M4a3 Sherman - Gpm

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Jul 3, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Hello again,

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a sizable model show. There were lots of very impressive plastic models as well as some scratch-built ships. I did not see one paper model at the show. I am convinced that the awareness of this hobby is small, but growing.

I decided that for next year's show, I will be entering GPM's Sherman and the GPM Dragon Wagon. I have both kits and they are AWESOME.

Starting with the Sherman:

Note the number of pages in this kit. Lots of parts, but not as large as some of the Modelik subjects I have seen. The rest of the pictures show the eggcrate construction of the Sherman. The instructions calls for an odd thickness for the cardboard (.75 to .90 mm thk). I glued up 3 pieces of thin poster board to attain this thickness. If I would have used the standard 1mm thick cardboard, I would have had some fit issues for sure.



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The fit of the skinning on the frame was close to perfect. The only problem is that the flap at the far rear of the tank is about 1 mm too long (my fault no doubt). A simple matter of lopping it off with a sharp blade should solve the problem.



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This is the first model of a tank that I ever built (including plastic), so please excuse my lack of knowledge or correct names for the parts.

Next, the build of the parts that support the (bogies??). Snowmobile terminology.



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Bogies and rollers (continued)....


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Next, I built the drive sprockets and idler wheels. The first 2 pictures are the support structures that hold the sprockets and idlers to the tank. Even though the pictures show sprockets and idlers in place on the tank, they are not yet glued into place. I anticipate the need for flexibility when putting on the track at a later time.



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I also have this model. It is in my ToDo list (not the first one). I am going to follow your thread with great interest. Perhaps it will put the Sherman on top of my list...

Your build looks great even if it is the first tank at your hands.

Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for sharing this build. Looking good and seems to be moving right along.

Pictures are great, some more descriptive text of problems or good points would be very nice.

These build threads are so helpful.

Keep it coming!
Love the Sherman and a great build so far, --but you might just want to get a different coloured pen for the edges... Now they're showing up very clearly...
Is the model colour a camera/lighting artifact? My copy of the Sherman is green not brown. Impressive progress for a first AFV model.

I found bogies are just about the most time consuming part of modeling WW2 US tanks (at least I did when I built the Gremir M3 Grant).


Charlie and Lex,

My camera could be the culprit. I am color blind as well, so browns and greens tend to look the same to me anyway. I asked my wife and son, and they tell me the model is green. I am using a crayola green marker for the edges. The pics in this thread make the edges look worse than they are in normal light. When I am finished with the tank, I am going to touch up with some Testors Olive Drab on the edges - that should help things a bit.

Hello again,
I did not see one paper model at the show. I am convinced that the awareness of this hobby is small, but growing.



You would be surprised how many of the members of the IPMS are aware of paper models this includes the officers on the national board. It’s just that most plastic modelers do not have the patience to try to build a paper model. I attribute the short attention span of plastic modelers to the fumes from the glue and paint, Opps I hope there aren’t any plastic modelers lurking around here I’m likely to be flamed over that comment.

Join the club you were attending they will be astounded with your models.

The Sherman build is looking very good.

Jim Nunn
Well, I made a little progress on the Sherman.

First, the radiator assembly took a lot of trimming to get everything to fit correctly. Again, I think the thickness of the cardboard plays a big part in this. In airplanes and jets, this isn't an issue, but I can see that for tanks etc; it is more critical. Anyway, the next few pictures show the details at the rear end of the tank. I believe these are exhaust pipes - not sure. Also, the tow clasp and hooks are shown (and the rear door). Finally, the front fenders are attached - they look great. (except for my poor choice of edge coloring)

I'm really impressed with this kit; I just wish my skills were worthy of it. By the time I get to the Dragon Wagon, I just might know what I am doing!

Goin' to Florida tomorrow to get away from the Michigan weather - be back in a week. :wave: Ken


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Very nice build so far - great subject! - one you don't see too often. I'm anxious to see how the compound curves work out on the turret assembly. :thumb:

As far as being color blind you are not alone there...you may want to consider Johnny's solution for matching colors. Just take your book into a paint store and have them scan it with their color matching system, for a couple of bucks you can get a quart of paint that's an exact match... more than enough paint to do this and the dragon wagon about a thousand times over.
Hello everyone!

Just a quick note to let you know that I almost have the tracks built and added to the model. Hopefully this weekend I will post the pictures.

Other priorities are getting in the way. :rolleyes:

I just finished building and installing the tracks on the Sherman. This was about the most tedious and time consuming thing I think I ever did!.

The basic tracks are comprised of 2 strips that are glued together; print side out. Then the cleats are glued to the outside, and multitudes of track guides are glued to the inside. (see the pile of them)

The second picture illustrates the brutal tedium involved...

Then the track is fed over the top rollers and drive cog, then joined at the ends. Several of the track guides were pulled loose in the process and had to be reattached.

Not a perfect job by a longshot, but I am satisfied with the outcome. The rest of the tank should be a breeze!



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