Millenniumfalsehood's "Beta" (Star Wars) Modified Corellian Corvette

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
First, thank you very much for the patronage and compliments. :mrgreen:

Now, when I sent the models in I clearly labeled them. I guess Zathros just mislabeled them when he put them in for me (I'll have to PM him about that). All the Star Destroyers I sent in were different, so you can download them all with confidence. I am waiting for them to upgrade the ISD2 because the one I put in the downloads section is just a stretched version of the ISD1, and there are a lot of differences besides proportions. The others I sent in were the Victory I and II and three versions of the Venator class.

Also, did Airfix release a Star Destroyer? I thought that was just MPC and AMT.

I'll probably start working on them again, since my current semester is only five hours (I really over-did it last semester and I just need a nice, easy ride to cool off this time around). The thing is, as I said, I lost all the files I converted, so I just stopped working on them. But Ill probably work on them again. I'm REALLY interested in converting the XWAU Executor. That thing would be freaking SWEET at like three or four feet. It would be the centerpiece of my Star Wars model collection for sure. It probably wouldn't be in scale with my other models (1:2400, IIRC), but I'll probably rescale the Imperial class and include it with the model. Heck, why not five Star Destroyers so you can make Death Squadron. :wink:

Seriously, I'm really considering doing at least the Nebulon-B because I love that design. I just need to re-download them and remember what program I used to convert them to 3DS so Metasequoia can read them.

Unfortunately, Zathros is no longer a member here.

If you send me a PM, and tell me what needs to be fixed and how, I willl take care of it for you


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2007
Ark City, Kansas
Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that, though I'm sure there was a good reason for that happening.

I'll send you a PM with the corrections needed.

I send you two PM's but am not sure if you got them, sometimes my browser locks-up when I click the send button and I'll have to restart it.


I've been unable to access the internet for the last few days for some reason, so I was unaware of them. I'll send the files ASAP. :thumb: