My new/old lay-out


Feb 20, 2002
Winchester N.H.
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I've been posting most of my pictures in the RI thread in the General Talk section but have desided to continue here in the N/Z section where it belongs.

I'm no Shamus and would appreciate your honest opions good or bad. I thrive on constructive critisism.

This was the starting point Which I tore out to fix the curves for passenger service.


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I used Woodlandscenics slate gray stain for the ledges then diluted it to give it a 3D look. then painted the whole area tan and sprinkeled ground foam on the wet paint to get a base for the final coat of ground foam.


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This is the valley that leads out to Temporal Yard. Eventualy I'll have a small yard for the 0-6-0 and the passenger cars. I realy do mean small.

The picture isn't the greatest its a cheap camera and I have to take a few pictures at differant distances to get a good shot.


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I still need to finish the other side of the bridge, and the bridge too. This picture is of the portal on the frieghts main line that circles Temporal Yard. It kinda hides behind a hill. I was trying to give the area something that quietly stood out. I am happy with the effect it made over all.

I hope I haven't bored you to death:) :)


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Hello Shane,
That little railroad of yours is looking very nice indeed, what track do you use? I noticed the viaduct, great photo that area will make later on.

Hi Shane, Thats a great looking railroad you got going there. I'm sorry I did't get back to you sooner but was out of state for a while. Grandson got married back in the home state of Pennsylvania. It was the first time I had a chance to visit a real hobby since I moved out here twenty two years ago. I picked up everything I needed and more. I guess you seen that Atlas is rerunning the ore cars. I have forty of them ordered and hopefully they get here before old Santa. Thanks again for all your help and input. Again thats a fine looking railroad.

Nice looking layout!:cool:
Do you have a trackplan we could see?
I like the looks of that viaduct too!
I had a track plan in the beginning but most of that went out the window.

The original track plan is the Atlas N59 which Tony Keoster did an article in one of the track plannig magizines. This is my service yard which I tore out about 40% last weekend to flop it around a little for a storage yard. Instead of it being 27"X60, I had a sheet of 1/2 " plywood ripped to 32" and went with it. This gave me larger radius for the curves.

Then I added a 24"X60" extention on to that then a 24"X48" to that and this is where I'm working now. I'll finish this up and move back to the yard and finish that up, I'm pretty happy with the center for now anyways. I'll do up a rough diagram tommow and post it.

Thanks for all the kind words it keeps me going.:) :)


This was an experiment I wanted to try.I spray the diluted white glue on the scenery, I also was able to paint the road bed and surrounding area. And got sick of haveing to clean the rails after.this way I dont have any unwanted ground foam,paint, and the such on the rails/ties. I use an dropper to do the ballast work so thats pretty clean. I'll let you know if it was worth it. I did put the track down in all the hard to reach places.
Hi Shane!
I do the same thing with track plans...
I just kinda use them to get the skeleton of an idea, & then always end up making changes when I see how it's coming together.
Speaking of which...yours is coming together nicely!:cool:
I've realy been trying to draw a track plan to put here but time is not on my side. I do alot of tractor trading and stopped to see an elderly blind lady in town to see if she needed her lawn mowed, Well she's been keeping me busy for about nine hours a day doing chores and running errands for her. I haven't mowed her lawn yet. Now she called a bunch of friends and they all want me to do some work at there house. Thier all elderly and dont realy have any one to do the "manly" type work. Their wonderful ladies and since I'm permanitly out of the building trade its keeps the RR crews busy:D :D

I promise to have one by Saturaday.
I'm sorry I broke my promise but I'll be going in for back surgery at the end of the month and I tend to a few properties in the area, so I'm trying to get them cought up before I go in.

After the sugery I should have some time to get something done.