Macross II VF2SS by Janx

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what about this guys???is this dead???I´ve seen you are kind of busy with the vf-1 you need any help???I have skills with pepakura designer.......if you want me to help you........let me know....see ya
Nah its not dead, my prime beta tester lost an argument with a snowblower. So holding off getting this moving again till his hands back to full working order.

Most of the parts are nearly in their final state (including gun and undercarriage), less the textures.


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AGH! MY EYES! Put it away Janx! Us unworthy people can't look at this magnificence through sheer sight! - Looking totally sweet, keep it up buddy! :D

Gawd I love your designs...
Hey Guys,

Since I can't quite finish what I'm working on on the VF-1 till I get more ink I should try to finish building the last parts to test up so Janx can have the go head or a fix this report :p

yayyyyy, happy, happy, joy, joy:razz:
i need to hurry up so i canbuild this model when you finish it.
is there a chance to get the model without texture?
because for me paper is the media to get a design made in metal and composit material. no offence ment to paper models just i like something that feels a bit stronger.
still good work so far hope to see the final model soon :thumb:
I am currently working on another project that's being turned into a multimedia kit.
Makes me think I should make this a commercial release.... but probably should not put that here.
Well the model may not be dead but my monitor is :( everything on hold till I can get a new one) This laptop cant cut it.
Hey Guys I got the new legs mostly finished. Just a few more parts to go.

Here's a belly shot of Fighter mode pieced together. There may be some more re-building to do before I lock this into Fighter mode so I'm not gluing the components together just yet. The Main boddy has had a minor adjustment so I'm waiting to hear from Janx if he thinks it needs to be tested or not.

No she's not a dead project. Not by a long shot :D I was just un-able to build with broken fingers for a while and then I re-emerged with wrapping up the VF-1 project. That one is just about finished so I can start back into this one agian.

I can her that muttering Janx :p

Enjoy the pix.


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wow that looks sweet getter!!! great work the both of you. now just hope that the misses will let me buy this model from janx if he starts asking money for it. ^_^;
Thanks guys :D

Compared to the other VF2SS kits I have (plastic and resin) they can't hold a candle to the paper one :D

Itla, Thanks. I've been trying to get better at taking pictures. I've only had a camrea for bout 4 years now and it's the 1st one I've ever had :p It's old (I got it used from a plastic modeler buddy) but it was a top of the line a while back so it's high quality still :D

My first post here. I've been looking for a 1/72 VF-2SS, and I must thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'm not to experienced in paper modeling, but seeing this coming, I think I'll start practicing!

How close are you to completion, where will it be downloaded from, and..? oh too many questions!! Also, is there a way to harden paper as close to plastic or styrene as possible? I'd love to build it with a clear canopy, resin cockpit, assorted greebles and photo-etc

Also, is he considering building the armor/weapon pack as well. As I recall, these fighters seldom flew without them. They were standard equipment. That would be so terrific.

I'm waiting breathlessly!:wave:
My first post here. I've been looking for a 1/72 VF-2SS, and I must thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'm not to experienced in paper modeling, but seeing this coming, I think I'll start practicing!

How close are you to completion, where will it be downloaded from, and..? oh too many questions!! Also, is there a way to harden paper as close to plastic or styrene as possible? I'd love to build it with a clear canopy, resin cockpit, assorted greebles and photo-etch.

Also, is he considering building the armor/weapon pack as well. As I recall, these fighters seldom flew without them. They were standard equipment. That would be so terrific.

I'm waiting breathlessly!:wave:

In the past I've used thin CA glue. The stuff for balsa R/C airplanes. It runs through the fibers of the paper then hardens almost to the consistancy of dried epoxy. Note: because the ink will run and the paper turns yellow this trick only works if you plan on painting the finished product for the final apperance, or if the part is out of sight who cares.
Cool man, thanks for letting me know. If I ever build this, I would be afraid whenever I walked past with a glass of water. Or left it on the porch... when it's raining... Like I did with a cardboard/electric tape panther jet I built as a kid. Damn thing actually flew!! Well, glided, all the way across the street!:thumb:

But that was before too much moisture in the air made the wings droop.wall1

Lesson learned...:curse:
project on Hold atm, planning on getting back to it soon. Due to the amount of work involved I may release it as a commercial model.
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