has the right idea, though. Get that poor thing into the paint shop and spiff 'er up with some Armor Yellow. Most old girls look better with a bit of make-up. ;):p:-D:-D

Wayne, the more i think about it, i think i will do the BL2 & Shark up as UP units:thumb: , I'll just hope no one calls the UP "proto police" on me:eeki::119: .

Hey Wayne, "Big Ed"(is standing in pic#1:winki: )sends out a big HI!!! to his cousin Cliff Sjoblom and his good buddy AL Moon up in Canada:winki::mrgreen: . Big Ed wants you to pass on pics 2 & 3 to AL Moon to show him those 3 leased EG-E units are STILL hard at work here on UP's Rock Valley Sub:thumb::mrgreen: .

:deano: -Deano


Al sends his regards, too, Dean, and says, "It's always nice to see those units again, and to know that they're in such good hands. Keep 'em rollin'."

pic#3 shows my BL2:toug::mrgreen: .
......"Big Ed" has just informed me he might have the paint shop on the Rock Valley Sub paint 'em up as UP units and use them on local runs:winki::toug::119::mrgreen: .

I think I told you how that could be possible through the long line
of mergers involving the CE&I, who had 3 BL2's including EMD demenstrator #499. I can't remember who bought the CE&I, but I know that UP eventualy got 'em. Still, BL2's are cool! Here's mine:

Also, I can't believe you haven't posted one of your steamers yet Deano!:eek::p I'll have to fix that by posting my UP steamer:mrgreen:...
CNWman, NICE BL2!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: :)toug: to Wayne & Kurtsign1 ...you guys know i am totally just having fun you on the BL2 thing:winki::mrgreen: )

GREAT UP steamer too!:winki::mrgreen: i really like that type of tender on it:thumb: .
....as far as to why i haven't posted my steamers yet, all in good time my friend:winki: . i cant just go posting everything i have all on one weekend:119: , if i posted ONE engine a day, it would take over 80 days to do it...(hey, theres an idea:twisted::119: ). I'll tell you what, since YOU got UP covered on this one, I'll throw in my SP AC12:winki::mrgreen: .

I picked up a couple new bikes & bikers this weekend:thumb: .
:deano: -Deano


C'mon Dean a SP AC12, :confused: What the heck is that? I mean besides being real SWEET. When is it going to stopr? :p Never I hope BAH-ha-ha-ha:twisted:stooges8bounce7 I'm thinking I NEED onesign1sign1

to Wayne & Kurtsign1 ...you guys know i am totally just having fun you on the BL2 thing
:mrgreen: )

What???? I am totally serious on that....sign1sign1. I really don’t think that the BL2 is a beauty, but she is cute in her own way and she is unique. I would paint it in the colors of C&EI or MoPac before they were swallowed :)eek:OOOPS:eek:....bad word – saved??:mrgreen:) by the UP.
CNWman, NICE BL2!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: :)toug: to Wayne & Kurtsign1 ...you guys know i am totally just having fun you on the BL2 thing:winki::mrgreen: )

GREAT UP steamer too!:winki::mrgreen: i really like that type of tender on it:thumb: .
....as far as to why i haven't posted my steamers yet, all in good time my friend:winki: . i cant just go posting everything i have all on one weekend:119: , if i posted ONE engine a day, it would take over 80 days to do it...(hey, theres an idea:twisted::119: ). I'll tell you what, since YOU got UP covered on this one, I'll throw in my SP AC12:winki::mrgreen: .

I picked up a couple new bikes & bikers this weekend:thumb: .
:deano: -Deano

Alright!:mrgreen::thumb: I love big articulateds, too:mrgreen: The tender on my steamer, a Spectrum 2-8-0, was the only one at the hobby store. It lacks in the weight dept., though (I have to keep a socket wrench head in the coal bay to keep the wires from de-railing the train:eek:) As for my BL2, which I also think is awesome, I got for $10!:mrgreen:
Joe, right out of the box, that Intermountain AC12 looks OUTSTANDING:thumb: , they truly done a STUPENDOUS job on all the details:thumb::thumb: , HOWEVER, unless you have curves with 30r, the engine wont run well at all:frowns: . it barely makes 22r curves:cry: . the problem is its built JUST LIKE THE REAL ARTICULATED ENGINES, what i mean is, all REAL articulated engines have the first set of drivers(the set closest to the cab) stationary..they DON'T swivel, ONLY the farthest set from the cab actually swiveled:winki: . that being so, it makes the intermountain cab forwards IMPOSSIBLE to run on anything but large curves:frowns: .
ANOTHER thing that makes the Intermountain cab forward not great is its top speed is pretty slow, and its pulling power is pretty low too:eeki::frowns: . my Big Boy & both my Challengers can EASILY out pull the AC12:winki: .

Riverossi, BLI & PCM make FANTASTIC cab forwards that have BOTH sets of drivers swivel, making them very forgiving on tighter curves:thumb: . if i were to get another cab forward, i wouldn't go by looks alone again:cry: , I'd get one of the three better runners that i had mentioned:winki: .

Wayne & CNWman, i have looked through my UP diesel roster guide, NO BL2's ever made UP's roster:cry: . though it is highly possible they had acquired the BL2's from MP, they were probably sold off, given to a museum, or just flat out scrapped right away:eeki: .
Not sure about MP's engines, but i know when they acquired WP, 90% of WP's engines were scrapped out right away, a couple of them, like their F units were donated to museums:winki: . keep in mind folks, the roads UP acquired had HUGE financial problems, & MOST of the equipment they were using was slap wore out junk:eeki: . (the Rio Grande, SP & CNW had the best shape engines of all the acquired roads)

Josh, THANK YOU for the complement, & THANKS for identifying the GP30 as a WC:thumb: , i should have figured it out...being I'm from WI:eek:ops::119: .

Kurt!, hey, you are entitled to your opinion:thumb: , everyone cant be happy with ALL the engines out there:winki: . after much thought, i think I'll probably do up my BL2 & shark as "what if" UP units:winki::thumb: , Big ED wont care:119: , thats just two more engines i can add to my roster:toug::119::mrgreen: .

:deano: -Deano

Charlie! :wav: , FANTASTIC PIC!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: MY DAD HAS A FEW PICS OF THAT ENGINE:thumb: , in fact, he knew the guy that owned it:winki: . i am sorry, but i cant remember his name:eek:ops: , i hope my dad reads this thread and chimes in on the name of the owner, and perhaps lets us know what he knows about the engine:winki: .

what i know is, that picture was taken in Janesville:thumb: , the building & sand tower you see is the old Milwaukee Road round house:mrgreen: , its now owned by WSOR:winki: . IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, Wisconsin & calumet had that BL2 before the owner that painted it up as Janesville & Southern did:confused: . i wasn't going to let the cat out of the bag....but dad has tons of neat pics & RR memorabilia(mostly Milwaukee Road) stuff that we planned on scanning this coming weekend so i could post it ON THIS THREAD:eeki::thumb::mrgreen: . IF WE CAN FIND THE PICS DAD HAS OF THAT ENGINE, I'LL SCAN 'EM:thumb:

THANK YOU! for posting that Charlie!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
:deano: -Deano

EDIT: I forgot to mention, that BL2 now resides at a museum in Green Bay.
dad has talked about the guy(that owned the BL2 in Charlie's pic) so many times, sitting here racking my brains....i think his name was Glen Monarch...but i could be wrong:eek:ops: . if it wasn't so late I'd call dad, lets hope he pops in on this thread tomorrow:winki: . if i remember right Glen had past on years ago:frowns: .
:deano: -Deano