Mark Twain Riverboat

gland to glance

Little problem where the steps meet. You could fix that by slipping in repair steps over the existing one. Relocate the hand rail so it is parallel to the top deck, and terminates square. Make the repair staircase piece to whatever shape is necessary to finish off the stair case. Your eye will glance over it and it any problems will not be noticeable. Keep that handrail straight though, that's crucial. :)
Little problem where the steps meet. You could fix that by slipping in repair steps over the existing one. Relocate the hand rail so it is parallel to the top deck, and terminates square. Make the repair staircase piece to whatever shape is necessary to finish off the stair case. Your eye will glance over it and it any problems will not be noticeable. Keep that handrail straight though, that's crucial. :)
The parts are still temp.But thanks for looking out.
004.JPGWhen i attached The stairs I had to repair one step .fat fingers LOL.I,ll have to straiten the rail with tweazer while I put the next set of stairs in.
Lookin' better and better, well, 'cept for that railing issue. I also suffer from some rather weighty digits as well, so I know how it works. ;)
There is another set of stairs and rails in that area so it does not pay to glue it until later.The black and white strips in the rails are giving me eye strain so I am going to take my time in doing them.

It's not only your models threads that make good reading, it is your responses, and the great positive way you allow people to exchange idea with you. Truly, you are one of my favorite people. :)
Well. just so you know, it is a pleasure to read your posts. I find them relaxing and informative. :)
Oh yeah, I know all about that Eye Strain trip, I made the first paper model design I ran across online out of white styrene, talk about goin' snowblind. sign1

But it was worth it, that is what got me started making card model kits.
Oh yeah, I know all about that Eye Strain trip, I made the first paper model design I ran across online out of white styrene, talk about goin' snowblind. sign1

But it was worth it, that is what got me started making card model kits.
I was seeing strips in my sleep.
Any new progress on your river-boat? I just read your thread, today. It is very beautiful. I would love to see it finished. :)
Any new progress on your river-boat? I just read your thread, today. It is very beautiful. I would love to see it finished. :)
thank you and no.i still have not recovered from my strokes enough to finish it.hopefully i will get bake to it in the spring.